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The Yom Kippur War .

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56 minutes ago, Hecate said:

I think Stantz and Spengler just crossed the streams again, because I couldn't agree with you more.  Jones is a self-righteous, misogynistic arsehole.  The pile-ons he instigates from his huge number of followers on Twitter are in direct contravention of the Guardian's rules on social media yet here he still is, generating those clicks, getting that engagement.  Funny that.


Having said that, he'd feel right at home in this thread, as Janice Turner in this extremely powerful piece in yesterday's Times would agree:


Why’s the #MeToo crowd silent on Hamas rape? From the UN to Owen Jones, the equivocating over sexual violence against Israeli women is inexcusable and abhorrent



The left are always very quiet and even ignoring the fact that homosexuality is illegal in Palestine 

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

The left are always very quiet and even ignoring the fact that homosexuality is illegal in Palestine 

What's homosexuality got to do with the war in Palestine,  and why should  "the left"  be speaking up about it anymore than  "the right"  do ?

They both seem very quiet about it to me  -  probably because there are more pressing things to worry about at this time.

Every country makes up it's own mind on the various things it wants to allow or not and they would say it's none of our or your, business.

You were having a go at the gays yesterday and  now it seems,  you want to defend them.


Edited by Organgrinder
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3 hours ago, Hecate said:

Having said that, he'd feel right at home in this thread, as Janice Turner in this extremely powerful piece in yesterday's Times would agree:


Why’s the #MeToo crowd silent on Hamas rape? From the UN to Owen Jones, the equivocating over sexual violence against Israeli women is inexcusable and abhorrent

A similar article by Gaby Hinsliff appeared in The Guardian yesterday too. Whatever your view of the Israel-Hamas war, rape is rape. To trivialise it is to diminish ourselves

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27 minutes ago, altus said:

A similar article by Gaby Hinsliff appeared in The Guardian yesterday too. Whatever your view of the Israel-Hamas war, rape is rape. To trivialise it is to diminish ourselves

There is no shortage of articles such as this in various publications but,  apart from putting a spotlight on the horrible ( there never seems to be a truly descriptive word ) events of Oct 7,

which we already know about,  none of them seem to offer a solution or to say what they would actually like to happen next.

We know that women get raped and that this has happened throughout history, and we also know that it regularly gets used as a weapon of war.

We are all sickened by this,  as we are at all the needless deaths but nobody has the answer to,  how do you investigate it,  collect proof,  find the rapists  and bring them to trial ?

My opinion is that,  in times of war,  it is almost impossible to even properly investigate, multiple acts like this,  let alone bring anyone to justice.

In that case,  the only sensible route is in stopping wars in the first place and also by stopping the causes of terrorism.  The answer has got to be a world which is properly policed.

It's easy to use so many different words to describe the horror of what man does to man  or woman but, we need action BEFORE the event and NOT afterwards.

No matter how you call terrorists out and no matter how you try to fight them,  terrorists never go away until the causes of their convictions are taken away.

It's easy to go through history books and it should be as easy to learn the answer, especially when we have recently mounted this barrier in Northern Ireland.

The people of the world want to be free.  They don't want to be oppressed or have their countries occupied by a greater power.  When we stop these things happening,  we will have addressed terrorism.


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2 hours ago, altus said:

A similar article by Gaby Hinsliff appeared in The Guardian yesterday too. Whatever your view of the Israel-Hamas war, rape is rape. To trivialise it is to diminish ourselves

Yes, that was an excellent piece too.  I posted it yesterday ;) .


I notice that this article accomplished the rare feat of prodding some of those who seldom, rather understandably, venture into territory on social media  certain to provoke fans of Jones (especially when he's a colleague).  I'm looking at you, Marina Hyde:




Not sure if Twitter is still allowing those without an account to view tweets, so just in case, here's what she said:



Absolutely unmissable and important by @gabyhinsliff.  Shame on those who have cast doubt on this utter horror


And this from ex-Guardian journalist Suzanne Moore:



Everyone worth reading in The Guardian is subtweeting the rancid Owen Jones. But did you all really need to hide behind a Gaby Hinsliff column explaining rape is bad? Even when done to Jewish women?

Subtweeting, for those unfamiliar, means referring on Twitter to someone, usually critically, without actually mentioning them, prompted by one of their posts. 


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2 minutes ago, Hecate said:

Yes, that was an excellent piece too.  I posted it yesterday ;) .


I notice that this article accomplished the rare feat of prodding some of those who seldom, rather understandably, venture into territory on social media  certain to provoke fans of Jones (especially when he's a colleague).  I'm looking at you, Marina Hyde:




Not sure if Twitter is still allowing those without an account to view tweets, so just in case, here's what she said:



And this from ex-Guardian journalist Suzanne Moore:


Subtweeting, for those unfamiliar, means referring on Twitter to someone, usually critically, without actually mentioning them, prompted by one of their posts. 


Well Owen Jones said that just because there is footage of a murdered half dressed burnt corpse of a woman does not prove that she was raped. 


I mean WTF 🤦‍♂️

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19 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Well Owen Jones said that just because there is footage of a murdered half dressed burnt corpse of a woman does not prove that she was raped. 


I mean WTF 🤦‍♂️

Tha knows Jack,

How does a soldier in a combat zone, togged up to nines in battle gear, carrying heavy weapons, think to himself, "I know I'll just rape this woman while I'm at it"

If it were me, I'd want to get the hell out of there as quick I could.

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