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The Yom Kippur War .

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46 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Orgy is on the front line as he apparently knows that Palestinians don't agree with what Hamas are doing. I just don't know how he finds the time to ask them all and still have free space in his day to argue on here!


I was wondering why he states he cares so deeply about folk he has never met or even ever heard of but it's now plainly obviously,  because he is on personal terms with them, hence knowing what they think.  


And there was me thinking he was just waffling some virtue signalling gobbledygook.


You just get more stupid every day and can't even address the subject of the thread.

Good job we don't expect much from you/

If you watched the newsreels with the sound on, You would know what people think too.

Probably far too complicated to you.


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I have just walked the under pass that connects Moor foot from London Road , for the first time in my life I have seen swastikas , And anti Jewish slogans spray canned on subway walls .

I thought that Europe and especially  the UK would always be free from this this blatant Antisemitism .

It is there go take a look ( perhaps the local newspaper or local TV can go and send a reporter). 
The spraying is in 3 foot high lettering you cannot miss it , 

I hope the Council leave it there as it will shout loud and clear to all the denying people on this thread that this is a lot more about the hatred of the Jewish race than the atrocities now happening in Israel and Palestine.

Why did no one notice the graffiti nazis , Why have they got away with it .

If it’s the local kids tagging with a spray can the cops will be on them like a ton of bricks and the photos will be plastered all over the media .

I hope that Israel now stops bombing the civilians in Gaza and that those who started the whole situation are then handed over to stand trial .

I say this just to make it clear to the anti semantic s on here who see no wrong in what Hamas did and once again go take a look at that under pass then tell me that we do not have fascists in our midst .


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9 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I have just walked the under pass that connects Moor foot from London Road , for the first time in my life I have seen swastikas , And anti Jewish slogans spray canned on subway walls .

I thought that Europe and especially  the UK would always be free from this this blatant Antisemitism .

It is there go take a look ( perhaps the local newspaper or local TV can go and send a reporter). 
The spraying is in 3 foot high lettering you cannot miss it , 

I hope the Council leave it there as it will shout loud and clear to all the denying people on this thread that this is a lot more about the hatred of the Jewish race than the atrocities now happening in Israel and Palestine.

Why did no one notice the graffiti nazis , Why have they got away with it .

If it’s the local kids tagging with a spray can the cops will be on them like a ton of bricks and the photos will be plastered all over the media .

I hope that Israel now stops bombing the civilians in Gaza and that those who started the whole situation are then handed over to stand trial .

I say this just to make it clear to the anti semantic s on here who see no wrong in what Hamas did and once again go take a look at that under pass then tell me that we do not have fascists in our midst .


Also sprayed in large red letters are the words From the river to the sea .

go take a look it’s unbelievable in our City 

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36 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I do care about any deaths caused by this conflict and want it to end quickly.  

I do not expect you to answer some of my questions but they are to give you food for thought.

As has been explained to you before sadly civilians are killed in a war in this case because Hamas government attacked civilian Israelis. Do you understand retaliation will have been expected.

It is easy to wrongly call people righties to try and dispel points of view you do not want to answer.

If you want the war to end and stop the deaths and destruction you need to ask yourself which side should surrender and what steps need to be taken afterwards instead of just repeating how terrible it is.


I don't need any more food for thought,  there's a banquet laid out at news hour.

Because Hamas    TERRORISTS,  not government,     attacked civilian Israeli's.   Don't ask me to understand as you STILL don't understand the difference between 3 groups of people.

There are  Hamas terrorists with the aim of destroying Israel,  There's Hamas politicians who may have the same aims but practice politics instead of violence and they don't attack anyone.

There are the Palestinian people,  caught in the middle of the Hamas murdering nutcases and the Israeli invaders, stealing their land and their homes. and now Netanyahu, The Israeli Nazi who wants them all dead.

If there are points of view that I don't want to answer,  I simply won't answer them and don't need an excuse for that.

NO SIDE SHOULD SURRENDER.  You must have missed my umpteen calls for a CEASE FIRE and  for a peaceful solution to be drawn up.

You have called for no solution at all except carry on killing and then you expect me to believe that you care about the deaths.  Pull the other one.


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12 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I don't need any more food for thought,  there's a banquet laid out at news hour.

Because Hamas    TERRORISTS,  not government,     attacked civilian Israeli's.   Don't ask me to understand as you STILL don't understand the difference between 3 groups of people.

There are  Hamas terrorists with the aim of destroying Israel,  There's Hamas politicians who may have the same aims but practice politics instead of violence and they don't attack anyone.

There are the Palestinian people,  caught in the middle of the Hamas murdering nutcases and the Israeli invaders, stealing their land and their homes. and now Netanyahu, The Israeli Nazi who wants them all dead.

If there are points of view that I don't want to answer,  I simply won't answer them and don't need an excuse for that.

NO SIDE SHOULD SURRENDER.  You must have missed my umpteen calls for a CEASE FIRE and  for a peaceful solution to be drawn up.

You have called for no solution at all except carry on killing and then you expect me to believe that you care about the deaths.  Pull the other one.


Your last 2 sentences are ridiculous..

I will leave you with your thoughts.


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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Looks like Israel are winning this latest exchange.


Collateral damage in a War is NOT mass murder.  :)


A democracy defending it's country by war, is NOT State terrorism. :)

As a staunch defender of Jews and Israel, I'm no Fascist.


Then there are those who would make Hitler proud, and handing out Iron Crosses!  :)

Israel are certainly killing more people and I suppose in your twisted keyboard warrior mind that counts as 'winning '.


Collateral damage ( a euphemism used because ' killing innocent people ' is too factual ) IS state terrorism if there is no intention of limiting innocent casualties to the minimum and if revenge and cowering the civilian population is the aim.


What exactly do you think Fascism is?  Are you under the impression that it's a political philosophy that can only be applied to a particular race?

Fascism places nation and - usually - race above the individual. It believes in centralized autocratic governance under a dictator and it accepts no human rights or democratic opposition.

It can be utilised by any ethnic group, and just because you're a ' staunch defender ' of Israel  doesn't mean you don't have fascistic tendencies, you certainly give a good impression of  being one on this forum from time to time.

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44 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Your last 2 sentences are ridiculous..

I will leave you with your thoughts.


Simply because that's exactly what I think you are.

It has been reported on the news tonight the our foreign secretary,  James Cleverley,  is in talks with Hamas government.

You were silly enough to say that it was they who attacked civilian Israeli's.


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Simply because that's exactly what I think you are.

It has been reported on the news tonight the our foreign secretary,  James Cleverley,  is in talks with Hamas government.

You were silly enough to say that it was they who attacked Israel


I'll leave you to your thoughts.

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