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The Yom Kippur War .

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46 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Why are you still defending Hamas if you don't support them? 


And what happened on the 7th October 23 shows that their manifesto is toilet paper 

You must have got a U in English at school because it seems you can’t read a English.

Show me the evidence that I support them?

Its you who can’t think out of the box, the point I was making was why haven't they mentioned in the news that Hamas did remove the destroy Israel part from their manifesto back in 2006.

It doesn’t suit their agenda that’s why in the same way nothing posted by the posters on this thread regardless of it being verified  doesn’t suit your agenda.

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3 hours ago, mafya said:

You must have got a U in English at school because it seems you can’t read a English.

Show me the evidence that I support them?

Its you who can’t think out of the box, the point I was making was why haven't they mentioned in the news that Hamas did remove the destroy Israel part from their manifesto back in 2006.

It doesn’t suit their agenda that’s why in the same way nothing posted by the posters on this thread regardless of it being verified  doesn’t suit your agenda.

So basically you are saying that people should believe what terrorists say just because they all of a sudden state they will not blow up any more Israeli folk....., just before an election is coming up?


Wow, you can't possibly be that naive or openly bias towards a terrorist organisation can you?


We see you, regardless of your transparent attempts to pretend otherwise, it's obvious where your alliances are/agenda is.


A Hamas candidate also said in  the 2006 manifesto..

"Hamas is talking about the end of the occupation as the basis for a state, but at the same time Hamas is still not ready to recognise the right of Israel to exist, Hamas is looking to establish a new political strategy"


Aye, invading Israel and slaughtering innocent Israeli folk and then video them battered bruised and dead for the world to see.

Then using civilians as human shields and setting up military bases in hospitals and schools, 




Lovely folk are Hamas.

Edited by Al Bundy
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6 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

You don't seem to read irony or sarcasm 


Everytime someone posts about Israel the Hamas supporters on here says it's lies and propaganda


When I post about Palestinian propaganda about the amount of children that have been killed I'm called all sorts of names and called a liar


But it's just typical from the left wing playbook and very predictable 


I mean 500 people died in a hospital hit by an Israeli missile


We all know that was total BS


You guys have skipped past that lie pretty quickly


I just think it's weird that you guys believe a terrorist organisation


You'll be telling us that the Taliban and ISIS are misunderstood next


It's all propaganda and lies 

Oh now come on jack, you must realise it's now a competition to show how much you really really really care.


Change your Facebook avatar to a Palestine flag, cover yourself with rainbow coloured armbands and write down how much empathy you have... because after all if you do that it shows you MUST care more than everyone else.

Edited by Al Bundy
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5 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Why are you still defending Hamas if you don't support them? 


And what happened on the 7th October 23 shows that their manifesto is toilet paper 

He hasn't defended them and neither am I doing.       He has simply stated true fact which you would have preferred that people did not know.

As I was unaware of this news too,  it would seem that there has been a united cover up by UK and USA governments,  helped along by the General News Media..

In the same way,  we could ask,  why are you defending a country which has been breaking International Law for 70 years and illegally occupying another country.

You clearly don't believe in the rule of law so,  am I correct in saying,  that anyone is entitled to take what's yours ?

They made clear that they HAD NOT given up their armed struggle which,  they claimed,  they were entitled to by reason of being an occupied country.  ( As in France in 1940 ).


This is also in answer to Bundy's post #2644          You will not silence truthful facts being stated by making false claims about the poster in an attempt to shut them down.


Edited by Organgrinder
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7 hours ago, mafya said:

I came across this about Hamas who back in 2006 dropped their call for the  “Destruction if Israel” from their manifesto=

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/jan/12/israel#:~:text=The Islamist faction%2C responsible for,Palestinian state in its place.
Have you noticed how it’s been kept quiet? Why are they still saying it’s still part of Hamas manifesto?

The amount of bull**** propaganda being put out while the certain things like this are not even mentioned.


The Israeli Government are now that that they will be taking over the responsibility for Gaza, so the distruction of Gaza is now done.

The reality is that Israel have been responsible for what comes in and out of Gaza for a long time.

