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The Yom Kippur War .

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2 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Can you explain the whole Poland thing?

The Polish party that just lost it's majority, and who's loss you're lamenting over in the Poland thread... has spent a considerable amount of time and effort during it's tenure trying to replicate the conditions for LGBT folk that you've condemned multiple times here, when they're happening elsewhere.


4 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I have no idea what you're referring to 

Imagine my surprise! 🤣

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17 minutes ago, Magilla said:

The Polish party that just lost it's majority, and who's loss you're lamenting over in the Poland thread... has spent a considerable amount of time and effort during it's tenure trying to replicate the conditions for LGBT folk that you've condemned multiple times here, when they're happening elsewhere.


Imagine my surprise! 🤣

At no point did I discuss Poland's policy on LGBT rights or abortion 


My comments were purely on immigration 

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10 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

At no point did I discuss Poland's policy on LGBT rights or abortion

You were lamenting their electoral loss, even started the thread to highlight it! 🙄


10 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

My comments were purely on immigration 

There's more to governing than immigration.


Perhaps you've stumbled on one of the the reasons they lost! 🙄


Your "virtue signalling" about LGBT rights in relation to Israel though... in complete tatters! 🤣



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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

This one is even better🤣


There's a great clip of someone brought a gay pride flag to a Palestine protest in London and the usual suspects didnt like it so took it off them and ripped it up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The left are just virtue signalling idiots 🤣






Their heads must be ready to explode not knowing who to support!!

Edited by Al Bundy
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2 hours ago, ThaBoom said:

The Zionists hate it when the truth is said.


Running.. boo hoo 😆 




UN secretary said it right! People should know what is really happening. 

This speaks for itself.

This so righteous nation,  who have refused for many years to accept UN resolutions to give up land taken from their neighbour,  and are now committing every war crime in the book daily,

 are frightened that the UN will see what they are doing,  and so refuse to issue Visa's to the UN.     Is this a sign of a nation with nothing to hide,  who is following the rule of International Law ?

Shame on Britain and the US for condoning International Law breaking and war crimes against Palestine whilst,   at the same time,   supporting Ukraine who is in exactly the same position as Palestine.

The rabid righties of this country and the two on this forum,  show their true colours and that Law, decency and humanity are merely dependant on a whim and that law matters not at all.



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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

The rabid righties of this country and the two on this forum,  show their true colours and that Law, decency and humanity are merely dependant on a whim and that law matters not at all.

Have you watched any of the released videos of Hamas slaughtering innocent men, women and children.


I suggest you do before you start lecturing us all on decency and humanity 🙄

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2 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:



Their heads must be ready to explode not knowing who to support!!

I know right... that one group of protesters don't want another group of entirely different ones, with no relation to the first, trying to hijack their cause...


...it's a complex concept to grasp! 🙄


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31 minutes ago, Magilla said:

I know right... that one group of protesters don't want another group of entirely different ones, with no relation to the first, trying to hijack their cause...


...it's a complex concept to grasp! 🙄


What was funny was some idiot bringing a pride flag to a pro Palestinian march and having it torn from their hands and destroyed. 


Israel is the only country in that region where they have pride marches every year and women have just as many rights as men.


I'm sure the vast majority of the left wing idiots have no idea they are just jumping on the latest band wagon.


For them it's just the latest TikTok trend and an opportunity to take virtuous pics for Instagram likes

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28 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Israel is the only country in that region where they have pride marches every year and women have just as many rights as men.

Yet the government you supported in Poland, has done just about everything it can to outlaw and discriminate against those that would attend :suspect:


A lot of the virtue signalling here from you 🙄


28 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I'm sure the vast majority of the left wing idiots have no idea they are just jumping on the latest band wagon.

I'm sure, if you had the remotest clue what you were on about, you would realise this band wagon is anything but new... or could in any way be described as "latest".


28 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

For them it's just the latest TikTok trend and an opportunity to take virtuous pics for Instagram likes

Much like your claimed support for LGBT rights in Israel, but not in Poland. :thumbsup:

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