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The Yom Kippur War .

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40 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:


Hardly putting your neck on the line with that prediction are you.


Of course it will last forever. Just like religious conflicts have been going ON forever.

I'm saying what I've always said which proves I was right in the first place

You've changed your tune.  Up until a couple of days ago, you've kept saying that the Israeli's   WILL KILL  all the terrorists.

That's what Netanyahu says too.  You're realising now,  that I'm right and you're wrong.

It won't stop until Israel gets out of Palestine.  They are wrong,  they are illegal and they,  are the source of the trouble.

Netanyahu will be out soon  -  maybe a change of government will then see sense and negotiate  Just as we had to do in Northern Ireland.

It's a shame that the world  ( and you ) is too stupid to learn from History but it's a fact.


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42 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

It's because no one wants the refugees


They'll bus them all to Europe

That'll be fun for you.

Bundy said he didn't mind someone taking his property in the same way the Israeli's did..

It's called  "The chickens coming home to roost"  or you could say  "every dog has it's day"

There's all kinds of phrases like that to cheer you up when you're feeling down.

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Just now, Organgrinder said:

I'm saying what I've always said which proves I was right in the first place

You've changed your tune.  Up until a couple of days ago, you've kept saying that the Israeli's   WILL KILL  all the terrorists.

That's what Netanyahu says too.  You're realising now,  that I'm right and you're wrong.

It won't stop until Israel gets out of Palestine.  They are wrong,  they are illegal and they,  are the source of the trouble.

Netanyahu will be out soon  -  maybe a change of government will then see sense and negotiate  Just as we had to do in Northern Ireland.

It's a shame that the world  ( and you ) is too stupid to learn from History but it's a fact.


The bird feeder has spoken.


We bow to your superior knowledge.


Al Gore is on his way for advice, clean up that living room from seeds and mealworms.




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3 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

The bird feeder has spoken.


We bow to your superior knowledge.


Al Gore is on his way for advice, clean up that living room from seeds and mealworms.




I knew you would see sense eventually.

Problem is,  a lot of people are too dead now.


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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Peace negotiators and diplomats will never be any good until Israel behaves 

Takes two to tango, amigo!


Or didn't your music teacher teach you that?

2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

so the mess will last for ever and you will never kill the terrorists.

 Oh ye of little faith.🙂


The whole point is to CONTROL terrorists, murderers, and assorted criminals from disrupting the lives of innocent law abiding citizens,


That CAN be done!

2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Just watch as I'm proved right.

You're ALWAYS right, Captain Obvious! 🙂






1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

I'm saying what I've always said which proves I was right in the first place

Yes we know what you have said , but why do you have to keep telling us in almost every post?


Distinctly odd behaviour,


Unless you have some esoteric need to remind yourself?

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

There's only one sure way to deal with terrorists, murderers, baby kidnappers, and child rapists.


Don't fold to their demands.


Get rid of them, or you'll be painting that old Forth Bridge forever!


But as you are a  self identified Pacifist, your view does prevail in todays society.


But we can disagree, right?  😀

That’s the usual simplistic view from you.

Get rid of them.!

First find them and then consider how you stop a whole new generation of them.

Your stance at the moment would be I assume no hostage trade whatsoever.

That is certainly a view of the Zionist and far right  faction ,but very much in line with the very philosophy that will see Netanyahu ditched by those who have more pragmatic views.

And nothing wrong with being a Pacifist nationality

Edited by RJRB
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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

It's because no one wants the refugees


They'll bus them all to Europe

You really should educate yourself as to how many Palestinians are already refugees and were before October 7th.

Also some of the reasons why that is the case

The further displacement from Gaza compounds an existing problem

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15 minutes ago, RJRB said:

That’s the usual simplistic view from you.

Get rid of them.!

First find them and then consider how you stop a whole new generation of them.

Your stance at the moment would be I assume no hostage trade whatsoever.

That is certainly a view of the Zionist and far right  faction ,but very much in line with the very philosophy that will see Netanyahu ditched by those who have more pragmatic views.

But isn't Netanyahu agreeing to hostage trades?



Are you another one who wants to pander and negotiate because otherwise it might breed more terrorists?


The barbaric monsters just love folk with that attitude.



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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

But isn't Netanyahu agreeing to hostage trades?



Are you another one who wants to pander and negotiate because otherwise it might breed more terrorists?


The barbaric monsters just love folk with that attitude.



A bomb will go off at another kids pop concert and lefties will blame the Israelis for killing children


Then the Tories 


And then they'll blame me for supporting Israel 


Theyll blame everyone but the people involved 

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1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

A bomb will go off at another kids pop concert and lefties will blame the Israelis for killing children


Then the Tories 


And then they'll blame me for supporting Israel 


Theyll blame everyone but the people involved 

Oh, absolutely .

It will be everyone's fault apart from the scum bag that blows folk to smithereens


The bombers just love folk like Orgy, they will be laughing their heads off, literally.

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