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The Yom Kippur War .

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56 minutes ago, cressida said:

We have to rise above it !!!

As there are many older contributors on here I sometimes wonder if they have not taken their medication when the insults start.

36 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

They all say the same thing , “I am not anti semantic but” . 
It happened in Europe in the 1930’s and it’s happening now . 
This has now reached a crescendo due to the Attacks by a terrorist organization on a music festival and a farming community ten days ago.

The victims have now become the terrorists.


Which is what the attack was all about.

The terrorists knew what the result of their actions would be.

Edited by harvey19
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HAMAS are cowards


They shot unarmed men, women and children


They have raped and tortured people


They have kidnapped 100s Israelis 


And now they hide behind their own people using them as human shields


Israel should have let only women and children leave Gaza


I bet thousands of Hamas fighters have slipped away like cowards the they are 


Probably on their way to the UK as we speak to falsely claim asylum as refugees


Welcomed with open arms by bleeding heart liberals and do gooders

Edited by Jack Grey
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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

Its strange how there can be over a thousand missiles fired at Israel and fewer than 10 deaths; this one missile kills 500

That tends to happen when it falls smack bang in a group of people trying to find safety.


The larger of the Qassam Rockets can carry upto 20kg of high explosive warhead, along with several kg of solid fuel propellant.

The group being blamed for this has supposedly shown an even larger model.

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

Not rubbish at all.  

He has been told by is own Military.   Biden has been friendly towards Iran in the past.  Israel had nothing to gain from targeting a hospital.  

Were you there ?   Did you hear what was said ?   Do you even know WHAT his own military told him.

Silly boy if you believe everything that politicians tell you,  or even news reporters for that matter. 

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26 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

They all say the same thing , “I am not anti semantic but” . 
It happened in Europe in the 1930’s and it’s happening now . 
This has now reached a crescendo due to the Attacks by a terrorist organization on a music festival and a farming community ten days ago.

The victims have now become the terrorists.


Do you believe that there should be complete and unquestionable support for Israel, and that total unequivocal condemnation for the whole situation should be aimed at the Palestinians?

The problem being in this instance it isn't as straightforward as that. What Hamas did was inexcusable, no one with any grasp of right and wrong  would argue otherwise, but Israel hasn't exactly been reasonable in its treatment of Palestinians. Israel is in contravention of UN resolutions demanding that it withdraw from Palestinian land which it has occupied illegally and remove its settlements in those areas.

Not only has it ignored the request it has built dozens of additional settlements. None of that in any way excuses what Hamas did but it explains a bit about where some of the hatred comes from.


The death toll over the years is extremely one sided, far more Palestinians than Israelis have been killed as a result of the disagreement.

The whole thing is exacerbated by the interference of other powers. The US and UK support Israel, which has been seen as provocative by other Arab nations who respond by supporting Palestine,  Russia has seen an opportunity to fight a proxy war with the west, just as the west did in Afghanistan with Russia.


As Sir Walter Scott rightly said  " Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive "

As I posted earlier in the thread the Jews are entitled to a homeland and should be supported internationally in that, but Palestinians should also have some consideration shown to them.


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1 hour ago, Axe said:

 Israel had nothing to gain from targeting a hospital.  

Only revenge or striking even more fear into Palestinians.

I don't know that it WAS an Israeli missile and neither do you know that it WAS NOT

You have no more info than anyone else on the forum so,  like us,  you don't know yet.

We already know how you make excuses for the ruling Sewage Party over here and it's clear that you will say anything it takes to excuse anyone else.


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8 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Do you believe that there should be complete and unquestionable support for Israel, and that total unequivocal condemnation for the whole situation should be aimed at the Palestinians?

The problem being in this instance it isn't as straightforward as that. What Hamas did was inexcusable, no one with any grasp of right and wrong  would argue otherwise, but Israel hasn't exactly been reasonable in its treatment of Palestinians. Israel is in contravention of UN resolutions demanding that it withdraw from Palestinian land which it has occupied illegally and remove its settlements in those areas.

Not only has it ignored the request it has built dozens of additional settlements. None of that in any way excuses what Hamas did but it explains a bit about where some of the hatred comes from.


The death toll over the years is extremely one sided, far more Palestinians than Israelis have been killed as a result of the disagreement.

The whole thing is exacerbated by the interference of other powers. The US and UK support Israel, which has been seen as provocative by other Arab nations who respond by supporting Palestine,  Russia has seen an opportunity to fight a proxy war with the west, just as the west did in Afghanistan with Russia.


As Sir Walter Scott rightly said  " Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive "

As I posted earlier in the thread the Jews are entitled to a homeland and should be supported internationally in that, but Palestinians should also have some consideration shown to them.


And so the situation goes on and on and on .

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19 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Do you believe that there should be complete and unquestionable support for Israel, and that total unequivocal condemnation for the whole situation should be aimed at the Palestinians?

The problem being in this instance it isn't as straightforward as that. What Hamas did was inexcusable, no one with any grasp of right and wrong  would argue otherwise, but Israel hasn't exactly been reasonable in its treatment of Palestinians. Israel is in contravention of UN resolutions demanding that it withdraw from Palestinian land which it has occupied illegally and remove its settlements in those areas.

Not only has it ignored the request it has built dozens of additional settlements. None of that in any way excuses what Hamas did but it explains a bit about where some of the hatred comes from.


The death toll over the years is extremely one sided, far more Palestinians than Israelis have been killed as a result of the disagreement.

The whole thing is exacerbated by the interference of other powers. The US and UK support Israel, which has been seen as provocative by other Arab nations who respond by supporting Palestine,  Russia has seen an opportunity to fight a proxy war with the west, just as the west did in Afghanistan with Russia.


As Sir Walter Scott rightly said  " Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive "

As I posted earlier in the thread the Jews are entitled to a homeland and should be supported internationally in that, but Palestinians should also have some consideration shown to them.


That's absolutely true but needs just one slight correction    in your last line.


"the Jews are entitled to a homeland and should be supported internationally in that, but Palestinians should also   have some consideration shown to them. "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             " be entitled to a homeland and should be supported internationally in that.".  

Lets have equal treatment for both .                                                                                                          


Edited by Organgrinder
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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:


Keep him in the dark?


We've been trying to get rid of him for 15 years and he's cost the taxpayer about £20m


If he wants to stay in the UK then he can stay in prison


He can go back to the USA anytime he wants 


We'll pay his plane ticket 

Do you have any evidence that he has ever been to the USA?

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