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The Yom Kippur War .

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7 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Muslims hate tha Jews....lets just be honest


They have tried to wipe them out again and again and again 


The middle east is huge but they don't want what they have .....they want that tiny piece of land 

Some Muslims hate Jews

Some Jews hate Palestinians 

Some Englishmen hate all foreigners 

As for the rest of your post ,how do you dream these gems up.

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46 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Some Muslims hate Jews

Some Jews hate Palestinians 

Some Englishmen hate all foreigners 


Sadly I think you're right. Its probably due to the tribal mentality we've inherited from our early ancestors.

No excuse for that kind of thinking in this day and age.

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2 hours ago, banjodeano said:

I find it very odd that the media  label women and children captured by Hamas as hostages, but the women and children captured by Israel are labelled prisoners...



Indeed,  some of the BBC's own employees are complaining of how the BBC supports the government bias towards Israel.

They will not say the name Hamas without saying  "recognised as terrorists by the UK government".

Completely oblivious to the fact that a country who supports another to commit war crimes,  is complicit in those crimes.

The middle east needs a complete and policed peace deal,  guaranteeing both peace and safety,  for both Israeli and Palestinian citizens,  instead of the ignored solution of the last seventy odd years.

The BBC needs it's broadcasting licence taken away because it's no longer a public broadcaster,  but an instrument of the government and establishment

It was remarked upon that every news interview was started by the question "Do you condemn Hamas?"

 No one has ever mentioned condemning Israel for it's breaking of numerous International Laws in it's retaliation.


Edited by Organgrinder
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30 minutes ago, trastrick said:

No  kidding, Einstein! :)


But it's their governments policies that cause the wars between them.

In this case, the marginalisation/complete abandonment of Palestine that is enshrined in the Abraham Accords.


Turns out, pretending they don't exist and deserve no consideration... is not a viable way forward for a peace process.  :?

Edited by Magilla
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