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The Yom Kippur War .

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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Hezbollah is also sending rockets over to Israel.  Do you think Netanyahu's going to carpet bomb Lebanon next ?

Netanyahu will do whatever he deems necessary to ensure that the fanatical extremist Islamic terrorists, do not succeed in carrying out their stated intention of destroying the sovereign democratic State of Israel.


4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

They will have to go for peace in the end,  exactly as I said.

They are going for peace now!


The way the allies went for peace with the NAZIS in WW2


It's called "Peace, Through Strength"

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3 hours ago, RJRB said:

Are you determined to confirm your stupidity.

I have long been convinced that you are not as bright as you think you are🙂 

Who cares what an anonymous internet troll, posting personal insults thinks?


Only losers, like you!  :)


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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

The realisation will come that they have lost a lot of goodwill and that the amount of security needed, and the losses involved, make it pointless
to carry on fighting wars with everyone around them.   A cease fire will have to come eventually.   Far better now than later.

Ah, you've taken my rationale for ending the Ukraine war, almost word for word! You slippery eel, you! :)


The difference is, of course Israel is winning this war, against fanatical radical Islamic terrorists, while the Ukrainians never had a chance against the Russian Nuclear Bear next door, and anybody with half a brain knows it!


'Deluded' Zelensky blasted as close aide claims Ukraine is 'not winning' war with Russia




Exactly as I told you. Even the Media are changing the "narrative" that you gullible fools bought lock, stock and barrel  :)


There's a U.S. election coming up, and Biden, or whichever warm body they find to run in 2024, will not go into the election with 2 (two, count 'em) hot wars.


Politics always trumps common sense with these radical Leftists.


Goodbye Zelenskyy!  :)






Edited by trastrick
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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I wish someone would,  by any means,  get rid of Netanyahu and the hawks in his government so that peace could prevail for the entire middle east.

Well, your compatriots,  the radical islamic terrorists, Hamas, Hesbollah and their patron Iran are doing all they can, so don't give up hope yet, Orgy!  :)


You may yet your wish!


3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I am not getting into middle eastern politics, 

Of course not, Orgy.


But do you know where the Middle East is? Want Checkov to post you a diagram?  :)


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52 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

So because Hamas are an illegal government you think they should be able to do what they want without reprisals ?


The point being made is that because they are an illegal government,  you can't blame the ordinary citizens.

Everybody on my side of the fence on this thread have repeatedly condemned Hamas for their inhumanity and everyone agrees that whatever happens to them they fully deserve.

You are now joining Grey & Bundy etc and making inferences that we would allow them to carry on.

We like everybody else,  would wish them all dead for the atrocities they have committed and, if you haven't the sense to  understand that, you shouldn't be on here.

You know full well that we are only interested in saving the innocent and not the guilty.  If you wish to carry on conversing with me,  stop making daft statements which you know are untrue.


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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

Your post illustrates the truth in the saying that even a blind squirrel finds the occasional nut.

Its a start for you ,possibly a little late in life,but try applying it more widely.

You might struggle to accept that even in a Democracy the forces of hate are present.

Doesn't include you, amigo.


You'd be the last person, I'd try and have a reasonable discussion with,  Anonymous internet insulting trolls, jehovah's witnesses, drunks in bars, and fanatical radical Islamic terrorists, are all of a piece in my book!

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Wars are usually fought for one side to beat the other, this one appears to be a continual draw, it’s no use one side being apprehensive about beating the other. I’m no war monger, but this is like watching two boxers where neither wishes to knock out the other.  🤔

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4 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Doesn't include you, amigo.


You'd be the last person, I'd try and have a reasonable discussion with,  Anonymous internet insulting trolls, jehovah's witnesses, drunks in bars, and fanatical radical Islamic terrorists, are all of a piece in my book!

That’s only because I  pick you up on your silly assertions .....and will continue to do so as long as it amuses me to do so.

BTW I would think that 95 % at least on SF choose to use a nom de plume for obvious reasons.

But you consistently prefer to ignore the obvious.


55 minutes ago, trastrick said:


It's called "Peace, Through Strength"

Or Peace through Domination which has a limited shelf life


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4 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Wars are usually fought for one side to beat the other, this one appears to be a continual draw, it’s no use one side being apprehensive about beating the other. I’m no war monger, but this is like watching two boxers where neither wishes to knock out the other.  🤔

The point is mate,  that no side is going to beat the other and so, it will either last forever or develop into a world war.

The analogy with boxing is a good one when you know that the ref will not let it go on forever but unfortunately,  we have no ref.


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