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The Yom Kippur War .

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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

Can someone answer this , please.

The Jews didn't really have a home. Assuming that it was the Jews who were brought  out of Egypt by Moses, they roamed the desert for 40 years, and were punished by God for breaking the ten Commandments by never reaching the promised land. Much of the old Testament is about the trials and conflicts of the Jews endeavouring to get there and set up a nation.


In reality Jews were dispersed throughout the world, settling sometimes in small enclaves, like Russia, but were often persecuted (supposedly for the death of Christ?) and moved on, hence the name 'wandering Jew.'

This was righted after the Holocaust by at last giving them a permanent homeland in Palestine, which became Israel, a mere 75 years ago. Jews of many different nationalities from all over the world flocked there, (especially those displaced to America by WWll,) to build the modern state of  Israel, .


With a lot of help, money and assistance from the West, it thrived, creating much resentment amongst their Arab neighbours who received no help and remained poor. That is until the discovery of oil fields in the region, much of which were  claimed to belong to the Isralis purely based on their expansion of land rights.


there's been nothing but trouble ever since.    

Edited by Anna B
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Hamas don't want peace because it would make them irrelevant, and by using the land issue its a perfect cover up for their violence.


They have most likely slaughtered people who would actually be on the side of the Palestinians  ( the peace festival). It's got nothing to do with land.


They don't want a prosperous, successful Gaza, because it would make them irrelevant and their supply of martyrs would dry up - the existence of lots of angry, ugly and lonely unemployed young men is their life blood


The growing peace deals between Israel and Saudi are making them irrelevant


That is why they launched this bloody disaster. To make themselves relevant again. Nothing more.


I sincerely hope Israel wipes them out for the good of everyone.



Edited by Al Bundy
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7 hours ago, m williamson said:

It has already been pointed out that your obsession with the IRA - and my response - has taken this thread off topic.

I pointed out to you  at # 230 that if you want to keep obsessing about that subject start a thread for that purpose.


Should you decide to do so however let me help you try to make yourself look less of an ill informed fool.


Firstly, take note of the Timeline of the Troubles which began in 1966 and see who started the violence.



Secondly, see what other terrorist group and their colluders in murder didn't bother giving any warnings when setting off bombs with military grade explosives.






Inform yourself a little,  then if you wish to carry on with your obsession start a thread. This thread has been derailed enough.





You really need to have a more overall view of what happened and not just be one sided.

Your bias is blinkering you to so much to what happened.

A new book, The Padre by Jennifer O'Leary may interest you. A true story.

As has been pointed out this thread is not about Ireland I will not continue but felt your bias could not go unchallenged.


Edited by harvey19
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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

The Jews didn't really have a home. Assuming that it was the Jews who were brought  out of Egypt by Moses, they roamed the desert for 40 years, and were punished by God for breaking the ten Commandments by never reaching the promised land. Much of the old Testament is about the trials and conflicts of the Jews endeavouring to get there and set up a nation.


In reality Jews were dispersed throughout the world, settling sometimes in small enclaves, like Russia, but were often persecuted (supposedly for the death of Christ?) and moved on, hence the name 'wandering Jew.'

This was righted after the Holocaust by at last giving them a permanent homeland in Palestine, which became Israel, a mere 75 years ago. Jews of many different nationalities from all over the world flocked there, (especially those displaced to America by WWll,) to build the modern state of  Israel, .


With a lot of help, money and assistance from the West, it thrived, creating much resentment amongst their Arab neighbours who received no help and remained poor. That is until the discovery of oil fields in the region, much of which were  claimed to belong to the Isralis purely based on their expansion of land rights.


there's been nothing but trouble ever since.    

Two excellent informative  posts from you.

Not emotive but factual.

Is the problem is the expansion of the state of Israel rather than the actual state ?

Would the state have been accepted if it had stayed it's original size ?

