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The Yom Kippur War .

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14 minutes ago, mafya said:

I have looked on the thread myself and lo and behold I saw I was being labelled as anti semitic due to my posts!!

Disagreeing with the unlawful actions of the Israeli Govt and IDF is not anti semitism but some people see disagreeing with Israel’s unlawful acts as anti semitism.



You are quite correct mate and I fully agree.  I have had that label stuck on me too but shrug it off as an attempt to silence what we wish to say.

I know that I have no untoward feelings about ordinary Jewish people and I also know that quite a lot of those same people have expressed the same revulsion as we have for the last 7 weeks.

There is nobody who can misconstrue a call for obeying the law as any kind of favouritism as everyone should be subject to the same laws.

As a result,  I expect Netanyahu and his government to be held to account for their actions although, in this disjointed world,  I'm sure I will be left disappointed.

It still will not silence me though and nor will I change course. despite labels or pressure.  No one on this earth is above criticism and no one should ever be above the law.


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Ooopsie 🙄


A major march against antisemitism has begun in London, after English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson was escorted away by police.


Tens of thousands of people were expected to march in London in the demonstration, a day after pro-Palestinian crowds also gathered in the capital to demand a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.





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11 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

What was he arrested for?

Not sure as I only skim read it but from the bits I've seen he was forcibly removed and later arrested.

Probably be justified as the police stopping potential problems before they start kind of thing. If that's the case then that's typical two tier policing.

If he has done wrong then he deserves to be arrested. 

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1 minute ago, retep said:

Being there in public

The organisers of the march made it clear they didn't want him there, and no doubt he wanted to 'piggy back' on the march to continue stirring up hatred of Muslims.

On 15/11/2023 at 20:15, Jack Grey said:

And people who hate Jews like Corbyn and his followers 

And Boris Johnson: 

Boris Johnson penned book on 'fiddling' Jews - now he's marching against antisemitism | indy100

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3 minutes ago, retep said:

Being there in public

They should wait until he has committed an offence imo it's come to something when they arrest someone for only being there,  remember all those women who were lighting candles and were set on - just for being there.  Not good.

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11 minutes ago, Mister M said:

The organisers of the march made it clear they didn't want him there, and no doubt he wanted to 'piggy back' on the march to continue stirring up hatred of Muslims.

And Boris Johnson: 

Boris Johnson penned book on 'fiddling' Jews - now he's marching against antisemitism | indy100

Poor effort , mate .

Edited by hackey lad
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