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The Yom Kippur War .

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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I said.....


I never made any statement.....


I also said.....




You have absolutely nothing to say again..  no argument.  No debate.  just a dozy time waster.

You'll just have to be ignored.  You've had plenty of chance to post but insist on playing the forum nutter.

Bye bye

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48 minutes ago, trastrick said:

But back to topic!


As some astute followers of the Media are aware, a conventional wisdom, "narrative" can change, as I say, in a New York minute!




So you look forward to the day when you become the conventional wisdom .


Things do change

Jewish support for the current bombardment of Gaza has fallen.

Probably in the hope that some hostages will be saved but hopefully that there is a ground swell from the populations of both sides that there must be an end to hostilities.

There is no other solution

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5 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Back people into a corner , Bang on with that , Israel are surrounded with hate . 

Don't you wonder how they manage to be so unpopular that there is even a word in the dictionary to describe it ?

I expect you'll say it's somebody else's fault.

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Just now, Organgrinder said:

Don't you wonder how they manage to be so unpopular that there is even a word in the dictionary to describe it ?

I expect you'll say it's somebody else's fault.

Anti Semitism its on this forum in spades , even a blind man could see it .

Just now, RJRB said:

And that cuts both ways

But more so when surrounded by hate ,

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1 minute ago, cuttsie said:

Of course not but when cornered a rat goes for the throat , so they say.

That's why everybody tries to kill rats.

You've got to see cuttsie that there are faults on both sides but this can't be allowed to carry on.


None of them will manage to kill their way out of it so they need to talk.   It used to be said that  "They need their heads banging together".


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48 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Remember Oklahoma City

You forgot to mention Trump!


48 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Is a group dedicated to destroying any country what you want to achieve

No, what I want to achieve is to bomb the barbarian animals, back into the stone age.


And their excusers, and enablers and aiders an abettors with them.


48 minutes ago, RJRB said:

It seems that you are a would be enabler for any amount of collateral damage in the belief that Hamas will be defeated in this way.

No. Collateral damage is the fault of those that launch massive attacks. Something for their citizens to contemplate in the next election.


48 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I suspect that there has been more civilian deaths already than there are active Hamas terrorists.

War is hell! And should not be entered into lightly.


48 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Never mind,the current actions will ensure further recruits for years to come.

If the democracies can come together and eliminate them, they'll be nothing to recruit to!


The reality is that the Western Democracies have enemies, who wish to see them eliminated by war, and others who wish them to be swamped by various other peaceful methods, like unfettered and unvetted illegal immigration, or fundamental dismantling of their capitalistic system through fear of Climate Change, the home brews, as I call them.


They must be stamped on like cockroaches whenever show show up with guns, and the home bred voted out by an educated electorate.


The alternative is slavery, and payback for all of Western Colonial perceived injustices aver the last 2000 years or so!


And I would imagine that the terrorists, if they should succeed, will have some interesting ways to extract their revenge on you and yours, and mine. :)


Edited by trastrick
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24 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I think the clue is in the words Palestine and Palestinians rather than Gaza and the West Bank.

When you back people into a corner the outcome is predictable and fuels terrorism and guerilla warfare.

You need to go back a bit further than Oct 7th to get any sort of understanding.

That is just the latest atrocity and then we enter a new chapter .

Check out the Stern Gang

I am not on one side or the other.

Nor was I when Yugoslavia fell apart.

I am glad that we live in a relatively peaceful country.

Lucky aren’t we ?





1000 BC I believe, when it was made the capital of the Jewish kingdom, apparently.




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