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The Yom Kippur War .

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50 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Fair enough  :thumbsup: But I’ve noticed USA are becoming more militarily involved, little by little 

2 carrier groups.

2000 marines (those will only be the ones they admit to).

B-1 Bomber deployment to the UK for some made up 'exercise' in the region to name just a few.

America is involved alright. 

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5 hours ago, mafya said:

Not really!


Internet trolls, are life's losers and malcontents who can don the cloak of Super Hero anonymity. and rail against the perceived forces, and enemies, they believe are responsible for their pathetic plight. (Maybe after their domineering partner has gone to bed? :))


Before the internet gave them a public platform, they were the folks that would cover newly whitewashed public toilets in graffiti.


They wouldn't dream of hurling their profane and personal insults at strangers in real life :)


Bunch of Casper Milquetoast, Walter Mittys.


Not to be taken seriously.


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11 hours ago, janie48 said:

An interesting view I  think a lot of people would agree with by Jonathan Freedland in the Guardian who is a practicing Jew.



Yeah, I then read the original article in Ha'aretz. It's pretty shocking - I wasn't aware of the extent that Likud were supporting Hamas as a way of trying to isolate Fatah. I was much less surprised that the motive was to deny Palestinians a homeland. Likud chose this war and by extension chose the atrocities by Hamas - as an alternative to a two state solution.

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Many  people feel victims of what happened many years ago and justify a cause to change the present situation.

If only it was realised that things that happened in the past were appropriate to that time and are history.

The friendships between our country and those we had 2 world wars with prove that feeling victims because of things that happened many years ago can be overcome instead of continued death and destruction. 

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