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The Yom Kippur War .

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24 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I am no expert on the prison system so excuse my ignorance but as far as I am aware prisoners are unable to


Drive cars.

Go shopping.

Go to restaurants.

Hang out at the beach.

Meet friends.

Work and get paid.

Shop online.


Basically do what those that are NOT in prison do


Oh, and I don't think as a prisoner you can import missiles and rockets to fire off at innocent people.


Unless I am mistaken?

They are living in an enemy occupied country which is regarded the world over as like living in a prison.

2 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

@Organgrinder& @mafyaare the same person 


They could have a threesome with only 2 people 

Daft as ever you twerp.

You can't cope with one of me,  let alone two.

Soon starts blubbering about being insulted.


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, crookesey said:

I can’t help thinking of Hamas as politically motivated young Muslim yobbery, it’s creators must be constantly looking over their shoulders as they await their creations move to replace them.

There are 49 Muslim majority countries in the World. They are in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and S. America .There are some 1.8 billion Muslim followers.


With a few exceptions they are authoritarian, religious, economic basket cases,


Of these, 31 are at currently at war, or engaged in civil wars.among their own people. Israel is not their biggest problem, it's the Great Satan Decadent West, and the huge numbers of refugees seeking to escape from the religious authoritarians.


Their failure to build prosperous democratic nations, and their blame of others for their own predicaments, results in their youth with no work, other than military, and a permanent resentment towards those, they are taught to blame, and hate, despite the $billions the West sends them in humanitarian aid.


It is not hard to recruit terrorists under these circumstances.







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Get your 'well, actually...'  or your 'yes,  but...' hats on, because here's another one for our 'pics or it didn't happen' lads:  Whatever your view of the Israel-Hamas war, rape is rape. To trivialise it is to diminish ourselves





...This week, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, finally called for what he described as “numerous accounts of sexual violence during the abhorrent acts of terror by Hamas” to be “vigorously investigated”.


Harrowing stories had begun emerging within days from the desert rave where traumatised young women, who survived only by hiding from the gunmen, described watching in silent horror as other women were gang raped, mutilated and shot. Israeli women’s rights groups, worried that chances to collect forensic evidence were missed in the initial chaos of a country under attack, swiftly mobilised – and last week, Dr Cochav Elkayam-Levy, the lawyer chairing a civil commission hastily created to document crimes against women and children during the massacre, flew to meet UN officials to discuss the testimony collated. Look away now if you would rather not read about women and young girls found dead with their pants pulled down, and telltale evidence of bleeding, bruises and scratches; about smashed pelvises, semen samples, and graphic details I wouldn’t normally go into on these pages except that otherwise it seems people don’t believe it. Though some won’t, even then.


Rape is a war crime as old as war itself, and yet still often invisible thanks to the stigma surrounding survivors, the practical challenges of gathering evidence under fire, and bleakly, sometimes also the lack of survivors. But in recent years we have at least got better at recognising a pattern deserving of investigation. So when tales of Islamic State fighters raping and enslaving Yazidi women began to surface, or when horrific stories started filtering out from women in occupied Ukraine last year, I don’t remember too many sceptics demanding to see video proof. Nor do I recall many victim support workers responding as the director of the Sexual Assault Centre at the University of Alberta in Canada did after 7 October, by signing an open letter condemning genocide in Gaza that criticised a Canadian politician for repeating “the unverified accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence”. Only in this conflict have some normally proud progressives seemingly gone out of their way to show they don’t always #BelieveWomen, after all.


The response to Jews posting about the issue on X this week has ranged from casual whataboutery to a gruesome variant of the “pics or it didn’t happen” school of online scepticism, questioning why there aren’t any actual live rapes visible on that grisly compilation of atrocities the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are currently screening to select opinion formers. (The film, compiled from security camera footage and terrorists’ GoPros, includes only material that survivors’ families have expressly consented to publishing – not everyone wants their child’s last moments made public – and the IDF says some scenes judged too distressing or intrusive were excluded.) Evidently the stomach-turning images millions have already seen online – a dead woman, lying with her skirt pulled above her waist and no underwear on; the young woman bundled out of a truck in the Gaza Strip, the crotch of her jogging bottoms soaked in blood – aren’t enough for some. ...


