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The Yom Kippur War .

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53 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Dads army

That's quite an argument you've put up there cuttsie and must have used up every ounce of intellect available.

Also, you shouldn't take their name in vain and should remember that those blokes  were preparing to fight an army who had beaten our army,  in an effort to protect such as you.

Don't know why they bothered though.


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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Lets hear your definition of a terrorist organisation ?                  I'm  presuming you will say it includes any organisation which kills civilians ?

Which would mean that the British and American and Israeli armed forces are terrorists.


Whilst everyone wastes every opportunity for peace,  there will always be war,  and each side will always see the other as terrorists.

Terrorists  such as Hamas and the IRA deliberately target innocent civilians and murder them rather than use the ballot box to achieve their aims.  The British, American and Israeli armed forces do not deliberately kill innocent civilians.  It is a sad fact when wars happen innocent civilians are killed.  You are an utter disgrace to compare the actions of terrorists with the actions of British,  American and Israeli armed forces with murdering evil  terrorists. 

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53 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Knee capping , tar and feathering , taking mothers away from their kids and shooting them in the head  , All under cover and with faces covered off course , I mean who would want to be recognized for such brave up front behavior . 

Bit braver than you though Eh ?

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31 minutes ago, Axe said:

Terrorists  such as Hamas and the IRA deliberately target innocent civilians and murder them rather than use the ballot box to achieve their aims.  The British, American and Israeli armed forces do not deliberately kill innocent civilians.  It is a sad fact when wars happen innocent civilians are killed.  You are an utter disgrace to compare the actions of terrorists with the actions of British,  American and Israeli armed forces with murdering evil  terrorists. 

You are a contemptible liar.  all warring governments conduct operations which they know will kill innocent civilians. How can it not be deliberate when they know the result before they do it.

IT IS NOT SAD FACT at all it is ATROCITY. and we have often been as guilty as the next.

Tell me how many innocent Iraqi civilians we killed when we invaded Iraq.  You are a damned disgrace for agreeing that our troops should kill civilians.

In fact,  you're no better than a terrorist.  If you really don't like terrorists,  stay out of their country and mind your own damned business.


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Cowardly murdering innocent civilians. 

Like the Glennane Gang consisting of 25 British soldiers and police officers who were responsible for murdering over 120 innocent civilians and the the British state forces that colluded and took part in the Dublin and Monaghan bombings killing 33 people and an unborn eight month old baby.




Those type of terrorists?


Tell us, when a country has democratically expressed its wish to be independent by vote and has had that wish denied by state force what is left for them to do about it?

More dishonest nonsense from a terrorist sympathiser.  The only time any part of Ireland has had a referendum vote to leave the UK was in 1973.  The result was over 98%  voted to remain part of the UK because the terrorist supporters and sympathisers boycotted the ballot box.


You need to seek help for being a terrorist sympathiser.  In order to start helping yourself first like alcoholics you need to admit you have a problem.  Perhaps there should be anonymous support groups for terrorists sympathisers who need help such as yourself.

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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

Your biased view of what happened during the troubles is quite worrying.

You definitely need to get things in proportion.

Before concentrating of crimes of one side TRY to read and learn about crimes committed by all sides.

Whichever side the terrorists were on they were criminals and should be held to account.

You have omitted to explain why the country was split and details of Collins and DeValera.

Do you think the killings and mailings were justified to try and achieve a united Ireland. ?

To answer your question the catholic birth rate is greater than the non catholic one and therefore they would be able to win a vote for peaceful reunification, if they so wished.


Time you shut up about reading and savouring your great wisdom.  There are plenty of blokes who were there and they saw it and they did it,  but they didn't read about it.

There should not be any kind of terrorism on this planet but there is,  simply due to one nation sticking it's nose into another nations business.

This war in the middle east,  may well come to have terrible repercussions for us and for the rest of the world and it's far too easy for nations who should know better to blame "terrorists".

You obviously still think it's right that one nation should invade another who have done nothing to harm them.  that to me, makes YOU a terrorist.


Edited by Organgrinder
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4 hours ago, Delbow said:

No-one is justifying atrocities against civilians, and rape as a weapon of war is always abhorrent. The fact is that if Hamas were targeting smaller numbers of people over a longer time period you wouldn't be aware of it and probably wouldn't care that much - like most people. The day-to-day violations and abuses of Palestinians that the Israeli state carries out generally don't make it into the mass consciousness because they're done routinely and in the background. But to me, the murder of an Israeli civilian in a spectacular attack by Hamas and an IDF soldier shooting an innocent Palestinian in the back are just the same, which is why I don't buy your good guy/bad guy BS. And that's even without going into the number of Israeli civilians who are to some extent part of the armed forces and therefore not truly civilians.

Israel is surrounded on all sides by people and countries who say they don't even have the right to exist. 


They have the right to defend themselves


 Would you prefer them to just walk into gas chambers like they did in the 1940s?


I find it strange that the lefties defend people who say that homosexuality should be punishable by death and who treat their women as second class citizens 🙄

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16 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You are a contemptible liar.  all warring governments conduct operations which they know will kill innocent civilians. How can it not be deliberate when they know the result before they do it.

IT IS NOT SAD FACT at all it is ATROCITY. and we have often been as guilty as the next.

Tell me how many innocent Iraqi civilians we killed when we invaded Iraq.  You are a damned disgrace for agreeing that out troops should kill civilians.

In fact,  you're no better than a terrorist.  If you really don't like terrorists,  stay out of their country and mind your own damned business.


You really are a nasty and insipid individual.


I've always given you the benefit of the doubt and responded to your posts with politeness and respect but you have completely nailed your colours to the mast during this thread.


Every single post you make there is some sort of insult added, and then you compare a poster as no better than a terrorist.


You are a cretin, and I will make no apologies for insulting you, you silly, nasty, miserable old man.


Edited by Al Bundy
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