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The Yom Kippur War .

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8 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Yep. Got it!


I understand there's a couple of wars going on about it!  :)


That's your wars for you!


Remember Dresden? Hiroshima? Nagasaki?

War crimes are committed when 2 countries are in a legal state of declared war and the Geneva Convention applies.

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19 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Because its the left who are now the Nazis 


Just look at the evidence....


They oppose free speech

They disrupt speech, talks or debates they don't like

They cancel anyone they don't agree with

They disrupt events

They pull down flags

They remove posters

They destroy monuments and statues

They hate the Jews

They demand that we all think, talk and live like them 

They say that violence is acceptable for the cause


I could go on and on and on 

One more (for the pot!  :) )


They call their duly constituted opposition parties. "deplorables", "Fascists". "Racists", and try to put them in jail! 

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12 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Don't know where you get that from.  To the best of my knowledge,  it's always been openly acknowledged that Sein Fein were the political wing of the IRA.

Maybe the denials are more in line with those in the political wing,   denying taking part in the acts of violence  that the fighting side would have pursued.

The Irish situation is still very fragile but at least an indicator that getting around a table is worth a try.


You are correct, Sinn Fein are the Republican political party that negotiated on behalf of the PIRA. The major difference between the situation in Ireland and the situation in Israel and Palestine is that Sinn Fein and the PIRA wanted another country to withdraw and stop interfering in Irish affairs.  They had no other aim than that and anyone living in Northern Ireland of any political, ethnic or religious persuasion was perfectly welcome to remain there and continue to live their lives as before after reunification should they wish to do so.


Hamas want the total destruction of Israel and the elimination of all Jews in the area. They are not freedom fighters they are fanatical sectarian murderers who have carried out the latest atrocity in full knowledge of what Israel's reaction would be.

They don't care that thousands of innocent Palestinians will die because they know that that will provide them with more recruits in response and Israel will suffer international criticism.

You can negotiate with freedom fighters and reach a compromise, fanatics will not compromise.

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14 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Terrorist sympathisers like you don't laugh.  you're too full of hate.

You support Israel, bombing babies, oppressing peaceful Palestinians and land theft      -       We support peace.

I couldn't possibly agree anything with you.

Everyone else calls for peace but Grey calls for more killing.


Not me, amigo!


I'm with those who declared war on terrorism, back in the day!  :)


No peace for terrorists, ever.


Count up the dead, from radical Islamic terrorists over the last 20 years. Was it really Israel who flattened the New York World Trade Towers? :)


Count up the Palestinians Israel has killed!


Anybody?  :)


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18 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

You only see a few thousand protesting


And it's always the same people 


There will be millions who support Israel 


The silent majority who have all the power 

I predict after the next election in the U.S., all this stuff will fade into the past, like The Gulf War, the Great Financial Collapse of 2008, Afghanistan, BLM riots, "Russian Collusion", COVID,  "Capitol Insurrection", and even the Ukraine war which is already moving to page 3  :)


But the rent a mob left wing rioters, will still be out there, protesting the next "shiny object", along with Climate Change, the old standby when things go quiet!


And the Media will make sure there's lots of new shiny objects to get the haters and the pearl clutchers and armchair generals through their miserable days!  :)


Edited by trastrick
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6 hours ago, Prettytom said:

I don’t. I’m just pointing out to you that huge number of protesters out yesterday were all just people who don’t agree with the Israeli response.


You are the one who introduced their religion into the debate.


I’m still not sure why you did that.

Why di you refer to a religious group as a "bunch"?


Freudian slip?


I think you owe the OP an apology, for ascribing such perjurious description to him!

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12 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I predict after the next election in the U.S., all this stuff will fade into the past, like The Gulf War, the Great Financial Collapse of 2008, Afghanistan, BLM riots, "Russian Collusion", COVID,  "Capitol Insurrection", and even the Ukraine war which is already moving to page 3  :)


But the rent a mob left wing rioters, will still be out there, protesting the next "shiny object", along with Climate Change, the old standby when things go quiet!


And the Media will make sure there's lots of new shiny objects to get the haters and the pearl clutchers and armchair generals through their miserable days!  :)


Always some people wanting a cause to belong to.


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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

 I most certainly don't hate Jews at all and have already stated that in past posts.

I have also stated that many Jews disagree with Netanyahu and their own government,   in the way it's responded to the the atrocities of Hamas.

I've also said that I feel extremely grateful to the Jews who have defended the innocent Palestinians and have publicly said so. 

Yeah, we know what youve said, it's on the record!  :)


No need to start every post with the same pathetic malarky!

6 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Fair enough.


You off to the match I see, hope they can actually muster a goal or two.


I will be watching from my IPhone!!

Ah, Peace in our Time!


See how easy it is. if you drop the insults?  :)


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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Yeah, we know what youve said, it's on the record!  :)


No need to start every post with the same pathetic malarky!

Ah, Peace in our Time!


See how easy it is. if you drop the insults?  :)


It's called being an adult.


A certain aging individual should take note.


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3 hours ago, RJRB said:

Why does disagreeing with some aspects of Zionism translate into hatred of Jews.

Because, when an academic discussion of geopolitics moves from the  public forum, to a surprise attack on a Sovereign Democracy, tempers tend to get a little heated?  :)

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