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The Yom Kippur War .

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42 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I support the SAS fully


They're the most professional soldiers in the world


If they say they were justified to kill 80 Afghans I believe them 

Of course you do. That's what marks you out as such a free thinker who isn't influenced by the Establishment at all.

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44 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I support the SAS fully


They're the most professional soldiers in the world


If they say they were justified to kill 80 Afghans I believe them 

It's fine to support them. However if some have done wrong they need to be punished if for no other reason than to preserve to good name of the Regiment. Weed the crap out, you'll be left with the very best 👍

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59 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Your first line is correct.  the ones who put them in that dangerous place was US, The British.       Very bright weren't we ?

If they stayed out of Palestine,  they wouldn't have to defend themselves.  They are entering a neighbouring country,  stealing their lands and homes,  and making prisoners of it's citizens. 

I would prefer the Israeli's and very other nation too,  to stay out of other peoples lands and behave themselves.   I have no wish to see harm done to Israeli's,   Palestinians or any other nationality.

We are not discussing homo's or other nations punishments.  This is about you lot thinking it's ok for us to kill,  but not ok or anyone else to do it.


Maybe if they arrived on boats claiming 'asylum' you'd have less of a problem with them entering neighbouring countries?

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

More dishonest nonsense from a terrorist sympathiser.  The only time any part of Ireland has had a referendum vote to leave the UK was in 1973.  The result was over 98%  voted to remain part of the UK because the terrorist supporters and sympathisers boycotted the ballot box.


You need to seek help for being a terrorist sympathiser.  In order to start helping yourself first like alcoholics you need to admit you have a problem.  Perhaps there should be anonymous support groups for terrorists sympathisers who need help such as yourself.

Again and again you prove that you know absolutely nothing about Ireland and its history.


Ireland had a General Election in 1918 which was won convincingly by Sinn Fein campaigning for Independence the won 73 out of a total of 105 seats. When they tried to re-establish the former Dublin parliament state force was used to prevent it.

Left with no option having had a democratic vote not honoured by Westminster there was no option other than to rebel.

The 1973 referendum  was boycotted by nationalist including the SDLP who are non violent nationalists and the largest nationalist political party at that time. It was therefore irrelevant.


If you knew any of this you could stop making such a fool of yourself, but you're completely ignorant despite feeling the need to bring it up at every opportunity.

Either do some research or better still keep quite about something you haven't a clue about.

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2 minutes ago, cressida said:

I want civilians kept out of this war I don't even want soldiers killed,  I know it won't happen but why don't both sides - if they need to war - keep it to military targets (and officers/governments)

If only Cressida lovey.

If only 

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7 minutes ago, cressida said:

I want civilians kept out of this war I don't even want soldiers killed,  I know it won't happen but why don't both sides - if they need to war - keep it to military targets (and officers/governments)

Because unfortunately one side like to kidnap, murder and parade naked victims in the streets like barbarians.

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19 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Again and again you prove that you know absolutely nothing about Ireland and its history.


Ireland had a General Election in 1918 which was won convincingly by Sinn Fein campaigning for Independence the won 73 out of a total of 105 seats. When they tried to re-establish the former Dublin parliament state force was used to prevent it.

Left with no option having had a democratic vote not honoured by Westminster there was no option other than to rebel.

The 1973 referendum  was boycotted by nationalist including the SDLP who are non violent nationalists and the largest nationalist political party at that time. It was therefore irrelevant.


If you knew any of this you could stop making such a fool of yourself, but you're completely ignorant despite feeling the need to bring it up at every opportunity.

Either do some research or better still keep quite about something you haven't a clue about.

The 1918 Ireland general election was not a referendum like the Scottish independence referendum or the EU referendum.  I again ask you  again to stop contributing dishonest nonsense.  The 1973 referendum was boycotted by the terrorists and terrorists sympathisers because they knew they would be defeated at the ballot box.

Edited by Axe
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