Rape as a war crime didn't happen this time, though, did it?  These survivors' testimony is dubious, isn't it?  Pics or it didn't happen.


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15 minutes ago, trastrick said:

There are 49 Muslim majority countries in the World. They are in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and S. America .There are some 1.8 billion Muslim followers.


With a few exceptions they are authoritarian, religious, economic basket cases,


Of these, 31 are at currently at war, or engaged in civil wars.among their own people. Israel is not their biggest problem, it's the Great Satan Decadent West, and the huge numbers of refugees seeking to escape from the religious authoritarians.


Their failure to build prosperous democratic nations, and their blame of others for their own predicaments, results in their youth with no work, other than military, and a permanent resentment towards those, they are taught to blame, and hate, despite the $billions the West sends them in humanitarian aid.


It is not hard to recruit terrorists under these circumstances.







Be Trumps fault.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

I am no expert on the prison system so excuse my ignorance but as far as I am aware prisoners are unable to


Drive cars.

Go shopping.

Go to restaurants.

Hang out at the beach.

Meet friends.

Work and get paid.

Shop online.


Basically do what those that are NOT in prison do


Oh, and I don't think as a prisoner you can import missiles and rockets to fire off at innocent people.


Unless I am mistaken?

perhaps if you could be bothered to read  this book , it would give you the  understanding , background and history leading upto oct 7th.  (which i do condemn as well as the genocide being carried out by the IDF)

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10 minutes ago, Hecate said:

Get your 'well, actually...'  or your 'yes,  but...' hats on, because here's another one for our 'pics or it didn't happen' lads:  Whatever your view of the Israel-Hamas war, rape is rape. To trivialise it is to diminish ourselves



Rape as a war crime didn't happen this time, though, did it?  These survivors' testimony is dubious, isn't it?  Pics or it didn't happen.


Your concerns and those of the UN are of course valid.

Most people accept that rape is one of the war crimes which takes place in every war.

We all know that atrocities are committed in every war and probably did since the dawn of  what we laughingly call "civilisation".

I haven't heard anyone say that it "hasn't happened" but,  as with any crime,  you need proof of the kind which will stand in a court of law.

Yes indeed,  rape should be stopped, as should the murder of innocent civilians including children and babies.

It's easier said than done though and,  the simple answer is to stop all wars.

Until we make the UN a body which cannot be ignored,  this is not going to happen.

Citizens of every country are quite happy to see their own countries breaking International Law and to go along with it without complaint.

When wars are stopped,  rape as a war crime will also stop.  Until then unfortunately,  I can't see an answer to what we can do about it.


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8 minutes ago, stylefree said:

perhaps if you could be bothered to read  this book , it would give you the  understanding , background and history leading upto oct 7th.  (which i do condemn as well as the genocide being carried out by the IDF)

But it's nothing like a prison though is it.

Edited by Al Bundy
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30 minutes ago, trastrick said:

There are 49 Muslim majority countries in the World. They are in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and S. America .There are some 1.8 billion Muslim followers.


With a few exceptions they are authoritarian, religious, economic basket cases,


Of these, 31 are at currently at war, or engaged in civil wars.among their own people. Israel is not their biggest problem, it's the Great Satan Decadent West, and the huge numbers of refugees seeking to escape from the religious authoritarians.


Their failure to build prosperous democratic nations, and their blame of others for their own predicaments, results in their youth with no work, other than military, and a permanent resentment towards those, they are taught to blame, and hate, despite the $billions the West sends them in humanitarian aid.


It is not hard to recruit terrorists under these circumstances.







You're not allowed to use facts.....only feelings 



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2 minutes ago, stylefree said:

perhaps if you could be bothered to read  this book , it would give you the  understanding , background and history leading upto oct 7th.  (which i do condemn as well as the genocide being carried out by the IDF)

You will never persuade closed minds such as Bundy's and Grey's to read something which may disprove  all their long argued uneducated beliefs.

They claim that they are so sure of their ground but,  deep down,  it's because they know they're wrong that they won't read it.

They will always blame the source as an excuse but we know full well that,  had the Pope wrote a book, or made a You tube video,  they would still ignore it rather than admit they are wrong.

The rest of the world knows anyway,  and even countries like China openly speak out on behalf of Palestine.   The west is making itself more irrelevant every year due to it's own illegal actions..


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