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The Yom Kippur War .

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Clear borders were drawn many many years ago and the Israeli's have completely ignored  those borders, driven Palestinians out of their homes,  and stolen their lends.

Let your neighbour come and take half your garden,  then decide he wants your kitchen and then a bedroom and orders your kids where they can or can't go. 

Do you forget the past and just start from how things were on October 7th.

First of all a cease fire must be called.  Then Israel has to accept that it must respect borders and also accept UN resolutions made to safeguard them both.

Easy for anyone who has not had their country stolen from them to say past history must be forgotten.

Get out of this comfort zone you live in and live in the real world.   The first time you get burgled and possibly your wife and kids harmed,  you won't be so forgiving.



Sadly your post just shows a desire to perpetuate the division.

The past must remain in the past if we want to stop the continuation of victim mentality.

Both sides have grievances.

As I said borders must be drawn and agreed .

Regarding your final comment I have lived in the real world and experienced things you never have done.

1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Human nature Harvey.


Folks cling on to their grudges, excuses, religions, cults, and blame regardless!


For some, the world in in a mess because of "the other guys", and don't hold the current job holders to account. 


The result is endless wars, killing and destruction! But the sad truth is some people actually thrive on dysfunction and mayhem, which is why it continues.


No way to run a business, a country, or the World! :)




Yes and some people love to have a cause whilst most people just want to live a peaceful life.

When a legal agreement has been finalised those stirring up trouble need to be dealt with by the law.

Edited by harvey19
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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

Sadly your post just shows a desire to perpetuate the division.

The past must remain in the past if we want to stop the continuation of victim mentality.

Both sides have grievances.

As I said borders must be drawn and agreed .

Regarding your final comment I have lived in the real world and experienced things you never have done.

Yes and some people love to have a cause whilst most people just want to live a peaceful life.

When a legal agreement has been finalised those stirring up trouble need to be dealt with by the law.

Indeed both sides do have grievances, and playing 'you started it' doesn''t really get us anywhere.

However clear borders have already been drawn and agreed upon, and they have been broken time and again, particularly by Israel.  


Part of the problem is undoubtedly the backing of America, Britain and much  of the the nations of the west in favour of Israel for no good reason these days. It is no longer tenable. Jews are no longer the persecuted minority they were after the holocaust, and have managed to reach the upper echelons in almost every endeavour they have participated in which makes them influential and powerful. There are many who would be surprised to discover just how many at the top of their professions are actually Jewish, they are not widely discriminated against any more.

To call out anyone who criticises Israel as 'anti-semitic' is disingenuous in the extreme and has to stop.


If this situation is to be resolved it will take careful brokering, and that has to be done fairly and even handedly by a body of people known for their neutrality and ability to decide without fear or favour what is in everyone's best interest.


The leaders on both sides should be setting a good example by turning down the rhetoric and hate speech and by declaring a cease fire on both sides. They also have to allow humanitarian aid in to help the victims of this Godless war.  

Edited by Anna B
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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:


Im curious. Why has my post been deleted from yesterday? 

It wasn't rude, insulting, it had no swearing in it and it was on topic?

So why has it been removed?

Because it was quoting a post that had been removed…. A post that was off topic, name calling. 

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17 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Indeed both sides do have grievances, and playing 'you started it' doesn''t really get us anywhere.

However clear borders have already been drawn and agreed upon, and they have been broken time and again, particularly by Israel.  


Part of the problem is undoubtedly the backing of America, Britain and much  of the the nations of the west in favour of Israel for no good reason these days. It is no longer tenable. Jews are no longer the persecuted minority they were after the holocaust, and have managed to reach the upper echelons in almost every endeavour they have participated in which makes them influential and powerful. There are many who would be surprised to discover just how many at the top of their professions are actually Jewish, they are not widely discriminated against any more.

To call out anyone who criticises Israel as 'anti-semitic' is disingenuous in the extreme and has to stop.


If this situation is to be resolved it will take careful brokering, and that has to be done fairly and even handedly by a body of people known for their neutrality and ability to decide without fear or favour what is in everyone's best interest.


The leaders on both sides should be setting a good example by turning down the rhetoric and hate speech and by declaring a cease fire on both sides. They also have to allow humanitarian aid in to help the victims of this Godless war.  

What is needed is a Middle East Peace Envoy, wasn't this Tony Blaire ? He fashioned the Good Friday Agreement in N. Ireland maybe he could be recalled to solve this problem especially because of his previous experience.

I don't know why Israel has breached its borders and wonder if it was to prevent the underground tunnels reaching their heartlands.

Edited by harvey19
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It's just been reported on ITV New that anti semitism has increased by 134% since the attack by Hamas.


As that's exactly what I,  and everyone who shares my views predicted,   I wonder why the surprise and also wonder what else they've failed to predict ?

Britain's chief Rabbi is so out of touch that he thinks the many thousands of demonstrators who are protesting on behalf of Palestine are supporting the terrorists, yet I know no one who is.

