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The Yom Kippur War .

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Just now, Al Bundy said:

You really are a nasty and insipid individual.


I've always given you the benefit of the doubt and responded to your posts with politeness and respect but you have completely nailed your colours to the mast during this thread.


Every single post you make there is some sort of insult added, and then you compare a poster as no better than a terrorist.


You are a cretin, and I will make no apologies for insulting you, you silly, nasty old man.


That's fine.  I don't worry too much about insults from the kind of people who think it's perfectly alright to invade another country who is no threat to us and kill their civilians.

Accordingly,  I've decided that makes you a murdering terrorist too.


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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

That's fine.  I don't worry too much about insults from the kind of people who think it's perfectly alright to invade another country who is no threat to us and kill their civilians.

Accordingly,  I've decided that makes you a murdering terrorist too.


Pathetic, feeble child.


Jog on.

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11 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Time you shut up about reading and savouring your great wisdom.  There are plenty of blokes who were there and they saw it and they did it,  but they didn't read about it.

There should not be any kind of terrorism on this planet but there is,  simply due to one nation sticking it's nose into another nations business.

This war in the middle east,  may well come to have terrible repercussions for us and for the rest of the world and it's far too easy for nations who should know better to blame "terrorists".

You obviously still think it's right that one nation should invade another who have done nothing to harm them.  that to me, makes YOU a terrorist.


I really do despair at your complete lack of understanding and failure to want to educate yourself.

Why do you need to throw out insults ? I does not make you big or clever just as an angry person at war with the world.

I was there by the way but read to widen my understanding of a subject rather than just see one side I experienced.

Why am I a terrorist in your opinion as I find your rant deeply offensive.

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10 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Israel is surrounded on all sides by people and countries who say they don't even have the right to exist. 


They have the right to defend themselves


 Would you prefer them to just walk into gas chambers like they did in the 1940s?


I find it strange that the lefties defend people who say that homosexuality should be punishable by death and who treat their women as second class citizens 🙄

Your first line is correct.  the ones who put them in that dangerous place was US, The British.       Very bright weren't we ?

If they stayed out of Palestine,  they wouldn't have to defend themselves.  They are entering a neighbouring country,  stealing their lands and homes,  and making prisoners of it's citizens. 

I would prefer the Israeli's and very other nation too,  to stay out of other peoples lands and behave themselves.   I have no wish to see harm done to Israeli's,   Palestinians or any other nationality.

We are not discussing homo's or other nations punishments.  This is about you lot thinking it's ok for us to kill,  but not ok or anyone else to do it.


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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Your first line is correct.  the ones who put them in that dangerous place was US, The British.       Very bright weren't we ?

If they stayed out of Palestine,  they wouldn't have to defend themselves.  They are entering a neighbouring country,  stealing their lands and homes,  and making prisoners of it's citizens. 

I would prefer the Israeli's and very other nation too,  to stay out of other peoples lands and behave themselves.   I have no wish to see harm done to Israeli's,   Palestinians or any other nationality.

We are not discussing homo's or other nations punishments.  This is about you lot thinking it's ok for us to kill,  but not ok or anyone else to do it.


The Jews believe it's their land. 


They are there now and they have the right to destroy anyone who thinks it's ok to murder their citizens


If I was Israel id find the people responsible and kill their families 


Then in the future the terrorists who don't care about if they live or die might think twice if they knew their parents and relatives will be punished for their crimes 

Edited by Jack Grey
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2 minutes ago, Delbow said:

The inquiry started today into whether SAS personnel summarily executed 80 Afghans in Helmand without justification. If any of that is proven, I look forward to the displays of hypocrisy on here when it's announced.

I support the SAS fully


They're the most professional soldiers in the world


If they say they were justified to kill 80 Afghans I believe them 

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6 minutes ago, Delbow said:

The inquiry started today into whether SAS personnel summarily executed 80 Afghans in Helmand without justification. If any of that is proven, I look forward to the displays of hypocrisy on here when it's announced.

They won't even pretend not to be hypocrites.  Expect them to say openly that it's ok for us to do as we like but everybody else is a terrorist.

Surprisingly enough,   they then wonder why we are getting so unpopular in the world and why "terrorists"  want to blow us up.

Must be lovely to have a simple mind and not anticipate any problems with everything you do.


10 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I support the SAS fully


They're the most professional soldiers in the world


If they say they were justified to kill 80 Afghans I believe them 

I thought you might.

They certainly are,  which is why they should not need to be naughty.

I thought you might,  but you're using the same argument that terrorists use.

Funny isn't it how everybody's the same when you get down to it ?


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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

That's quite an argument you've put up there cuttsie and must have used up every ounce of intellect available.

Also, you shouldn't take their name in vain and should remember that those blokes  were preparing to fight an army who had beaten our army,  in an effort to protect such as you.

Don't know why they bothered though.


I was referring to a TV programme , I as born in the War and Remember the returning troops inc my own family , Some of em suffered indescribable treatment .

Why they bothered perhaps it’s because they had no choice eh


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8 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Gerrymandering was wrong the civil rights march you refer to was at Burntolet Bridge.

Many areas were of mixed religion until the 1969 campaign. 

Using force against government forces was never going to create a peaceful union even if reunification was granted especially when numerous atrocities are committed against civilians, policemen and soldiers.

You seem to know a bit about the early history please explain why the island was split and what was the difference between Collins and DeValera.

The island was partitioned because despite a majority voting for independence the unionist ' loyalist ' minority who were mainly in the north east threatened violence. In 1912 they  had illegally imported 25,000 rifles and 5 million rounds of ammunition from Germany.

Instead of facing them down the British government caved in and partition resulted. Somewhat ironic when you consider that Northern Ireland voted Remain but were told that they had to accept the majority decision.


Michael Collins was a soldier first and a politician second, De Valera was the other way round.  Had Collins not been killed in the Civil War there wouldn't have been any Troubles.

He led the first insurrection in the history of the world where the native people forced a colonial power to withdraw from a major part of a colonised country. All previous colonial forced withdrawals were accomplished by the colonists themselves.

He managed that against the largest empire ever known while being geographically next to them. Given a decade with the opportunity to plan and execute his next move without having to do it under occupation and everything would have been resolved.


Churchill offered the six counties to De Valera during WW2 if Ireland would allow Britain to use their sea ports. Dev refused because he didn't trust Churchill. He was right to do so Churchill would almost definitely reneged. 

Winnie would not have reneged on Collins.



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