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The Yom Kippur War .

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2 hours ago, Findlay said:

What the marches have shown is that people care and are prepared to do what they can. What they care about is as broad as a rainbow.

There does appear to have been differing styles in policing the marches from direct action to observation and fact finding depending on the level of threat. 

Piers has a flair for asking questions people dont want to answer because they can't accept the whole truth so they cherry pick good bits and bury bad bits.
Some have said that good people (countries) are doing nothing. What about the poeple of gaza who've had decades to come up with a way to get ahead and this is their choice, their government which they have voted for, obey and pay taxes to.
The doctors, palestinian prime minister or the hamas led health ministry did not evacuate the long term sick from the hospitals when they were asked to leave so every heart beat in those facilities is on them. 
The situation is dire but so is the hunt for the families of those taken as hostages with every hour passing costing lives so the task must be relentless until every life is accounted for.
In the yom kippur war Israel took Egypt back to the Nile after taking the Sinai penninsula so they have an army which could easily destroy gaza and keep going and gave the pennisula back in order for peace. Just saying.

Hospitals are protected places during war there is zero evidence that Hamas is in or under them so all you are doing is pushing the Israeli narrative to justify a war crime.

If Russia told Ukrainians to move and they didn’t and then got killed would the west blame the Ukrainians or the Russians?

Forced displaof Palestinians is not justified under any circumstances.

Why didn’t the off put boots on the ground and fight a conventional war instead of indiscriminately bombing people who don’t even have a tank go there name?

Your post comes accross as condoning genocide using the hostages as an excuse when the reality is Israel doesn’t give a flying **** about the hostages otherwise they would not risk killing the hostages with their indiscriminate bombing.

Also the situation has been going on for the last 75 years and didn’t just start with October 7th.

What about everyday since October 7th?

Are innocent Palestinians lives not as sacred and valuable as Israeli lives?

I suggest you go look up how the situation started from the date that Israel was formed and look at what has been happening for the last 75yrs and then come back and post a more informed post instead of one that just pushes the Israeli narrative 


Edited by mafya
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Keir Starmer warns Labour frontbenchers they will be sacked if they vote for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza in SNP-led Commons vote tomorrow as leader tries to head off pro-Palestinian rebellion


Labour frontbenchers have been warned they will be sacked if they defy Keir Starmer and back calls for a ceasefire in Gaza in a Commons vote tomorrow.

Up to a dozen are believed to be prepared to support an SNP amendment calling for an immediate and permanent end to fighting between Israel and Hamas on humanitarian grounds.

This would go further than the party line being trodden by Sir Keir, who has angered many of his backbenchers over his support for Israel's right to defend itself and his backing only for time-limited humanitarian pauses in the IDF onslaught that has left up to 10,000 dead.




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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Keir Starmer warns Labour frontbenchers they will be sacked if they vote for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza in SNP-led Commons vote tomorrow as leader tries to head off pro-Palestinian rebellion


Labour frontbenchers have been warned they will be sacked if they defy Keir Starmer and back calls for a ceasefire in Gaza in a Commons vote tomorrow.

Up to a dozen are believed to be prepared to support an SNP amendment calling for an immediate and permanent end to fighting between Israel and Hamas on humanitarian grounds.

This would go further than the party line being trodden by Sir Keir, who has angered many of his backbenchers over his support for Israel's right to defend itself and his backing only for time-limited humanitarian pauses in the IDF onslaught that has left up to 10,000 dead.




Starmers wife is Jewish and Sunaks wife’s company Infosys has Israeli links so not surprising that they are not calling for a ceasefire….

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5 hours ago, mafya said:

Hospitals are protected places during war there is zero evidence that Hamas is in or under them so all you are doing is pushing the Israeli narrative to justify a war crime.

If Russia told Ukrainians to move and they didn’t and then got killed would the west blame the Ukrainians or the Russians?

Forced displaof Palestinians is not justified under any circumstances.

Why didn’t the off put boots on the ground and fight a conventional war instead of indiscriminately bombing people who don’t even have a tank go there name?

Your post comes accross as condoning genocide using the hostages as an excuse when the reality is Israel doesn’t give a flying **** about the hostages otherwise they would not risk killing the hostages with their indiscriminate bombing.

Also the situation has been going on for the last 75 years and didn’t just start with October 7th.

What about everyday since October 7th?

Are innocent Palestinians lives not as sacred and valuable as Israeli lives?

I suggest you go look up how the situation started from the date that Israel was formed and look at what has been happening for the last 75yrs and then come back and post a more informed post instead of one that just pushes the Israeli narrative 


I will repeat..


If the Ukrainian government had attacked Russia, slaughtered, raped, tortured and took many hostages, then paraded the naked bodies whilst Ukrainian folk spat on them, then the attitude towards the Ukraine would be rather less sympathetic.


But you know that.


So the Palestine government don't use civilians as shields or have any headquarters in hospitals or schools, is that what you are saying?


The Palestine population has grown quicker than anywhere in the world over recent years..... But genocide.......yeah, whatever.


We see you.

Edited by Al Bundy
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11 hours ago, mafya said:

Hospitals are protected places during war 

https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/protected-areas-and-zones/#:~:text=no activities in support of military operations shall be undertaken


We shall see


Hospitals in gaza fail the definition of a safe zone


Some idiots in London praised the hamas dogs as soldiers. They are cowards who hide behind new born babies, children and sick people.

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17 hours ago, hackey lad said:

>>Chekhov said:
She's just trying to be controversial.

I don't find that placard offensive, but it's irrelevant anyway because people do not have the right to not be offended.

I am a bit surprised at you Al, do you really think nay action at all should be taken against her ? Much less the police "hunting her"<<


Its irrelevant to you because you are not black .

That's racist !

But, to be frank, it would not bother me one iota if she had a placard saying "I don't like white people"......

I'd be slightly more bothered if she had a placard saying "I don't like people from Sheffield" ! But still not bothered enough for me to think she should be in any trouble for it whatsoever. 

As I have said many times, people do not have any right to not be offended.

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People have the right to decide what offends them as you frequently demonstrate.

Its also interesting to know the rationale behind sweeping generalisations directed against a mass of people who they do not know

Whites,Blacks,Germans,French,Wednesdayites,Unitedites,Southerners,Northerners,Scots,Welsh, immigrants,Muslims,Pakistanis.


Edited by RJRB
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7 hours ago, Findlay said:

https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/protected-areas-and-zones/#:~:text=no activities in support of military operations shall be undertaken


We shall see


Hospitals in gaza fail the definition of a safe zone


Some idiots in London praised the hamas dogs as soldiers. They are cowards who hide behind new born babies, children and sick people.

Israel has in the past said Al shifa hospital is used by militants but no evidence provided so  yes we shall see.

Any comment regarding the other war crimes being committed by Israel including the use of white phosphorus?

You seem to be more concerned about some idiots in London saying stupid things….

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