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The Yom Kippur War .

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15 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Going to get nasty is this.


Seeing those poor civilians getting carted off by those savages is awful.

If you want to take the old English view and see them as savages,  that's up to you but that just ensures that the problems continue.

As often happens,  those "savages"  are fighting to relieve themselves of oppression by a more powerful neighbour invading their land,  and it should have been obvious that the volcano would blow.

We were the ones who originally decided on the make up of Israel, Palestine etc and put it all into place.

It should have been our job to make it work in a fair and equitable manner and we shirked that.

The natives are more than restless now,   and what else could anyone expect ? 


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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

If you want to take the old English view and see them as savages,  that's up to you but that just ensures that the problems continue.

As often happens,  those "savages"  are fighting to relieve themselves of oppression by a more powerful neighbour invading their land,  and it should have been obvious that the volcano would blow.

We were the ones who originally decided on the make up of Israel, Palestine etc and put it all into place.

It should have been our job to make it work in a fair and equitable manner and we shirked that.

The natives are more than restless now,   and what else could anyone expect ? 


Good grief.


Why do the left always come out and try to justify innocent people getting murdered?  Why do you have to take sides?  


How do you look at the defiled corpse of a young girl who was on holiday, being dragged through the streets of Palestine naked as some kind of trophy and see that as “defending/relieving itself”?


I have a hunch that Israel could deliver the whole region to Hamas on a silver platter tied with a ribbon and hand over all power to them and these atrocities would continue and increase exponentially. I don't think the conduct of the IDF or Israel's foreign policy would make a blind bit of difference in terms of the ferocity and regularity of similar attacks.


One question for you.


Would you rather your wife and daughter ( if you have either) dress up in a nice outfit and go out for the night in..

A Tel Aviv.?

B.  Gaza?

Edited by Al Bundy
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21 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Good grief.


Why do the left always come out and try to justify innocent people getting murdered?  Why do you have to take sides?  


How do you look at the defiled corpse of a young girl who was on holiday, being dragged through the streets of Palestine naked as some kind of trophy and see that as “defending/relieving itself”?


I have a hunch that Israel could deliver the whole region to Hamas on a silver platter tied with a ribbon and hand over all power to them and these atrocities would continue and increase exponentially. I don't think the conduct of the IDF or Israel's foreign policy would make a blind bit of difference in terms of the ferocity and regularity of similar attacks.


One question for you.


Would you rather your wife and daughter ( if you have either) dress up in a nice outfit and go out for the night in..

A Tel Aviv.?

B.  Gaza?

That is not at all what I want.

The problem is that you only see what you want to see and that is always from the perspective of a reasonably affluent man living in a reasonably stable country.


As always, you start from the back and work forwards   i,e,    "defiled corpse of a young girl"     -     So you address the end result and ignore how all that came about.

Do you know the how the situation came about in the first place or does that not interest you ?

We defined the borders and we told everyone which bit was theirs and then did our customary exit and left them to it.


Your hunch would be about as correct as all your other hunches which include dealing with our (in your case) unwelcome visitors.

Please explain why you don't want people from elsewhere turning up in our country and joining in without being asked   and yet,  you think it's fine for the Israelis to do that on Palestinian land.


I don't need to answer your schoolboy question because, unlike you,  I stay where I am so my wife & daughter would not be over there.   I wouldn't be seen dead in either.  

As we get a taste of what the people of Palestine have to live with,  people like you are the first to complain that you want to stop the hordes.   

Yet you think it's fine for the people of Palestine to have Israeli settlers come along and take your house and land and leave you with nothing.

That just proves once and for all what  double standards you live by,  and what a selfish hypocrite you are.    I'm enjoying watching you squirm under this influx of asylum seekers.

Learn a little about history so that you know what you're talking about for a change.    I do think you would be a very hard pupil to educate.



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44 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

That is not at all what I want.

The problem is that you only see what you want to see and that is always from the perspective of a reasonably affluent man living in a reasonably stable country.


As always, you start from the back and work forwards   i,e,    "defiled corpse of a young girl"     -     So you address the end result and ignore how all that came about.

Do you know the how the situation came about in the first place or does that not interest you ?

We defined the borders and we told everyone which bit was theirs and then did our customary exit and left them to it.


Your hunch would be about as correct as all your other hunches which include dealing with our (in your case) unwelcome visitors.

Please explain why you don't want people from elsewhere turning up in our country and joining in without being asked   and yet,  you think it's fine for the Israelis to do that on Palestinian land.


I don't need to answer your schoolboy question because, unlike you,  I stay where I am so my wife & daughter would not be over there.   I wouldn't be seen dead in either.  

