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The Yom Kippur War .

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58 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You and I have seen it happen in our lifetimes, Cuttsie, but the warnings fall on the deaf ears of lemmings.


Unitil they see dead bodies of neighbors sons and daughters coming home, and horribly mutilated survivors with missing limbs, or actually experience the bombing. it will remain for them a telly war!


Just another reality channel.


And when they are tired of it, they just turn off the telly finish their glass of plonk, and go to bed!


Maybe post about it on SF, in the morning! :)


History repeats!



Ah the experiences that you have imagined 

You are the one seeking the dead bodies at the moment.

You are the one that seems to be revelling in the deaths of 8000 and counting whilst enjoying your life in the sun

You are the one that cannot respond to my questioning of the actions being taken by the Israeli Government ,which is no surprise because many Israelis cannot either.

Fantasy Island is the best place for you.

People are experiencing the deaths of their families .

You are not one of them and neither is Cuttsie

You have seen no more than many in your lifetime,just seen other things .

Anyway it’s nearer your bedtime than mine and no doubt you will be on SF tomorrow with your thoughts .

Nothing exceptional there


Edited by RJRB
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4 hours ago, cuttsie said:

I do not get that at all ,   you are either for or against the anti semantic marches now taking place or for them . 

No standing in the middle you get hit by truck going both ways 

I take it your one of them who would like pro Palestinian marches banned? Silencing and trying to hide peoples outrage will not work.

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8 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Jeremy was fast out of the blocks to show his disgust at Israel bombing that hospital and killing 500 though wasn't he.


Has he come out and made any apology now that's it universally recognised as being a Hamas rocket malfunction?

We were all disgusted at that bombing and we still are at the bombing which is taking place now.

The universal recognition is only by you lot because it still is not proven so ,  not universal at all.

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5 minutes ago, mafya said:

He has already lost it and the votes of non Muslims too as he said he agreed with Israel holding back food and water.

I am astounded,  I saw loads of large trucks waiting to get through and they let through the minimum - hardly humanitarian imo

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7 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Jeremy was fast out of the blocks to show his disgust at Israel bombing that hospital and killing 500 though wasn't he.


Has he come out and made any apology now that's it universally recognised as being a Hamas rocket malfunction?

First of all, even the Israelis don't claim it was a Hamas rocket.


It's not universally acknowledged. Even the language used by our PM indicated that the security services aren't certain of it - they only think it 'most likely'.

12 minutes ago, cressida said:

Whilst most people were asking for a ceasefire Sir Keir was criticized for not adding his voice to it,  is he scared of losing the Muslim vote?

The Muslims in the UK want a ceasefire so it won't be for that. Starmer more likely doesn't want to do anything that could be seen as criticising Israel because of the legacy of antisemitism in the party that he went to such efforts to expunge.

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30 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Sorry, I'm not having that,

Organgrinder has already said on more than one thread he is not anti- semitic and doesn't hate Jews. Similarly, Jeremy Corbyn is not anti-semitic  and certainly doesn't hate Jews, he helps them. Both have strongly criticised Hamas Terrorists.


Why do you persist with your deliberate insults and provocation?

Disliking the behaviour of Israel is not anti-semitic, but they are not entirely blameless either as the more enlightened people among us know.

Thank you Anna.   I'm afraid that our opponents in debate,  don't realise that it is still allowable to criticise the Israeli government when we see wrong,  without being anti Semitic.

Every government in the world can be criticised when showing inhumanity and Israel does not have a free ride either.   

Many very kind and caring Jewish people are calling out their own government and I feel so grateful to them,  the only thing that stops me despairing of the human race.



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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

I could've swore somebody did!  :)


“On the subject”

i.e Netanyahu ‘s failure to defend his nationals and the failure of their intelligence.

An attack supposedly months in the planning by hang glider and motorbikes.

An attack that could and should have been repelled by Israeli forces if they had been between the Palestinians and the settlers.

Why so.?

Could it be that innocent settlers are there to provoke a situation that suits the ambitions of the hawks .

If you stay quiet on this subject I will understand.

However I hope that the families of those held hostage who are asking similar questions get an answer from someone who matters.


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5 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:
24 minutes ago, mafya said:

He has already lost it and the votes of non Muslims too as he said he agreed with Israel holding back food and water.

So it is about religion then?

mafya said Starmer has lost the vote of Muslims and non Muslims as he agreed with Israel (not Jews) holding back food and water.


Explain why you think that's about religion.

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