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The Yom Kippur War .

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6 minutes ago, Magilla said:


Yet the government you supported in Poland, has done just about everything it can to outlaw and discriminate against those that would attend :suspect:


A lot of the virtue signalling here from you 🙄


I'm sure, if you had the remotest clue what you were on about, you would realise this band wagon is anything but new... or could in any way be described as "latest".


Much like your support for LGBT rights in Israel, but not in Poland. :thumbsup:

You're just writing absolute gibberish, making it up as you go along and totally misquoting me 


I never said I supported the Polish government


I said that Donald Tusk will open the borders like they did in Germany


I stated that Poland was refusing to bow down to EU demands on taking refugees but they will now that Tusk was going to be running the country


At no point did I discuss any other polish policy


It's like you saying I support their agricultural laws and their stance on parking fines 





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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

Have you watched any of the released videos of Hamas slaughtering innocent men, women and children.


I suggest you do before you start lecturing us all on decency and humanity 🙄

I don't need to watch any videos at all Jack.  I've been around long enough to know the depths that the human race can sink to and I know that what Hamas did  was absolutely horrific.

I also believe that Hamas should be hunted down man by man instead of killing half the inhabitants of a country,  babies included.

Insofar as  we are in agreement about the depravity which Hamas displayed,  can you explain why such horrific behaviour is suddenly ok if it's Israel that does it instead ?

The same rules have to apply to both sides or you're a  morally bankrupt bigot.   Do you believe in the rule of law or not ???????????

I have you judged already on that score,  but maybe your reply will surprise me,  although I doubt it.


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7 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

So in a nutshell you are trying to justify terror attacks in the UK.


Thankfully countries like the UK and America will not bow down and cower because of threats of mad men blowing folk up.

The irony is hilarious!!


How did you come to that conclusion? Being intelligent enough to realise that we the UK  are at risk due to our prime minister’s complicity in the collective punishment on Palestinians is not justifying terrorism so change the record as you are getting boring 

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40 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I don't need to watch any videos at all Jack.  I've been around long enough to know the depths that the human race can sink to and I know that what Hamas did  was absolutely horrific.

I also believe that Hamas should be hunted down man by man instead of killing half the inhabitants of a country,  babies included.

Insofar as  we are in agreement about the depravity which Hamas displayed,  can you explain why such horrific behaviour is suddenly ok if it's Israel that does it instead ?

The same rules have to apply to both sides or you're a  morally bankrupt bigot.   Do you believe in the rule of law or not ???????????

I have you judged already on that score,  but maybe your reply will surprise me,  although I doubt it.


Judge me all you like


You are obviously biased being of your political beliefs which means you are unwavering in everything


You think one way and apply it to everything 

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

What was funny was some idiot bringing a pride flag to a pro Palestinian march and having it torn from their hands and destroyed. 


Israel is the only country in that region where they have pride marches every year and women have just as many rights as men.


I'm sure the vast majority of the left wing idiots have no idea they are just jumping on the latest band wagon.


For them it's just the latest TikTok trend and an opportunity to take virtuous pics for Instagram likes




16 minutes ago, mafya said:

How did you come to that conclusion? Being intelligent enough to realise that we the UK  are at risk due to our prime minister’s complicity in the collective punishment on Palestinians is not justifying terrorism so change the record as you are getting boring 

Let's call it a hunch.


And one you know is bang on the money.

Edited by Al Bundy
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15 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Judge me all you like


You are obviously biased being of your political beliefs which means you are unwavering in everything


You think one way and apply it to everything 

I have a different take on Orgy, bless him!


He goes with the flow. The latest narrative.


So he peppers his posts with arguments from both sides, just in case.


He can be a Pacifist, and can also fight to the death to protect his whatever.


He can insult folks who were against the Forced Government Mandates, shutting down the economy, schools, enforcing silly social distancing rules and ineffective paper masks..


But then he'll say in in favour of free choice for everyone. and can point to a post to prove it!


He's a "Man for All Seasons", is our Orgy!  :)




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32 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Judge me all you like


You are obviously biased being of your political beliefs which means you are unwavering in everything


You think one way and apply it to everything 

Indeed I do  -  the laws / rules,  must always apply equally to everyone,  irrespective of who they are,  and irrespective of whether I like them or not.

And you think one way and only apply it to those you like so I was absolutely correct.   A morally bankrupt bigot.

So I was right first time then.


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In other news the once venerated Grey Lady of the MSM, now turned into a Officially Endorsing Biden echo chamber, had to issue a mea culpa for rushing to blame Israel for the Palestine Hospital bombing.


New York Times says it relied too heavily on Hamas' reports

New York Post

https://nypost.com › 2023/10/23 › new-york-times-sa...

2 days ago — Palestinians check the place of the explosion at al-Ahli hospital, in Gaza City 4. The Israeli Defense Forces released images showing that the ...


Like the corrections, revisions and deletions made by others such as CNN, and Washington Post on their Trump "Russian Collusion" stories, its a little late!


But once those headlines go around the World, you can't put them back in the box. They've done their job, whether it be inciting anti-sematic riots and protests, or changing voters minds about supporting Trump.


Something they never have to do with Biden, because they never post anything negative about the guy who's leading the entire world into one war after another.


Ah well, there' an election coming up in a few months!  We can hope!

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34 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Indeed I do  -  the laws / rules,  must always apply equally to everyone,  irrespective of who they are,  and irrespective of whether I like them or not.

And you think one way and only apply it to those you like so I was absolutely correct.   A morally bankrupt bigot.

So I was right first time then.


So there is never any justification for terrorist behaviour.

I am a bit confused about Hamas who carried out the 7th October atack whether they are civilian terrorists or Hamas government soldiers.

Are they official government soldiers on either side firing the rockets ?

Has a state of war been declared ?


These are important questions as if a state of war has not been declared criminal acts have been committed or if a state of war has been declared the Geneva Convention applies.

Edited by harvey19
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10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Indeed I do  -  the laws / rules,  must always apply equally to everyone,  irrespective of who they are,  and irrespective of whether I like them or not.

And you think one way and only apply it to those you like so I was absolutely correct.   A morally bankrupt bigot.

So I was right first time then.




Are you even vaguely aware that you can't apply "rules" to terrorists?


And since you told us that Israelis are now terrorists, you can't make your "rules"for them either. :)


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