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The Yom Kippur War .

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5 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

In a war there is no such thing called an appropriate response. We the allies in WW2 didn’t use one when we dropped two atomic bombs on Japan or wiped out German Cities. War is war and and unfortunately civilians get killed 

That's perfectly true               but there's no law that says  every individual has to leave their morals behind and like it.

If you are happy with the situation,  then that's fine.

When the government does something in my name,  I'm entitled to say that I don't agree.

I wouldn't have been happy about Dresden,  Nagasaki and Hiroshima too because I don't believe that two wrong make a right.


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Saw a live news report yesterday where international journalists, basically working out of a currently disused Israeli school close to the border with Gaza & using it's bomb shelter, we're convinced that they had been deliberately targeted by Hamas rockets. 


One of the journalists pointed to a small impact crater a few yards away, about a metre in diameter & roughly as deep.  In fact it looked exactly like the impact crater Hamas were showing off a few weeks ago which they claimed was the evidence that the Israeli's had bombed around the hospital which in turn caused a massive explosion. 


Strange how that story has fizzled away, what with Hamas not being able to produce any Israeli missile or bomb casing fragments, yet Gaza police & 'others' were photographed cleaning up the area shortly after around the crater? 

Edited by Baron99
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3 hours ago, trastrick said:



When asked about a particular atrocity, the usual reply from a terrorist sympathizer, politician or fellow traveler the old standby answer is, "I condemn violence on both sides, wherever it occurs".


That's how you can tell who's who, in this world!  :)






Whereas on the other hand, the morally corrupt ' country right or wrong ' left wing or right wing believers in might is right and uniforms equate with justice are incapable of seeing two sides to any story.

In WW2 there weren't two sides to the story, Germany was determined to obtain Lebensraum by occupying other peoples land. Clear cut situation and my father and his comrades were right to take up arms in defence of their country.


Israel and Palestine are nothing like as clear cut as that. Palestinians were driven off their land and Israel is in contempt of UN requirements to withdraw from areas occupied outside the original agreed boundary of their country. On the other hand  Israel has a right to defend itself and the Jews have a right to a Homeland, no argument.

Hamas are murderers, their action on 7th of October was indefensible. However, Israel's response has drawn criticism because it has made Palestinian innocent civilians including women and children the victims of their revenge, There are over 1,000 Christians living in Gaza, and they are also innocents in all of this atrocity.

The Israeli response is disproportionate and it doesn't make someone a terrorist sympathiser to say so, it makes them capable of thought and rationalisation.


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2 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Very early in this thread I posted that,

The aims of a terrorist act was to cause a reaction and then exploit that reaction.


In this case,  it's the other side who's exploiting the reaction.

Netanyahu is milking this for all it's worth so Hamas, as well as evil,  have been really stupid too,  but I don't  think they care about the Palestinian people either.


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52 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

In this case,  it's the other side who's exploiting the reaction.

Netanyahu is milking this for all it's worth so Hamas, as well as evil,  have been really stupid too,  but I don't  think they care about the Palestinian people either.


They definitely don't care about the Palestinian people. When they carried out the attack on the 7th of October they knew what the consequences would be. They wanted it to happen, they knew it would reflect on Israel and create hatred in previously uninvolved Palestinians and provide them with more recruits.

They're fanatics not freedom fighters.  Freedom fighters may be fanatical in their aims but their aims include the welfare of their people to at least some degree and they are prepared to negotiate if sufficient concessions are traded between the parties involved.

Hamas are driven by pure hatred of Jews, they'd sacrifice a couple of million Palestinians without regret in order to destroy Israel.


They can't be allowed to do either of those things.

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Wall Street Journal

Black Lives Matter and the World’s Oldest Hatred, (Anti-Semitism)


"The group’s praise for Hamas’s ‘resistance’ comes as no surprise to those paying attention.


"Many who rushed to support Black Lives Matter following the death of (serial criminal) George Floyd—professional sports leagues, Fortune 500 companies, placard-waving suburbanites—now seem shocked at how BLM reacted to the Oct. 7 terror attack in Israel.


"Yet nothing could have been more predictable"



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23 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Wall Street Journal

Black Lives Matter and the World’s Oldest Hatred, (Anti-Semitism)


"The group’s praise for Hamas’s ‘resistance’ comes as no surprise to those paying attention.


"Many who rushed to support Black Lives Matter following the death of (serial criminal) George Floyd—professional sports leagues, Fortune 500 companies, placard-waving suburbanites—now seem shocked at how BLM reacted to the Oct. 7 terror attack in Israel.


"Yet nothing could have been more predictable"



How have those protesters who chanted "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville reacted to the Hamas attack on Israel?

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