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The Yom Kippur War .

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20 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

It’s all there Hackey. Anyone can read it.


From your hatred of Care4Calais, through your denial that Braverman has caused this, finishing with you asking if there was any violence, when there was,  and questioning the policing, which was fine. You’ve consistently been on the Braverman wing of things.


If you were against the far right involvement, I’d have expected a prolific poster such as yourself to say so. But you didn’t.


All textbook stuff. 

There's a lot that could be said about hackey (trust me, I have a list) but showing support for Tommy Robinson isn't one of them.

I've never seen him say owt positive about the bloke. You must have him confused with someone else.

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9 hours ago, mafya said:

I agree about the swastika stuff being unacceptable and also saw a picture of a couple dressed up as fighters which to me is a no no. 
Regarding the chant I have seen a couple of different experts on tv explaining that it’s not about pushing the Jewish people into the sea so I’m not ready to accept that it is anti semitic.
Not saying it so there is no problem is akin to being silenced imo and Israeli Govt officials saying Palestinians are human animals on national tv yet complaining about this particular chants seems a bit hypocritical to me.

I think the situation has blown wide open  the hypocrisy of world leaders and people in general at the selective outrage compared to other conflicts.

Putin had an arrest warrant issued by the criminal court but I don’t see one for Netanyahu ,

Putin and his allies had wealth seized but how come no Israelis are having the same done?

Look at this article  detailing what Putin has done which is exactly what Israel has done yet no newspaper  has done a similar article on Israel =


I give credit to president Macron who is now calling for a ceasefire  but why are the USA or England not doing the same?

Israel is assassinating journalists and how come they are not allowing western journalists into Gaza?

In years to come everyone will realise that the world stood by while Israel committed war crimes but it will be too late.

I respect that people have different opinions  and these are mine, while I’m typing this on the tv I can see 13 babies on a hospital bed that have been taken out of ventilators in the Al shifa hospital that is currently under attack….


With respect the Russian government were not defending themselves and trying to rescue hostages because the Ukrainian ruling party had invaded, slaughtered, maimed and tortured over a 1000 Russians, including babies and then post images on social media.


Nice try at deflection though, as pathetic as it is


I see your even trying to justify the " river to the sea " chant.  Like "Jihad" you can try and dress it up as much as you want but we know why folk are screaming those slogans on our street, your proclaimed naivety is too transparent.


Absolutely shameful.


I also see your shouts of wanting the UK and America to get involved are ramping up, but when they do, you will then be crying and protesting that the aforementioned countries should be keeping their noses out. Wonder how many who were protesting about the UK getting involved in Iraq are now wanting the UK to get involved again?


When it suits thought yes....  Hypocrites.


We see you, you have made your stance perfectly clear, you don't fool me, not for one second. Your transparency is glaring, you are not very good at all in trying to hide your real feelings. It must be extremely tiring trying to keep that mask from slipping all the time.


Edited by Al Bundy
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12 hours ago, Prettytom said:

You could pop out to the scrapyard in Ollerton that bought them when a Tory PM made them illegal. They might still have them.


Hundreds of thousands of pounds of  taxpayers money wasted on a Boris Johnson vanity project.

It was a Tory Home Secretary who would not allow the water cannons to be used.  They are used in EU countries and should not have been scrapped. 

13 hours ago, mafya said:

How are the pro Palestinian protesters trouble makers? The veterans society didn’t want the protest banning and the fallen soldiers died for oir freedoms one of which is the right to protest. It was the so called defenders of England who actually caused the trouble as evidenced by various news reports

They are trouble makers by marching in London every week. It is a huge expense to police.  You do not hear them shouting that the hostages taken by the Muslin terrorist organisation be freed.

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20 minutes ago, Axe said:

It was a Tory Home Secretary who would not allow the water cannons to be used.  They are used in EU countries and should not have been scrapped. 

They are trouble makers by marching in London every week. It is a huge expense to police.  You do not hear them shouting that the hostages taken by the Muslin terrorist organisation be freed.

Easy to stop them marching.   Just abide by International Law and there will be no further need for marches.

Of course,  that's a bit difficult because Tories don't like following rules and laws do they,  as your clown friend BoJo,   proved during his pantomime,  and as we are now proving to the world.


Any news on stopping the boats yet,  or securing our borders,  or getting the economy going,  or levelling up,  or    or    or   or theres just too much to mention isn't there ?

Edited by Organgrinder
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16 hours ago, Prettytom said:



I think we’ve seen the difference between peaceful protest and utter thuggery this afternoon.


It hasn’t painted the right wing nationalists in a very positive light.

Oh dear... let the false equivalence claims, whataboutery, and excuses begin! :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

It was a Tory Home Secretary who would not allow the water cannons to be used.  They are used in EU countries and should not have been scrapped. 


They are trouble makers by marching in London every week. It is a huge expense to police.  You do not hear them shouting that the hostages taken by the Muslin terrorist organisation be freed.

Firstly, I’m very pleased to see you holding up the EU as a positive role model for the UK. You should do that more often.


On the subject of protesting. You are entitled to organise your own “Free The Hostages” march. 

I’d like to see them free too, so I might march with you. I’d hope that you would join me in my “Stop Targeting Kids and Hospitals “ march.


Isn’t it lovely to find so much common ground.

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:


I also see your shouts of wanting the UK and America to get involved are ramping up, but when they do, you will then be crying and protesting that the aforementioned countries should be keeping their noses out. Wonder how many who were protesting about the UK getting involved in Iraq are now wanting the UK to get involved again?

Mafya never said he wanted us or the US to get involved in the Israeli / Palestinian problem.

Quite the opposite,  he says that we should get UN-involved from illegally supporting Israel and call for a cease fire instead.


You seem to have an unfortunate tendency to get hold of the wrong end of everything and you also,  like our government,  seem to care little whether we break laws or not.

Iraq was wrong,  Afghanistan was wrong and unless we point out to our Israeli friends,  that our support should be based on lawfulness,  our support to Israel is also wrong.

Look at it any way you like but wherever there is any doubt,  law  and especially International Law should be the decider,  rather than who we favour for our own selfish reasons.

I'm quite agreeable to Israel calling for self determination as this should be every nations right,   and this applies to Palestine also,   and even to our own Scottish people.

Do you not agree that the law should apply equally to everyone ?


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