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The Yom Kippur War .

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43 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

For the benefit of the silly one who doesn't understand what plain English words mean.   I didn't say he considered himself middle class.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     I said    "I  DONT KNOW WHETHER YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF middle class"

And he apparently doesn't.


So you can answer Some questions. Shame about the ones you can’t or won’t.

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In 1948 when the Nakba happened in Palestine =








Those who are mad that on October 7th women were raped, do your research and read for yourself how Israel was formed  in 1948 and how rape was used as a weapon and still is today.

I didn’t know much about the history of Israel and Palestine but the more I read the more I realise that Israel  is an apartheid state that uses terror tactics even the Nazis would be proud of.

Meanwhile the genocide continues shamelessly under the guise of Israeli self defence and the double standards of outrage against Hamas but silence against Israel says a lot about the pro Israel brigade…



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11 minutes ago, mafya said:

In 1948 when the Nakba happened in Palestine =








Those who are mad that on October 7th women were raped, do your research and read for yourself how Israel was formed  in 1948 and how rape was used as a weapon and still is today.

I didn’t know much about the history of Israel and Palestine but the more I read the more I realise that Israel  is an apartheid state that uses terror tactics even the Nazis would be proud of.

Meanwhile the genocide continues shamelessly under the guise of Israeli self defence and the double standards of outrage against Hamas but silence against Israel says a lot about the pro Israel brigade…



What about all the other wars, genocide and terrorist attacks that Muslims are involved in all over the world?


You only seem bothered by the tiny slither of land that filled with Jews 

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3 hours ago, mafya said:

Those who are mad that on October 7th women were raped, ...

Those?  You mean everyone, right?  Right? 


3 hours ago, mafya said:

... do your research and read for yourself how Israel was formed  in 1948 and how rape was used as a weapon and still is today.

This isn't a competition.  It was abhorrent then and it's abhorrent now, wherever it happens and whoever is responsible. 


The difference appears to be that many of those who acknowledge that rape is used during conflict seem to be having some trouble with the concept since October.

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@HecateWhat is the problem with questioning whether certain incidents occurred as news breaks and then adjusting or changing your opinion as the passage of days and evidence surfaces?

It should happen all the time on many subjects but particularly regarding wars when “the first casualty is the truth” as they say.

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6 hours ago, mafya said:

In 1948 when the Nakba happened in Palestine =








Those who are mad that on October 7th women were raped, do your research and read for yourself how Israel was formed  in 1948 and how rape was used as a weapon and still is today.

I didn’t know much about the history of Israel and Palestine but the more I read the more I realise that Israel  is an apartheid state that uses terror tactics even the Nazis would be proud of.

Meanwhile the genocide continues shamelessly under the guise of Israeli self defence and the double standards of outrage against Hamas but silence against Israel says a lot about the pro Israel brigade…



I would think that every thinking human being is appalled at the massacre and rapes committed by all sides not just some as the first sentence above implies .

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I agree with Hecate about rape,  atrocities which happens in war sadly,  as soon as any war starts women and children must be safeguarded out immediately.


I wish people wouldn't wind others up it gets in the way and 'clouds the issues'.

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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

@HecateWhat is the problem with questioning whether certain incidents occurred as news breaks and then adjusting or changing your opinion as the passage of days and evidence surfaces?

It should happen all the time on many subjects but particularly regarding wars when “the first casualty is the truth” as they say.

Absolutely none.  The problem arises when that opinion fails to change, or changes partially and reluctantly, with the passage of days or as evidence surfaces.


The UN took fifty days to even acknowledge that there were 'accounts' of sexual violence, while Owen Jones, for example, decried the absence of video evidence and demanded to see 'conclusive evidence of rape' before he'd believe the testimony of survivors, witnesses, first responders and pathology workers.  He's clearly not a lone voice.



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