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The Yom Kippur War .

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9 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

And here they are, peaceful protestors...


A former Labour councillor and school teacher, allegedly.










It's almost as if there is hate on these marches, maybe Braverman was right after all.

Hmmmm, some of those are behaving like animals and should probably be deported. 

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18 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

And here they are, peaceful protestors...


A former Labour councillor and school teacher, allegedly.










It's almost as if there is hate on these marches, maybe Braverman was right after all.



I can't see those because I don't waste my time making money for Musk,  so I can only guess.

Without knowing,  I would say that, if any of them were breaking the law,  They should be dealt with severely,  whichever side they were on.

Unlike many Tories,  I respect law and truth and a peace march should mean just that and leave the yobbish mis-behaviour to the righty's whose niche it is.


Edited by Organgrinder
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The Peace March seems to have been re named as The Pro Palestinian March.

The current sentiment of many may well be biased towards the carnage being suffered by those in Gaza.

Public sentiment was I believe very much biased toward those massacred by Hamas terrorists in the week after Oct 7th.

Those who seek to hi jack a Peace March in order to further hatred and division should be called out for what they are.

Those who can be prosecuted should be and if any can be deported subject to their nationality certainly should be.

However Braverman (and Patel) have so far failed to make much inroads so far on deportations.

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49 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

And here they are, peaceful protestors...


A former Labour councillor and school teacher, allegedly.










It's almost as if there is hate on these marches, maybe Braverman was right after all.




Horrible folk, pure knuckle draggers 

Pack of Hyenas on all of those clips.

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52 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

And here they are, peaceful protestors...


A former Labour councillor and school teacher, allegedly.










It's almost as if there is hate on these marches, maybe Braverman was right after all.




Horrible folk, pure knuckle draggers 

Across the political spectrum lots of people agree that by using incendiary rhetoric, the Home Secretary made matters much worse than they needed to have been. I emphasise the Home Secretary because she fanned the flames of division, and acted unconstitutionally by calling on the Met Commissioner to ban the marches, when she is not operationally responsible for policing marches.

She should be sacked.

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7 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Across the political spectrum lots of people agree that by using incendiary rhetoric, the Home Secretary made matters much worse than they needed to have been. I emphasise the Home Secretary because she fanned the flames of division, and acted unconstitutionally by calling on the Met Commissioner to ban the marches, when she is not operationally responsible for policing marches.

She should be sacked.

But, after I've just pointed out on another thread, she was right!!


The clips and videos that are now surfacing prove that without doubt. There was much hate on the march.

Edited by Al Bundy
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4 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

But, after I've just pointed out on another thread, she was right!!


The clips and videos that are now surfacing prove that without doubt. There was much hate on the march.

I don't hold her entirely responsible for the hate, but she's certainly fanned the flames of the hate. 

Out of at least 300,000, some of the marchers adopted chants which were anti Israel, and those chants should be condemned, I totally agree.

But this does not provide a legal justification for banning a protest:

"It is the responsibility of the police to assess whether it has been met and to apply for permission to ban it if they judge it has. It is not for the home secretary to interfere by applying political pressure on the police to ban a march she does not like.

That is exactly what Braverman has done. And by using incendiary terms like “hate marchers” and “mobs” to mischaracterise whole marches of many thousands of people who are legitimately exercising their democratic right to protest, she implicitly encouraged far-right protesters to come out to counter-demonstrate on Armistice Day.

Throughout this, Rishi Sunak has maintained that Braverman retains his confidence. As prime minister, he is ultimately responsible for his home secretary’s behaviour: her undermining of the operational independence of the police and her stoking of tensions at a highly sensitive time, in a way that appears to coincide with what she believes to be in furtherance of her ambition to one day lead the Conservative party. She must be sacked."

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