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The Yom Kippur War .

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9 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Funny thing is....im not a van driver


I got a job delivering vehicles during the first lockdown to stop me going mad with boredom 


But now the lefties use it against me like it's an insult


Because they're snobs and think they're smarter than everyone else


I travel all over the world doing what I enjoy and they hate it because their lives are so mundane and filled with regret 

Climate change KILLER  :)


Your traveling days are numbered!


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9 hours ago, RJRB said:

I make a specific point related to the failure of Netanyahu to protect his people.

You go round the houses  because although you must see that it was a failure you cannot bring yourself to admit it.

I am not  talking about disagreeing within a Democracy .That happens in every Democracy and Netanyahu was already under pressure in the period immediately before 7thOct.

I suppose the alternative could be that the 500,000 Israeli Settlers living in many illegal settlements are being used cynically and without meaningful support by their Government.

They are the advanced guard rather than the military.

Talking of crappola or in local terms just absolute crap leave me out of the lorry driver connection.

I judge people as I find and have frequently respected the advice and opinion of those who actually do the jobs rather than those who haven’t a clue.

There were plenty of “shop floor” workers who knew far more about their part of the organisation than I needed to.

If you want to talk about Zelensky there is a thread

If you can’t make a rational response on the failure of the Israeli Defences against a very low tech attack then just stay quiet on the subject instead of trying to create a smoke screen

You might not see a problem but the Israelis can.


I won't stay "quiet".


Let's get that straight!  :)


Again, who do you think you are?


Who taught you this crappola?

9 hours ago, RJRB said:

Says the Consultant to Government departments.

Would your clapping seal colony be yourself,Al,Jack and Cressy.?

Strange how attached you are to this term

Says an anonymous troll on the internet!  :)



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You can't turn the pages of history back, no matter how you try.


They are fighting over a patch of sand that traditionally was just a wasteland populated by nomads and trade routes.


It was the West that gave it value. They found the oil underground, and Israel demonstrated how a patch  of sand could be turned into a green, thriving Democratic country.


Israel is just doing what the West did for years. Bringing Western "enlightenment" to  the poor "savages", their version of the new rules based liberal World order.and meeting the inevitable resistance.


Some Arab entities took note, and even surpassed the colonists in innovation and modernization, see Dubai, et al.


Others, the fundamental Islamists with their mad mullahs, still cling to the religion of the dark ages, where stoning to death of women and gays is still a public spectacle.


Trump had the right idea, stop meddling in the Middle East, bring home the U.S. troops, and let them sort it out between them.


Develop our own oil and gas resources, and reduce dependency on unstable Sheikdoms and Religious fanatics.


But we know what happened to him!  :)





For those who wish to lecture on the  legitimacy of regional land claims through history, it should be pointed out that when the Romans came to the area, 2000 or so years ago, there was Jewish State already established, Judea, with its city Jerusalem.with a King Herod, after a long line of kings going back, some say, to Solomon and David.


It was the Jews the Romans conquered,  not Arab nomads.

Edited by trastrick
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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

I won't stay "quiet".


Let's get that straight!  :)


Again, who do you think you are?


Who taught you this crappola?

Says an anonymous troll on the internet!  :)



Who asked you to stay quiet

Quite the opposite.

Your considered views on the failure of Netanyahu and his government to protect his country’s borders against an incursion of a few hundred terrorists on motor bikes ,hang gliders,cars,buggies.

The use of civilian settlers to establish communities outside their own borders with government backing.

Who do I think I am.?

What the hell is that supposed to mean.

Anonymous troll?

Another diversion on your part which illustrates to many your superiority complex,which I think is not warranted 


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7 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Like what.....ban religion? 


Or are you trying to blame someone else for their extremism? 


Is it the white mans fault? 

This is not about religion.

Until you're better informed, you should stick to ruining the planet.

As usual,  only you the racist,  mentioned colour.


By the way,  when is one of these good ideas going to turn up ?       "You defeat bad ideas with good ideas...thats the power of debate"    

A very long time coming.



Edited by Organgrinder
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