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The Yom Kippur War .

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4 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I really don't get you lot


With all the murders, rapes and kidnaps 


All the eye witness accounts, photos and video footage 


Why do you feel the need to come on here to try and say that the story is lies?


Is it really that impossible for you to imagine these savages committing an atrocity like this


What are your motives?


Most sensible people wouldn't say anything 


But your the third left wing person to question what I said


Why are you defending Hamas ?

Did you get an education or did you play truant? Nowhere have I defended Hamas or their actions on October 7th but it seems that anybody who doesn’t toe the line of supporting Israel 100% regardless of it breaking international laws is hounded down as supporting Hamas. 
The bit where you say “most sensible people wouldn’t say anything “ is wrong and proves my point. Sensible people look at everything and consider verified evidence instead of following propaganda without evidence like a sheep.

Remember the beheading babies narrative that turned out to be false?

Are you one of israels paid positive propaganda spreaders?


Israel has lost the moral high ground and all over the world people are realising what a terrorist state it really is disguised as a law abiding democracy.

How much have your Israeli paymasters paid you so far?


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1 hour ago, mafya said:

Did you get an education or did you play truant? Nowhere have I defended Hamas or their actions on October 7th but it seems that anybody who doesn’t toe the line of supporting Israel 100% regardless of it breaking international laws is hounded down as supporting Hamas. 
The bit where you say “most sensible people wouldn’t say anything “ is wrong and proves my point. Sensible people look at everything and consider verified evidence instead of following propaganda without evidence like a sheep.

Remember the beheading babies narrative that turned out to be false?

Are you one of israels paid positive propaganda spreaders?


Israel has lost the moral high ground and all over the world people are realising what a terrorist state it really is disguised as a law abiding democracy.

How much have your Israeli paymasters paid you so far?


You are letting your pretend " if I come over all nice I will fool people" mask slip.


Careful now.


We see you.




What's your thoughts on Muslims around the world assualting Jews and burning Israeli embassies due to them thinking they bombed a hospital? Or shouting " jihad ' on the streets of Britain?


Where are all the Muslims protesting about Hamas?


Also, if you think folk around the world are realising Israel is a terrorist state, then I suggest you take your head out the sand.



Edited by Al Bundy
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44 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

You are letting your pretend " if I come over all nice I will fool people" mask slip.


Careful now.


We see you.




What's your thoughts on Muslims around the world assualting Jews and burning Israeli embassies due to them thinking they bombed a hospital? Or shouting " jihad ' on the streets of Britain?


Where are all the Muslims protesting about Hamas?


Also, if you think folk around the world are realising Israel is a terrorist state, then I suggest you take your head out the sand.



My head is not in the sand and it’s you who wears a mask or two=


Israel needs to stop weaponising the holocaust =


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1 hour ago, mafya said:

My head is not in the sand and it’s you who wears a mask or two=


Israel needs to stop weaponising the holocaust =


I don't wear a mask, I don't pretend to be anything I am not


I am shocked a major Turkish newspaper owned by the Presidents friend and the Guardian are being negative about Israel, absolutely shocked.



Why didn't you answer my questions, too painful for you?

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10 hours ago, RJRB said:

What are your core values on war, civilian deaths,terrorists,freedom fighters.

Quite simple, really, and oft posted here.


Western Democracy is currently under attack by Totalitarian Dictators, Communism, Religious fanatics, and those within its borders that sympathise with with the enemy's goals.


To survive it must be ready and willing to use whatever military force it has, and not be handcuffed by rules of engagement, that the enemy refuse to follow, and exploit to their own ends. Collateral damage is one of the obscene costs of obscene wars, and is the price an enemy country must pay for military aggression.


10 hours ago, RJRB said:

How about respect for national borders.

Without borders there is no "national" country.


It makes no sense to spend $trillions defending foreign countries borders from invasion, while leaving your own wide open to all, including those who sympathize with you enemies.


History shows that great civilizations crumble from within, when they lose the will to to defend themselves from enemy forces, both domestic and foreign.


It was that will, and sacrifice, that made them great, and it's collective amnesia, and resulting complacency, and lack of will, that is the reason they fall.

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8 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I really don't get you lot


With all the murders, rapes and kidnaps 


All the eye witness accounts, photos and video footage 


Why do you feel the need to come on here to try and say that the story is lies?


Is it really that impossible for you to imagine these savages committing an atrocity like this


What are your motives?


Most sensible people wouldn't say anything 


But your the third person to question what I said


Why are you defending Hamas ?

NOBODY is defending Hamas.

Nobody has said the stories are lies.

People are saying that,  as yet,  these stories have not been verified.

Until they're verified,  we don't know for sure that they are absolutely true.

I remember you claiming that someone is innocent until it's proven that they are guilty.

Maybe it's the third person to question what you said because you are known for making things up and lying.

That's why you either prove what you say or people will question it.

Stop accusing people of defending Hamas unless you can quote where they have said that.


Edited by Organgrinder
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Western Democracy is currently under attack by Totalitarian Dictators, Communism, Religious fanatics, and those within its borders that sympathise with with the enemy's goals.

Sure, but enough about Trump, and the MAGA movement! 🙄

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9 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I have previously told you that there are no terrorist sympathisers on this forum.

He's at it again!  :)


"I have previously told you ..........."


Let's see:


According to you, Israel are terrorists.

You now believe nobody on this forum sympathises with  Israel?  :)


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10 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Just as Saudi Arabia and Israel along with other in the middle east were about to talk co operation and the end of conflict in the Areas inc Palestine , Hamas struck across the border and murdered , kidnapped , be headed and raped .

They knew what the out come would be , They planned the out come and now innocent people on both sides are suffering .

Ask yourself why they did this at that moment in time /

The answer is they hate the Jewish people . The last thing they want is peace in the area .

👍 Exactly!


It was a well coordinated effort by Iran to blow up ANY peace deal that sees Israel survive.


These radical religious mad mullahs don't give a fig for the "poor Palestinians" They just use them as shiney objects to keep the money flowing in from the gullible bleeding heart West!

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10 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

NOBODY on this forum have tried to defend Hamas in any way.

I don't know which strike you are referring to or when,  but we do already know the bloodthirsty attributes of Hamas which are not in question by anyone here.

We are talking about the ordinary people of Palestine who have been oppressed by Israel for many years.


It's always the radical Left that supports anti- democratic radicals/terrorists and other human debris, by drawing a fake moral equivalency to them.


It's the old 1984 Newspeak!


Terrorists are fighting for justice, Democracies are evil!

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