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The Yom Kippur War .

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10 minutes ago, RJRB said:

And you believe that will be the case?

Or might it just create the terrorists of the future?

It's obvious they will know what will happen in the future if they behave in this way again and may make them realise a different approach is needed.

There will always some people that follow a cause but it is their own government that must stop them killing others in pursuance of their cause that does not reap rewards.

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7 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

It's obvious they will know what will happen in the future if they behave in this way again and may make them realise a different approach is needed.

There will always some people that follow a cause but it is their own government that must stop them killing others in pursuance of their cause that does not reap rewards.

You use terms such as obvious and simple when the whole sorry mess is far from that.

We must agree to differ on what will be the result.

My thoughts can only be conjecture whilst your wishes are being played out

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24 minutes ago, RJRB said:

And you believe that will be the case?

Or might it just create the terrorists of the future?

I keep reading about this nonsense excuse. 


Thank goodness certain governments around the world don't think like this and have the balls to try and rid the world from these monsters rather than being held to some kind of blackmail because it will create more suicide bombers.


I've got news for you.  The world has been living in fear of suicide bombers who want to blow us to bits for over 20 years now.


I highly doubt we shall be made to wait even longer at airport/concert/ security than we already do because of these ********.

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31 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Make Hamas realise what their terrorist actions achieve and what will happen if they do the same thing again.

Quite simple.

They already realise but they don't care.

They realise that if they attack Israeli's,  the people of Palestine will get bombed which is exactly what's  happening.

They don't particularly care about the people of Palestine so it's not a deterrent.

If it's so simple,  why has it been going on for 75 years ?

It's the way it's being dealt with that's simple.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

No one said that there was No resistance to the Nazis by Jewish people and I didn't even write that but referred to another post.

Of course I heard of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. There were countless acts of resistance during the war BUT NONE that changed the course of the war and saved those 6 million Jews.

We were not discussing the British army who had people from every single race on earth.

I'm a little tired of being called anti semantic but if you are too stupid to read properly what I've written, then there's nothing I can do about that.

I am not going to tip toe around being afraid to mention Jewish people simply because of anti-Semitism accusations.

You need to accept that people of EVERY race can do wrong and, when they do,  they can be called out.

Try learning to read properly before practising your tap room politics.


Bang on with stupid remark . keep it up genius .

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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

They already realise but they don't care.

They realise that if they attack Israeli's,  the people of Palestine will get bombed which is exactly what's  happening.

They don't particularly care about the people of Palestine so it's not a deterrent.

If it's so simple,  why has it been going on for 75 years ?

It's the way it's being dealt with that's simple.

So in essence you are blaming Hamas for the deaths of Palestinians.

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1 minute ago, harvey19 said:

There is only one way forward in any situation where people feel victims  because of historic events and take up a cause.

That is to put the past behind them.

Look how our country and others are friends with other countries we are in world wars with.



I agree entirely with that statement and that is why  a proper 2 state solution should be made to work.

You can't put the past behind you until you stop bombing people.

International Law is the only answer and not more violence.


3 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Bang on with stupid remark . keep it up genius .

I am doing.

58 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I've met a lot of Israelis on my travels and I can tell you that they are very liberal


They love life and just want to live in peace and harmony


They value democracy, free speech and the right to be who you want to be.


However they will defend their country to the death.


They are aware of their history and they won't let it happen again.


The attack on their country on the 7th October is what happens when they take their eye off the ball for even a second.


What happens when you give savages an inch to breath.


People don't believe that all Muslim are bad people and that they support what happened in Israel 


But people certainly notice the silence that comes from the Muslim community when something like this happens.


Yeah they say they don't support it but it's nothing compared to the noise and outrage they make when something happens to them 

That's a very nice statement that I mostly agree with but that doesn't match the things you've said before it and the things you'll be saying tomorrow.


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50 minutes ago, RJRB said:

What you seem to ignore is that most people on here totally support the establishment of the State of Israel and the protection of its people into the future.

Peace initiatives between some of its neighbours have been reached in the past and some degree of normality enjoyed.

That is enjoyed by those other than fanatics and terrorists.

Much as we would all like to see the back of all of these,it’s not going to happen .

How do you fight suicide bombers and the current blitz satisfies revenge and retribution whilst stoking up future problems.

So in simple terms and accepting that Oct 7th was a Hamas terrorist attack,what do you think will be achieved by the bombing of Gaza.?

The end of Hamas?






This attack on Israel started just has talks were starting with the  Saudi Arabians in the chair  to bring stability to the area .

I am not ignoring that . Its a fact .

29 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

It's obvious they will know what will happen in the future if they behave in this way again and may make them realise a different approach is needed.

There will always some people that follow a cause but it is their own government that must stop them killing others in pursuance of their cause that does not reap rewards.

Sorry Harvey it has happened before and just as happened  at that time is happening now .

These people will never learn ,

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