As we get a taste of what the people of Palestine have to live with,  people like you are the first to complain that you want to stop the hordes.   

Yet you think it's fine for the people of Palestine to have Israeli settlers come along and take your house and land and leave you with nothing.

That just proves once and for all what  double standards you live by,  and what a selfish hypocrite you are.    I'm enjoying watching you squirm under this influx of asylum seekers.

Learn a little about history so that you know what you're talking about for a change.    I do think you would be a very hard pupil to educate.



First off, your pathetic, but predictable insults say more about you than myself.


So you can't answer my question, fair enough, but we both know the answer don't we.


In what way is parading an innocent tourist naked relieving their issues? The fact you are trying is justify that heinous act is quite starting and rather insightful of how your mind works.


The presence of the ethnic groups in the Middle East and India/Pakistan predates the British Empire. Furthermore, Britain has not been in those regions for over 70 years. If it was due to us, it would have been solved when we left.



Where have I said I don't want other people coming into the UK?



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50 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The Metropolitan Police has said it has increased police patrols across London after receiving reports of people appearing to celebrate the attack on Israel by Hamas.




They will be out side our Town Hall again , any time soon 

50 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The Metropolitan Police has said it has increased police patrols across London after receiving reports of people appearing to celebrate the attack on Israel by Hamas.





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16 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Thought you would be old enough to know a bit more about terrorists cuttsie.

Hope you realise that if you back country A then country B's fighters are terrorists but if you back the other way,  the terrorists become freedom fighters who are fighting for their own country back.

Ukraine are fighting for their own country but Putin calls them terrorists.  the Germans called the French resistance terrorists when they fought to save France.

One mans terrorists become another man's freedom fighters and, whether you like it or not Israel is in the wrong,  occupying Palestinian lawful land and terrorising the Palestinian population.

What's happening today has been brewing for a long time and I don't know why everyone is surprised.  The UN ordered Israel to get out of the occupied lands a long time ago but they ignored it.

Your knowledge of world affairs is very sketchy.


Ursula von der Leyen
Oct 7
I unequivocally condemn the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israel. It is terrorism in its most despicable form. Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks.
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54 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

First off, your pathetic, but predictable insults say more about you than myself.


So you can't answer my question, fair enough, but we both know the answer don't we.


In what way is parading an innocent tourist naked relieving their issues? The fact you are trying is justify that heinous act is quite starting and rather insightful of how your mind works.


The presence of the ethnic groups in the Middle East and India/Pakistan predates the British Empire. Furthermore, Britain has not been in those regions for over 70 years. If it was due to us, it would have been solved when we left.



Where have I said I don't want other people coming into the UK?



I have not insulted you.  I have only portrayed you as you actually are.   If that is insulting then you need to look at yourself.

No question to answer    -    I don't go to other peoples countries so I don't need to make that choice.

I never said anything about parading the young girl and no one at all said anything about it relieving their issues. You have a habit of making remarks and then blaming others for what you yourself has said.

My bold.  This line shows that you know nothing about the situation.  Ethnic groups may fall out of their own accord but WE,  were the ones who set up Israel and Palestine and then walked away.

You make clear regularly, along with others that you don't want foreign nationals allowing into our country.    That makes you exactly the same as the Palestinians.

Exactly like the Palestinians,  you will just be expected to put up with it so hard luck.   The laugh is on you.


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4 minutes ago, Axe said:
Ursula von der Leyen
Oct 7
I unequivocally condemn the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israel. It is terrorism in its most despicable form. Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks.

Make up your mind.  I thought that you didn't agree with Europe so what was Brexit all about.


I don't even have to argue the point because you lot are going to disappear beneath a wave of foreign nationals as in the case of Palestine and your attitude will change.

I know that you believe that silly Sunak will stop it for you but NO, he won't because he can't and your mistake will then be plain for all to see.

Has he stopped the boats yet ????????????????????


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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I have not insulted you.  I have only portrayed you as you actually are.   If that is insulting then you need to look at yourself.

No question to answer    -    I don't go to other peoples countries so I don't need to make that choice.

I never said anything about parading the young girl and no one at all said anything about it relieving their issues. You have a habit of making remarks and then blaming others for what you yourself has said.

My bold.  This line shows that you know nothing about the situation.  Ethnic groups may fall out of their own accord but WE,  were the ones who set up Israel and Palestine and then walked away.

You make clear regularly, along with others that you don't want foreign nationals allowing into our country.    That makes you exactly the same as the Palestinians.

Exactly like the Palestinians,  you will just be expected to put up with it so hard luck.   The laugh is on you.


Just waffle.

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