I have sympathy for the Palestianians, but I think a one country sollution is the way forward, run with better living standards for all. Could it be worse?

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23 minutes ago, El Cid said:

The Israeli Government are now that that they will be taking over the responsibility for Gaza, so the distruction of Gaza is now done.

The reality is that Israel have been responsible for what comes in and out of Gaza for a long time.

I have sympathy for the Palestianians, but I think a one country sollution is the way forward, run with better living standards for all. Could it be worse?

Any kind of solution at all,   One State  or Two State,  would be better than this heart breaking carry on which has persisted for so long.

Any solution will have to be overseen,  to be totally fair to both Israeli's and Palestinian's and allow them both to live exactly the same lives under exactly the same circumstances.

There can be no more oppressed people and no more living in concentration camp conditions for anyone. and terrorism should be rooted out and dispelled forever.


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5 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Oh now come on jack, you must realise it's now a competition to show how much you really really really care.


Change your Facebook avatar to a Palestine flag, cover yourself with rainbow coloured armbands and write down how much empathy you have... because after all if you do that it shows you MUST care more than everyone else.

They hate the Jews it's as simple as that


All the things that's happening in the middle east this is the thing they are outraged by


You know why.....


The Jews took a tiny piece of land and in 40 years have made it successful


While everyone around them who follow a certain religion have gone backwards


And apparently is the Jews fault


Palestinians hate the lefties and everything they stand for


But the lefties support the Palestinians


You know why....they hate the Jews 


Is it because of their wealth?


The lefties keep attacking the wealthy


The Nazi and communists tried to exterminate the Jews for the very same reason  



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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

They hate the Jews it's as simple as that


All the things that's happening in the middle east this is the thing they are outraged by


You know why.....


The Jews took a tiny piece of land and in 40 years have made it successful


While everyone around them who follow a certain religion have gone backwards


And apparently is the Jews fault


Palestinians hate the lefties and everything they stand for


But the lefties support the Palestinians


You know why....they hate the Jews 


Is it because of their wealth?


The lefties keep attacking the wealthy


The Nazi and communists tried to exterminate the Jews for the very same reason  





Jews successful.


And we know how much the left hate successful people, it's that simple.

Edited by Al Bundy
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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

They hate the Jews it's as simple as that


All the things that's happening in the middle east this is the thing they are outraged by


You know why.....


The Jews took a tiny piece of land and in 40 years have made it successful


While everyone around them who follow a certain religion have gone backwards


And apparently is the Jews fault


Palestinians hate the lefties and everything they stand for


But the lefties support the Palestinians


You know why....they hate the Jews 


Is it because of their wealth?


The lefties keep attacking the wealthy


The Nazi and communists tried to exterminate the Jews for the very same reason  



Another post full of lies, with no substance whatsoever but just made up snippets from his imagination with no backing.

Never any proof of anything he says and it seems to be more about being wealthy than the war in the middle east.

Can't even keep his concentration on the subject he's supposed to be talking about.

One thing for sure is that Grey & Bundy are not rich because they're never at work. 

Just professional trolls who spend 15 hours a day on here, 7 days a week.

Probably passing time until their benefits Giro's come.



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Guest ThaBoom
2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

They hate the Jews it's as simple as that


All the things that's happening in the middle east this is the thing they are outraged by


You know why.....


The Jews took a tiny piece of land and in 40 years have made it successful


While everyone around them who follow a certain religion have gone backwards


And apparently is the Jews fault


Palestinians hate the lefties and everything they stand for


But the lefties support the Palestinians


You know why....they hate the Jews 


Is it because of their wealth?


The lefties keep attacking the wealthy


The Nazi and communists tried to exterminate the Jews for the very same reason  



That's just rhetoric and unsubstantiated, Jack.


You don't have to like or support Palestinians, but you should humanely feel something with all this death and destruction. 


It's been said before, there isn't an issue with Jews. It's the government that calls for a Jewish state by committing ethnic cleansing- for over 70 yrs. 


If someone moved into your back garden, then built a place to live, then built more, settled others there, refused to acknowledge you  and fought you when you tried to move them off YOUR land-destroyed your own home, left you and your kids homeless, you think you'd just accept it??



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