Edited by harvey19
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Guest ThaBoom
7 hours ago, Anna B said:



War is not nice, bombs don't discriminate and ordinary people on both sides suffer. It is best avoided at all costs.


Israel was given the land in 1948 by the British. (Not that it was ours to give but there we are... ) So far, so good.... But backed by Britain and America Israel has taken over more and more Palestinian land ever since.


I suggest you look at a map of Israel in 1948 and compare it to a map of Israel in 2020 to see how it has expanded into Palestinian territory. Israel has invaded Palestine to put it another way


They didn't ask nicely, they took it by force, and got away with it because they were backed by the American superpower. Basically Nuclear weapons vs bows and arrows. 

The best thing is to come to an agreed settlement, but Israel has broken agreements again and again.



Well explained Anna.


But to ppl like Jack, they only want to hear or see what THEY want.


Let's not forget there are Jews against Zionists. That is the main issue and always was since it came about.



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35 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Two excellent informative  posts from you.

Not emotive but factual.

Is the problem is the expansion of the state of Israel rather than the actual state ?

Would the state have been accepted if it had stayed it's original size ?

In my opinion, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference. They want to obliterate Jews, regardless.


Brainwashed fanatics like Hamas want to kill everyone who doesn't follow their religion.

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Hamas don't want peace because it would make them irrelevant, and by using the land issue its a perfect cover up for their violence.


They have most likely slaughtered people who would actually be on the side of the Palestinians  ( the peace festival). It's got nothing to do with land.


They don't want a prosperous, successful Gaza, because it would make them irrelevant and their supply of martyrs would dry up - the existence of lots of angry, ugly and lonely unemployed young men is their life blood


The growing peace deals between Israel and Saudi are making them irrelevant


That is why they launched this bloody disaster. To make themselves relevant again. Nothing more.


I sincerely hope Israel wipes them out for the good of everyone.



A one sided argument again.  Just mention anything the Hamas does and leave out anything the Jews do.

I don't condone terrorism but you need to know and accept the facts regarding WHY there should be terrorists.

Brainwashed as always.

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8 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

A one sided argument again.  Just mention anything the Hamas does and leave out anything the Jews do.

I don't condone terrorism but you need to know and accept the facts regarding WHY there should be terrorists.

Brainwashed as always.

My days of interactions with you are over.


Jog on

8 hours ago, Anna B said:



War is not nice, bombs don't discriminate and ordinary people on both sides suffer. It is best avoided at all costs.


Israel was given the land in 1948 by the British. (Not that it was ours to give but there we are... ) So far, so good.... But backed by Britain and America Israel has taken over more and more Palestinian land ever since.


I suggest you look at a map of Israel in 1948 and compare it to a map of Israel in 2020 to see how it has expanded into Palestinian territory. Israel has invaded Palestine to put it another way


They didn't ask nicely, they took it by force, and got away with it because they were backed by the American superpower. Basically Nuclear weapons vs bows and arrows. 

The best thing is to come to an agreed settlement, but Israel has broken agreements again and again.



I didn't realise that history and maps began in 1948.



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8 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You are an invader sympathiser.

I do not condone terrorism    -    but I do understand how it starts.

Israel is a nation which has been occupying Palestinian land  for many years.

If  they get out of The occupied territory,  they will not need to defend their borders.    

I don't hate Jews   -    I  just want them to get out of  Palestine  which is not theirs.      They are causing the war.


It would seem that none of you want to discuss real facts but just keep saying the word terrorists.


So make it clear you are saying that Hamas are not terrorists . That kidnapping , rape and murdering kids at a music festival is not a terror act, that kidnapping old people and children to use as human. Shield is not terror . Make it clear in plain English so as we all know where you stand . 

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3 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

So make it clear you are saying that Hamas are not terrorists . That kidnapping , rape and murdering kids at a music festival is not a terror act, that kidnapping old people and children to use as human. Shield is not terror . Make it clear in plain English so as we all know where you stand . 

He has made it perfectly clear what he thinks, absolutely shameful.

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