Too many people living in their own insular little world and not taking an interest in what people are saying.   The   "we don't care,  we'll do as we please"   attitude,  as with the present siege.


It also makes me wonder why the Jewish race is the only one on earth which attracts hatred to the point that they have a special name for it anti semitism.

We usually find that what happens, is normally for a particular reason so what's the reason for it ?

They certainly don't go out of their way to be popular.


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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

Sadly your post just shows a desire to perpetuate the division.

The past must remain in the past if we want to stop the continuation of victim mentality.

Care to explain why we didn't let Argentina keep the Falklands then ?

Why did we send our forces to the other side of the world to take it back and perpetuate the division ?

We could have let them keep it but NO,  if it's our, we want it back.   Why cannot Palestinians demand the same ?


17 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

What is needed is a Middle East Peace Envoy, wasn't this Tony Blaire ? He fashioned the Good Friday Agreement in N. Ireland maybe he could be recalled to solve this problem especially because of his previous experience.

I don't know why Israel has breached its borders and wonder if it was to prevent the underground tunnels reaching their heartlands.

Blairs previous experience in the middle east caused more death and destruction than anyone had seen since WW2.


They need a peacemaker not another war crime committing warmonger.


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12 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It's just been reported on ITV New that anti semitism has increased by 134% since the attack by Hamas.


Britain's chief Rabbi is so out of touch that he thinks the many thousands of demonstrators who are protesting on behalf of Palestine are supporting the terrorists, yet I know no one who is.



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22 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Indeed both sides do have grievances, and playing 'you started it' doesn''t really get us anywhere.

However clear borders have already been drawn and agreed upon, and they have been broken time and again, particularly by Israel.  


Part of the problem is undoubtedly the backing of America, Britain and much  of the the nations of the west in favour of Israel for no good reason these days. It is no longer tenable. Jews are no longer the persecuted minority they were after the holocaust, and have managed to reach the upper echelons in almost every endeavour they have participated in which makes them influential and powerful. There are many who would be surprised to discover just how many at the top of their professions are actually Jewish, they are not widely discriminated against any more.

To call out anyone who criticises Israel as 'anti-semitic' is disingenuous in the extreme and has to stop.


If this situation is to be resolved it will take careful brokering, and that has to be done fairly and even handedly by a body of people known for their neutrality and ability to decide without fear or favour what is in everyone's best interest.


The leaders on both sides should be setting a good example by turning down the rhetoric and hate speech and by declaring a cease fire on both sides. They also have to allow humanitarian aid in to help the victims of this Godless war.  

Not seen our Jewish Sheffield citizens marching protesting about the atrocities committed at  a music festival or on farming communitys . ripping a baby from its mams womb, beheading , raping and hostage taken Anna '


The reason they do not march is because they are afraid of the ani semitism now on our streets . 

The Jews have lived in England for a thousand years and now they dare not walk the streets 

Is that due to new comers in our midst ??????? or not .


I have had Jewish friends all my life , some times I never realised they were Jewish , the reason being it did not matter as they were just part of every day life and did not shove their religion or feelings down peoples throats in fact they were invisible.

Now we have a situation in Sheffield where people march and shout about Holy war from the river to the sea meaning that they want to erase Israel from the map ;


Today Hamas have said that over 50 hostages have died because of Israel bombing .

Not due to those people being taken as hostage  in the first place , that never enters these gangsters head .


I am sorry to disagree with you Anna as I consider you a friend , I am also sorry for the poor Palestinians in Gazza but Israelis know that the plan is to push them from the river Jordan to the Med and they dare not let up or they will be gone .

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13 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It's just been reported on ITV New that anti semitism has increased by 134% since the attack by Hamas.


As that's exactly what I,  and everyone who shares my views predicted,   I wonder why the surprise and also wonder what else they've failed to predict ?

Britain's chief Rabbi is so out of touch that he thinks the many thousands of demonstrators who are protesting on behalf of Palestine are supporting the terrorists, yet I know no one who is.

Too many people living in their own insular little world and not taking an interest in what people are saying.   The   "we don't care,  we'll do as we please"   attitude,  as with the present siege.


It also makes me wonder why the Jewish race is the only one on earth which attracts hatred to the point that they have a special name for it anti semitism.

We usually find that what happens, is normally for a particular reason so what's the reason for it ?

They certainly don't go out of their way to be popular.


it is 1.353%

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Just now, Jack Grey said:



We know full well and would expect that some extremists would join them.     Is that a surprise too ?  

The majority were genuinely concerned for Palestinians being freed from oppression.

Under the circumstances,  I suppose you'll be surprised again when everything gets much worse as a result of what's happening ?

We are backing Israel so it'll be no good screaming if we cop some of the fall out.   You see the inevitable coming,  sit and wait,  and then wonder why.

You could always show some intelligence and shout for a cease fire to work towards peace instead.


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