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The Yom Kippur War .

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4 minutes ago, mafya said:

Just seen the stop bombing Palestinians protests in London, New York and other countries on the news and also saw the Jewish people that are also taking part against Israel’s bombing. 
Public opinion us turning against Israel’s  indiscriminate bombing of innocent people

You only see a few thousand protesting


And it's always the same people 


There will be millions who support Israel 


The silent majority who have all the power 

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12 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

This is true but Israel only have themselves to blame.

Incidentally I heard the US is/will be issuing an evacuation order to all its citizens in the middle east.

Anyone laying any bets the US will be reintroducing the draft soon? 🤔 

Israel doesn't care what anyone thinks...they never have 


It's the only way they can survive when they are surrounded by savages and barbarians 

Edited by Jack Grey
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26 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

You only see a few thousand protesting


And it's always the same people 


There will be millions who support Israel 


The silent majority who have all the power 

There was 60-70 thousand just in London!! Stop making yourself look like an idiot..

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4 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Well most of the world equates Hamas as a terrorist organisation and the Israeli government as a legitimate constitutional sovereign nation.


So take a wild or even an educate guess which one it is 🙄 

Not correct.  that's only how you see it.  I think you'll find that the majority in this world have woken up and realised that Israel have committed atrocities too.

That's why you are seeing so many protests and they are in every country and not just on the streets of London.  You live in a little hate filled world of your own.

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29 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Like I said.....a few thousand


No one feels sorry for Hamas or the people who elected them or support them


The silent majority support Israel

No one has claimed that anyone feels sorry for Hamas.  It's the ordinary Palestinian people they feel sorry for.

We have been trying to tell you the difference all through this thread but you are apparently too stupid to take it in.


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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

You only see a few thousand protesting


And it's always the same people 


There will be millions who support Israel 


The silent majority who have all the power 

What do you mean by”its always the same people”

They get about a bit

You are correct that millions support Israel

i.e Support their right to live without threat within their borders .

As Palestinians support their right to control their own borders

The problem lies with those who occupy the land of their neighbours and those who carry out incursions and terrorist activities.

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25 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

No one has claimed that anyone feels sorry for Hamas.  It's the ordinary Palestinian people they feel sorry for.

We have been trying to tell you the difference all through this thread but you are apparently too stupid to take it in.




You never fail to disappoint


Predicable, tedious and boring


I support Israel....you support HAMAS


Let's just agree to disagree and stop replying to my posts 👍


Focus your anger somewhere else because Im just laughing at you 💋

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