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The Yom Kippur War .

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1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:




Nothing to do with religion?


Don't make me laugh.

I don’t have twitter so can’t see your link.
The Israeli Palestinian issue is about Palestinians having their land and homes stolen and then being put under occupation so I don’t know why you keep saying it’s a religious issue when everyone knows what it started over.

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1 minute ago, mafya said:

I don’t have twitter so can’t see your link.
The Israeli Palestinian issue is about Palestinians having their land and homes stolen and then being put under occupation so I don’t know why you keep saying it’s a religious issue when everyone knows what it started over.

It's a Muslim bloke screaming at a Jew shouting "Allah Akbar" over and over again.


Doesn't that mean God is great?


Bit religious ain't it?

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Just now, Al Bundy said:

It's a Muslim bloke screaming at a Jew shouting "Allah Akbar" over and over again.


Doesn't that mean God is great?


Bit religious ain't it?

When there is thunder and lightning in this country I have an old relative who says “Allah ho Akbar” , it doesn’t mean she wants a religious war it’s like a declaration that God is great as a way of comfort.

You really need to learn a bit more about the subject

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38 minutes ago, mafya said:

Maybe I should clarify, I don’t agree with rape under any circumstances as I have said in a post. The post where  it says  no rape was committed I should have worded differently but it was an early hours post so I will just clarify what I meant=

As far as I’m concerned “ no rape was committed in my eyes until I see independent evidence to prove that rape was actually committed against victims”.

it was an early morning post as I say and by saying what I do does not mean that I support or believe Hamas.

I dont believe anything or anyone till I see some kind of supporting evidence.

That's good to know.  Do you apply that to all reports of rape coming out of rape crisis centres, or just to the reports from women who you're not inclined to believe?  Never mind.  I'm sure that after reports of weaponised rape used in Ukraine, in DR Congo and in every other instance of conflict where civilians are attacked, this will turn out to be entirely different.

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28 minutes ago, Hecate said:

Are you sure?  The only person who's said anything along those lines is me:


The only posts mafya has made on the subject of rape, in addition to explicitly stating that nobody was raped, expressed doubt about the veracity about claims of rape.

I'm trying to get something done and don't have all day to spend on here.


Let  me clarify again.   I also don't doubt that rape was committed,  and probably far worse too.

                     Having said that,   I don't accept that everything that everybody writes s the absolute truth,  especially when you don't know who originally made the statement

                    There are always more lies and false propaganda used in times of war than at any other time.  That happened in Ukraine too.

I'm speaking for myself now and not mafya and I believe statements that have been verified by a trusted source.

We all know that atrocities were committed on Oct 7 and I,  along with everybody else have already condemned that.

I now condemn the atrocities being committed daily by the Israeli's.


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36 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

As much as I commend your admittance that you could have worded your post differently, you are still basically believing those parasites Hamas.


Are you saying that you don't believe rapes take place unless you personally see evidence?


Why on earth would you in any way shape or form believe anything that comes out of the mouth of certain individuals who are capable of committing such heinous acts of violence ?


I despair,  I really do.

Yeah because they have never cut peoples heads off on camera, burnt people alive in cages, stoned women to death or thrown gays off of buildings or rape white girls in huge organised gangs 


Someone's I mistake them for Buddhists they are so peaceful and loving 

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1 minute ago, Hecate said:

That's good to know.  Do you apply that to all reports of rape coming out of rape crisis centres, or just to the reports from women who you're not inclined to believe?  Never mind.  I'm sure that after reports of weaponised rape used in Ukraine, in DR Congo and in every other instance of conflict where civilians are attacked, this will turn out to be entirely different.

I have admitted my error and mafya has also admitted his error but this apparently is not good enough for you.

let me remind you that we live in a free state and we can believe what the hell we like without your say so. It seems to be a pet subject of yours but this doesn't allow you to curtail free speech or free thought.

I will,  in the same way as our legal system,  accept statements which are proven to be true and,  if that's a problem for you, or offends you,   hard luck.


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2 minutes ago, Beechwood_S6 said:

Just seen the article, the guy is wrong on all accounts and going on a rant but I can’t see how this backs up Al Bundys assertion that it is a religious war.

My 15 year old daughter came home from school and said she has seen online that someone had posted a picture of the premature Palestinian babies wrapped in foil to keep warm and put the caption ‘Ready for the oven” with the picture.
If the person who posted that picture was a non Muslim does it mean all non Muslims think the same? No so this one idiot at the debate does not represent Muslims 

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