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The Yom Kippur War .

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7 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Good point maybe if negotiations with the sparse Arab settlements at that time could have led to a mutual understanding. The displaced and traumatized Jewish  people at that time were literally stateless. They made the desert (deserted ) bloom and built a Country .

Why were they Stateless ?

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44 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Thats how its looking to me .

The history of the region is really complex. I once tried to understand it by reading a lot of books, some by Zionists and some by anti-Zionists. The claims and counter claims made by both sides make it very difficult to be sure about anything and I didn't get very far. One thing I did learn was that former Israeli prime minister and founder of Likud (the current lot in charge), Menachem Begin, had previously been in an organisation that most would likely deem a terrorist organisation, Irgun

21 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

And you are a two faced hypocrite for ignoring Britains sordid past when It comes to invading other countries.

I bet you still think the Iraq invasion was justified. 

Well said (not often I say that to you, I know 😊). Axe should Google 'canonading' and then tell us how noble the British conquest of India was

Edited by Delbow
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1 minute ago, Delbow said:

The history of the region is really complex. I once tried to understand it by reading a lot of books, some by Zionists and some by anti-Zionists. The claims and counter claims made by both sides make it very difficult to be sure about anything and I didn't get very far. One thing I did learn was that former Israeli prime minister and founder of Likud (the current lot in charge), Menachem Begin, had previously been in an organisation that most would likely seem a terrorist organisation, Irgun

Yes it is complex . Learning a lot on here .  About the Prime Minister , the current one seems to be out then in , out then in . It seems he will pal up with anyone to keep power . If I am wrong ,then sorry .

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1 minute ago, hackey lad said:

Yes it is complex . Learning a lot on here .  About the Prime Minister , the current one seems to be out then in , out then in . It seems he will pal up with anyone to keep power . If I am wrong ,then sorry .

Netenyahu has been trying to avoid prosecution for corruption and will do anything, including ending the judiciary's independence, to serve his own ends. This includes forming alliances with people whose main difference from the Nazis is that they're Jewish.

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5 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Netenyahu has been trying to avoid prosecution for corruption and will do anything, including ending the judiciary's independence, to serve his own ends. This includes forming alliances with people whose main difference from the Nazis is that they're Jewish.

Thats how I read it , thanks .

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9 minutes ago, m williamson said:

On the first occasion it was justified because Iraq had invaded Kuwait.  George Bush Sr stopped the operation once the Iraq forces retreated back over their own border.

The second war was not justified, the invasion of Iraq was to make fortunes for American corporations.  The men responsible for 9/11 were Saudis a different Muslim group to  Iraq Muslims.


Do you believe that the aggressor is right and the invaded shouldn't resist?

George Bush Sr made a big mistake by not finishing the job.  


The second war was justified because Saddam Hussein flaunted the peace agreement that ended the first Gulf War.  He did not help to prevent another war by supporting the September 11th terrorists attack on the USA.  Even Colonel Gaddafi changed his behaviour after September 11th because he feared his country would be attacked if he supported the terrorists. 

  • Haha 1
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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Stop lying. It was an illegal war.




But it was not illegal. U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441, passed by unanimous vote in November 2002, made it clear the then status quo in Iraq was what was illegal. Saddam had already violated some 17 previous resolutions demanding his verifiable disarmament. He was put on notice by Resolution 1441 that continuing this was emphatically unacceptable.


And while inspectors did make progress in Iraq in the ensuing weeks of late 2002 and early 2003, they hardly resolved all questions. Iraq’s compliance then remained imperfect at best, as chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix has noted.

Even someone who would have preferred to see the inspections continue—and again, there was a case to be made for that approach—should not term the war illegal.


Resolution 1441 did not allow Saddam several more chances and several more bouts of imperfect compliance with U.N. demands. Once he again obstructed and obfuscated, it became clear he was not voluntarily and verifiably disarming—and 1441’s clear implication was that this was unacceptable. Whether it automatically justified war was of course debatable, and was hotly debated at the time. But a legal case certainly could be made for that justification.


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2 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Getting a bit of a handle on it  now but can't understand how Palestine are always painted as the bad ones .

Got to say with my limited knowledge on this , I find myself agreeing with some posters that I don't usually agree with

Media bias / media power.

Lying by omission.

You have to find out the facts for yourself these days.


Edited by Anna B
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29 minutes ago, Axe said:

That's from the American government who will swear to their dying day that the war was legal.

I've seen written evidence from the UN that the war was illegal and the UN refused to sanction it.

I don't remember where I saw it but the war was not sanctioned and took place without UN sanction.

If you want to hear true facts,  don't ask the accused.


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