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The Yom Kippur War .

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:


Like our Organgrinder, bless him, he is on both sides of the issue, anti radical Islamic terrorist and ant-Jewish at the same time.



Bless him indeed for recognising that there are indeed at least 2 sides of the issues .

Any diplomatic end to the long standing problem will have to face that fact.

“Anti Jewish “ is your own deliberate invention.

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10 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Bless him indeed for recognising that there are indeed at least 2 sides of the issues .

Any diplomatic end to the long standing problem will have to face that fact.

“Anti Jewish “ is your own deliberate invention.

It will continue until we find a cure for human nature 

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@Jack Grey

Probably true.

There have been so many border wars over the years and the best we can hope for is that they are at least limited for a period.

Balkans,Middle East,various African countries,North/South Korea ,Russia and the former Soviet Union countries. Britain and Argentina,The list is endless.



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23 minutes ago, RJRB said:

@Jack Grey

Probably true.

There have been so many border wars over the years and the best we can hope for is that they are at least limited for a period.

Balkans,Middle East,various African countries,North/South Korea ,Russia and the former Soviet Union countries. Britain and Argentina,The list is endless.



If there is so little political will out there as there is goodwill on this forum then God help the lot of them.    Without observation of International Law,  nothing will change.

It's impossible to convince anyone that Israel cannot kill their way out of it and nobody has ever eradicated  a terrorist group.

If there's no peaceful agreement made and properly overseen to ensure that parties honour their agreements, there will be constant attacks and loss of life on both sides.

That would be almost certain to be accompanied by growing terrorist action in other countries such as the UK and an attendant rise in immigration from those middle eastern areas.

In the meantime Israel should realise that there was originally a lot of goodwill  for the Jewish nation and much of this has now been lost.

If no peaceful solution is reached, this loss of goodwill will intensify until such time as Netanyahu and his fellow hawks are removed from office.

I care for the Jewish people but consider that,  like us,  they are being carried the wrong way by a corrupt and self serving government who will not keep their hold on power.

Unfortunately,  Hamas have done the very thing that Netanyahu wanted them to do to,  so they would  justify his response and I think it was all planned this way.

I also don't believe he has any interest in the hostages,  which is why he's bombing freely without care,  knowing Hamas will be blamed for any resultant tragedies.

My very best wishes to every ordinary peaceful citizen in the middle east whether Israeli or Palestinian and my apologies to them all for the corrupt actions of so many governments including ours.


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6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I also don't believe he has any interest in the hostages,  which is why he's bombing freely without care,  knowing Hamas will be blamed for any resultant tragedies.



Hardly, the whole world is on Israel's case, right now! But Biden is stuck with his empty promise to "have their back", which conflicts and contradicts their feverish diplomacy by their point man Kerry, (started under Obama) over the last few years to lift sanctions, send $billions to the mad mullah's, in return for hostages, oil, a "promise" not to develop Nuke weapons :) , and of course, the development opportunities in the Middle East. (See Clinton/Biden Family interests) 


You believe Israel are "terrorists".


Most radical Islamic terrorists and their Jihad supporters around the world,  agree with you!


Hardly a pass for Israel!  :)


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8 hours ago, RJRB said:

Bless him indeed for recognising that there are indeed at least 2 sides of the issues .

Any diplomatic end to the long standing problem will have to face that fact.

“Anti Jewish “ is your own deliberate invention.

There's ALWAY two sides to every issue, Einstein.


Sorting out which one leads to chaos and the next world war is the hard part!  :)


Right now you have the only Democracy in the Middle East, surrounded by radical Islamic terrorists and their supporters, who are dedicated to its destruction.


The Big Question is whether there is enough Western support to maintain its independence, or whether they'll listen to the growing MUslim voter base around the world, lose interest, and see it turn into just another failed radical religious fundamental State like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.


If the terrorists prevail, it may be the Jews who are displaced again, and moving West. That shouldn't be a huge problem as Jews have traditionally managed to live peacefully with their neighbors. As you say some of your best pals are jewish :)


Not sure about the other lot among you, though! 


Stay tuned! 



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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

There's ALWAY two sides to every issue, Einstein.




Einstein,the Jewish pacifist who was under constant review by Hoover who considered him to be a Left Wing sympathiser.

I wonder what he would have thought about either Netanyahu’ s failure to protect his people or intent,depending on your point of view.


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25 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Einstein,the Jewish pacifist who was under constant review by Hoover who considered him to be a Left Wing sympathiser.

I wonder what he would have thought about either Netanyahu’ s failure to protect his people or intent,depending on your point of view.


Probably the same as he would have thought about the U.S. government's "failure" to protect the country from the suicidal Japanese Imperialists at Pearl Harbour, suicidal radical Islamic terrorists  on 9/11. and Zelenskyy's "failure" to protect his citizen's from  two Russian invasions


Namely,  by trying to drag his country which has a traditionally strong affinity with Russia, (with it's minority 30% Russian speaking people, including 15% ethnic Russians, - WIKI) into an anti- Russian NATO Nuclear Military Coalition.


And by overthrowing the duly elected pro-Russian Ukraine government in a coup, inspired, and celebrated by the "regime change" new liberal rules based world order policies of Obama and Biden (and Hunter) and their European co-conspirators. :)



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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

Einstein,the Jewish pacifist who was under constant review by Hoover who considered him to be a Left Wing sympathiser.

I wonder what he would have thought about either Netanyahu’ s failure to protect his people or intent,depending on your point of view.


A surprise attack by limited terrorists can happen anywhere.

A surprise happened in WW2 against America at Pearl Harbour by a large force.


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