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The Yom Kippur War .

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

They won't even pretend not to be hypocrites.  Expect them to say openly that it's ok for us to do as we like but everybody else is a terrorist.

Surprisingly enough,   they then wonder why we are getting so unpopular in the world and why "terrorists"  want to blow us up.

Must be lovely to have a simple mind and not anticipate any problems with everything you do.


I thought you might.

They certainly are,  which is why they should not need to be naughty.

I thought you might,  but you're using the same argument that terrorists use.

Funny isn't it how everybody's the same when you get down to it ?


The difference between you and me is that I presume our heroes are innocent and you presume they're guilty. 


Just shows who you are really

Edited by Jack Grey
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5 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The difference between you and me is that I presume our heroes are innocent and you presume they're guilty. 


Just shows who you are really

Do you believe that everything you presume is correct then ?

If somebody,  anybody,  is suspected of wrong doing,  then you look at the evidence before deciding.

You don't pronounce them innocent because they are "one of our hero's"

I can see that your rule of law is "whatever suits me best".

I believe in real honest law   and    I'm really glad that there is that "difference between you and me".     because I am not bent   Just shows who YOU are really  -  corrupt.


Edited by Organgrinder
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The latest news is that more than ten British citizens are feared dead or missing as a consequence of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel.  The Sheffield Discussion Forum is a British based website.  The moderators should ban all anti British and terrorist sympathisers from the site.  We now have a similar Lord Haw Haw situation and national traitors purveying either anti British propaganda or pro terrorists propaganda should not be tolerated. 

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52 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

Maybe if they arrived on boats claiming 'asylum' you'd have less of a problem with them entering neighbouring countries?

I suppose your bright little mind has reason  to put together the war in the middle east and our asylum seekers but I can't think what it is.

All I will say is,  by causing / allowing trouble spots in far off places,  you are guaranteeing that there will be more asylum seekers heading for our shores.     Didn't you think of that ?


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10 minutes ago, Axe said:

The latest news is that more than ten British citizens are feared dead or missing as a consequence of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel.  The Sheffield Discussion Forum is a British based website.  The moderators should ban all anti British and terrorist sympathisers from the site.  We now have a similar Lord Haw Haw situation and national traitors purveying either anti British propaganda or pro terrorists propaganda should not be tolerated. 

That's the first thing that extreme right wingers do when they are afraid of argument.  Ban all dissent so that we don't have to justify the wrong that we do.

Typical Axey,        pity you didn't live in 1930'2 Germany  -  Adolph would have loved you.                   NO,  we have free speech here righty so live with t.

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The rabble are outside the Israeli embassy now , Ant semantic chants , How do they get away with it , 

You can bet they will be out side our Town Hall before the week is out let us hope that the council act before things get out of hand .

We have had the Ukraine flag flying after they were invaded so it’s only fair that the Star of David flag  should now be on display.

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15 minutes ago, Axe said:

The 1918 Ireland general election was not a referendum like the Scottish independence referendum or the EU referendum.  I again ask you  again to stop contributing dishonest nonsense.  The 1973 referendum was boycotted by the terrorists and terrorists sympathisers because they knew they would be defeated at the ballot box.

The 1918 General election result was a clear expression of the peoples wish to be independent. Trying to make out anything different is pure mendacious nonsense.   Your bigotry is plain and combined with your lack of knowledge makes you look ridiculous.


And ending free speech is a favourite fascist and extreme left wing tactic. Countries employing that restriction against human rights are North Korea, China, Uzbekistan, Burma, Syria and Belarus among others. You want Britain to join that group of despot run countries?


Not surprising given your obvious lack of general perception.

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5 minutes ago, m williamson said:

The 1918 General election result was a clear expression of the peoples wish to be independent. Trying to make out anything different is pure mendacious nonsense.   Your bigotry is plain and combined with your lack of knowledge makes you look ridiculous.


And ending free speech is a favourite fascist and extreme left wing tactic. Countries employing that restriction against human rights are North Korea, China, Uzbekistan, Burma, Syria and Belarus among others. You want Britain to join that group of despot run countries?


Not surprising given your obvious lack of general perception.

It’s not about 1918 in Ireland now it’s Saturdays terrorists invasion of Israel we are on about 

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