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The Yom Kippur War .

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, so, whilst I do actually think the Hamas gunmen were terrorists, I do not see why it should be illegal to demonstrate in their support. Nobody has the right not to be offended or upset.

Both sides are or have committed human rights violations, I dont see one side cleaner than the other.

You would be very upset if someone built houses on your land, where you couldnt follow the rule of law to rectify the matter. Israel really covers the whole country, the Government of Gaza has no powers against Israel.

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13 hours ago, RJRB said:

I was never a fan of Corbyn but I could see that a whole narrative was woven around his past associations  with some who made extreme views after the event.


Whether that amounts to himself being a holocaust denier etc I doubt.

Is every celebrity who appeared on Jim’ll Fix it a supporter of paedophilia?


I was just saying that Jack Greys comment on the Left being anti Semitic is a lot of a stretch.



In the land of the Leader of the Free World, the government has elected representatives on the Left, who's religion is Islam.


They are constantly making anti-Jewish/Anti Israel statements.


They call it Free Speech!




"Anti-Israel sentiment has been a hallmark of the American far-left, with notable exceptions".


"CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did

something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties,"  - Ilhan Omar, Congressional Democrat.


Why I'm opposed to Ilhan Omar's bill against Islamophobia

Washington Post

https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2022/01/25 ›



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11 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

'm glad that someone else has noticed too.

The UN has turned out to be a toothless dog which is ignored by every nation in turn when it suits their purposes,  including us of course.

If the UN really worked,  everything would work.



I've been saying that for years!


You know Orgy, at this rate, pretty soon you will have come around to directly quoting me, or paraphrasing ALL my opinions which you, once upon a time, took insulting umbrage to. I have a list of examples somewhere.


I'm used to that in my former business.


But as long as we all agree in the end, no matter!  :)


And, of course, you'll be right!


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38 minutes ago, trastrick said:

An impossible task!


That's the reason terrorists manage to survive, and sometimes proliferate!


They shelter among the innocent, (and those that claim to be innocent, but give them aid and comfort)


In war, if you cannot tolerate collateral damage, you cannot win.


See Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki!

I said in a post only 2 or 3 days ago that it was impossible to et rid of terrorists by killing them but still you support Israel in doing that.

I asked someone to give me an instance where a country had rid itself of terrorists by fighting them   -   nobody answered    so you are all going down the loser route

Can someone explain how. if Israeli women , children and babies die then it's "an outrage"   but if Palestinian women, children and babies die,  then that's "collateral damage"  ?

You are as bad as the warmongering governments you support.   The ones who support Ukraine,  because they've been invaded,   but don't support Palestine who is being invaded and losing land to Israel. 


Prove that statement in bold.

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29 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Both sides are or have committed human rights violations, I dont see one side cleaner than the other.

You would be very upset if someone built houses on your land, where you couldnt follow the rule of law to rectify the matter. Israel really covers the whole country, the Government of Gaza has no powers against Israel.

That's correct when you are referring to Hamas & Israel.

People such as myself are condemning Hamas and also Israel for their land grab tactics,   but also sounding support for the innocent people of Palestine who are caught up in all this.


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10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I said in a post only 2 or 3 days ago that it was impossible to et rid of terrorists by killing them but still you support Israel in doing that.

Terrorism is like crime. You can never eradicate it, but a democracy must control it, or it will take over society.


Killing them is a good start, though!

10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I said in a post only 2 or 3 days ago that it was impossible to et rid of terrorists by killing them but still you support Israel in doing that.

I asked someone to give me an instance where a country had rid itself of terrorists by fighting them   -   nobody answered    so you are all going down the loser route

Can someone explain how. if Israeli women , children and babies die then it's "an outrage"   but if Palestinian women, children and babies die,  then that's "collateral damage"  ?

You are as bad as the warmongering governments you support.   The ones who support Ukraine,  because they've been invaded,   but don't support Palestine who is being invaded and losing land to Israel. 


Prove that statement in bold.



Start at the beginning.


Is electing them "giving them 'aid and comfort'"?


Hiding and feeding them?  :)


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I admit I do not know much about the situation but what seems clear to me is that after WW2 and the dreadful murder of thousands of Jews they were given an home.

I would think the Palestinian people sympathised with the treatment of the Jews in the death and concentration camps.

If the situation had been accepted there would be no ongoing trouble.

Is there  enough land  for the inhabitants to live.

Relevant questions I asked earlier related to the position of Palestine on the initial formation of Isreal and were they compensated.


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1 hour ago, trastrick said:


They reserve their outrage for the only civilized democracy in the Middle East.


On the other hand, countries that have the death penalty by stoning, and lashings for gays, and adulterers, chopping off fingers of thieves, get a pass, Terrorists are excused!


Israel civilised ?  not at the moment


We are NOT discussing death penalties,   gays,   adulterers  or punishments.   Start another thread if you want to discuss that.


Hamas have been condemned on all sides and we are discussing Israel and the ordinary Palestinian people,  and the land grabbing which led up to this war.


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2 hours ago, trastrick said:



And it's YOUR World that is blowing up in your faces. Not mine. I live in a country that minds its own business, not everybody else's  :)


But you do not choose to follow the philosophy of YOUR adopted country.

There are few posters who are more keen to get involved in the affairs of other countries .

How do you consistently fail to see the many ironies contained in your posts.


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58 minutes ago, cressida said:



Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu has denied reports of a ceasefire to allow "foreigners out" of south Gaza and "humanitarian aid in"



C'mon, Cressida.


Let terrorists attack a Sovereign Democratic Nation, kill and maim, rape, and kidnap your citizens.


Then agree to a Cease Fire?


What leader of a country, worth his salt, would ever do that, in the real World?


I doubt the Zelenskyy fanboys here would agree with you!  :)



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