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The Yom Kippur War .

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6 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Im starting to suspect that @Organgrinderand @mafyaare the same person



They're nowt like each other - and mafya has been a member for years.


But then you can't tell the difference between the conservatives and a left wing socialist party.




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11 hours ago, RJRB said:

1) The overwhelming majority use a handle of their choice and for their own reasons.

These are many and varied but obviously some are more applicable to those who live in Sheffield,work in Sheffield,have opinions that their family do not wish to be connected with.

Thank you Einstein!


If it wasn't for anonymity there'd be no social media at all. :)


11 hours ago, RJRB said:

2) My definition of an internet troll is someone who tries to antagonise someone just to annoy.

My  definition of an internet troll is someone who hides behind his/her/its anonymity to hurl personal insults against those they disagree with.


11 hours ago, RJRB said:

3) Their opinions are as relevant as anyone else whether you have no problem with it or if it sticks in your craw. Being one of the intelligent folk you might get that some day

Maybe to some, but in a public debate/discussion setting, anonymous hecklers from the back of the room carry little weight. Step up to the mic if you want to personally insult one of the speakers.


And, no, they do not "stick in my craw". They are like ants and flies at a picnic. Part of the deal  :)

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17 hours ago, trastrick said:

He/she/it, like some others here, fail to grasp that anonymous internet trolls hurling  personal insults while hiding behind a fake ID has no impact at all on intelligent folk.

Indeed, the reason why your posts gain little traction, and invariably fall at the first hurdle! :thumbsup:


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

My  definition of an internet troll is someone who hides behind his/her/its anonymity to hurl personal insults against those they disagree with.

Sure, but weird how that's usually you... immediately after someone has, beyond all reasonable doubt, just proved your claims aren't based in reality... isn't it? 🙄


As usual, your post highlights your own staggering lack of self awareness.... you have failed to notice... your claims bear far more relevance to your own posting history, than most here. :?



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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

Thank you Einstein!


If it wasn't for anonymity there'd be no social media at all. :)


My  definition of an internet troll is someone who hides behind his/her/its anonymity to hurl personal insults against those they disagree with.


Maybe to some, but in a public debate/discussion setting, anonymous hecklers from the back of the room carry little weight. Step up to the mic if you want to personally insult one of the speakers.


And, no, they do not "stick in my craw". They are like ants and flies at a picnic. Part of the deal  :)

Stick to your own definition which seems to revolve around personal insults from anonymous people.

I don’t know what personal slights (hurled personal insults)you have suffered other than frequent disagreement with some of your views and politics.

By return you indulge in talking down to others from a position of self assumed superiority.

If you think that your opinions are more relevant by attaching a version of your name to your posts from the far off tropical island then you are mistaken.

I am sure that trastrick on this Forum or any other that you subscribe to is almost the same as anonymity.

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19 hours ago, trastrick said:

He/she/it, like some others here, fail to grasp that anonymous internet trolls hurling  personal insults while hiding behind a fake ID has no impact at all on intelligent folk.


But if it helps their alter egos, I have no problem with it, other than the fact it renders their opinions irrelevant.

Just to add for the benefit of “intelligent folk”,a quick search of Forum members indicates the names of around 5000 contributors.

If you can identify more than a handful who use a full name(assuming that is their name) you win a coconut.

So I suppose you can dismiss virtually every post as irrelevant when it suits


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54 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Just to add for the benefit of “intelligent folk”,a quick search of Forum members indicates the names of around 5000 contributors.

If you can identify more than a handful who use a full name(assuming that is their name) you win a coconut.

So I suppose you can dismiss virtually every post as irrelevant when it suits


All those who he considers irrelevant,   are in that bracket because they are the ones he can't bamboozle with his replications from all the conspiracy theory websites he copies from.

I don't mind being irrelevant at all when faced with people who have to be told how to think.    It's such a shame that he always feels so hurt and insulted but obviously can't cope with the world.

I can usually manage to post in a  fraction of the number of words and don't have to include  "narratives"  &  "clapping seals"  in most of them.    In other words,  my own words and much more readable.

These days,  I very rarely read any of his posts anyway  ( which is why I rarely answer them ),  so he's welcome to include me in his copied jottings anytime he wishes.


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5 minutes ago, crookesey said:

This would have to be the start, Israel is hated by it’s neighbours, hate rarely converts to love, this war IMHO will very sadly drag on.

I would like to think that there could be at least a stepping back from the current horrific situation.

Any period of relative peace in the past has been very uneasy and at times flared up in war or constant skirmishes.

The temporary cease fire starts tomorrow apparently with an exchange of  I believe 50 Israeli hostages / ??? Palestinians held in Israeli jails.

Its a necessary step but as far as I am aware that leaves an unknown number of Israeli hostages who have survived in captivity.


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5 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I would like to think that there could be at least a stepping back from the current horrific situation.

Any period of relative peace in the past has been very uneasy and at times flared up in war or constant skirmishes.

The temporary cease fire starts tomorrow apparently with an exchange of  I believe 50 Israeli hostages / ??? Palestinians held in Israeli jails.

Its a necessary step but as far as I am aware that leaves an unknown number of Israeli hostages who have survived in captivity.


A ‘Temporary Cease Fire’ translates to  a ‘Truce’, which is the first step on the ‘Cease Fire’ ladder. How to help Muslims from hating Jews will require Israel to make huge concessions, which I pray they are willing to make.

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