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The Yom Kippur War .

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17 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Full horror of Hamas festival massacre is revealed - Survivors describe gang rape and mutilations, with the terrorists deriving sick pleasure from targeting men and women's genitals: 'They had a thing for sexual organs, breast amputation'




I think that the vast majority absolutely condemn anyone who could firstly plan such atrocities and then carry them out.

Some may get what they richly deserve .I hope so ,not that gives much comfort to the victims and their families.


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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

I think that the vast majority absolutely condemn anyone........

Meaningless platitudes!


How do YOU see HAMAS?


Do YOU condemn them, without the rationalization and excuses put forward in their defense?


Do you believe there's "moral equivalency" between terrorist killers and rapists,  and a Democracy under threat of extinction?

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28 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Meaningless platitudes!


How do YOU see HAMAS?


Do YOU condemn them, without the rationalization and excuses put forward in their defense?


Do you believe there's "moral equivalency" between terrorist killers and rapists,  and a Democracy under threat of extinction?

Some change by the latest atrocity news report, Forget why this all started ,selective memory comes to mind .

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

Some change by the latest atrocity news report, Forget why this all started ,selective memory comes to mind .

Always happens, Cuttsie!


Lemmings have to follow the crowd wherever the crowd gp! 


Selective memories allow them to forget how they demeaned those who wouldn't join them!


Human nature!

Edited by trastrick
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3 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Full horror of Hamas festival massacre is revealed - Survivors describe gang rape and mutilations, with the terrorists deriving sick pleasure from targeting men and women's genitals: 'They had a thing for sexual organs, breast amputation'




And so it is but,  who's calling for  anything to be done about it ?   Has no one realised that,  despite the horror,  this is one act of a bloody 75 year old struggle ?

When everybody has finished throwing up their hands in sheer unbelief and crying out this heinous and barbaric act,  the public anguish will have made no difference and it will probably happen again.

Everyone looks for a more apt description of the horror that occurred and yet no one is the slightest bit interested in putting and end to this war so that such evils will no longer be repeated.  


3 hours ago, RJRB said:

I think that the vast majority absolutely condemn anyone who could firstly plan such atrocities and then carry them out.

Some may get what they richly deserve .I hope so ,not that gives much comfort to the victims and their families.


I'm sure that everyone except the Hamas themselves will agree with that thought.  It's hard to see how any civilised person could not.

That does not alter the fact that events such as this have been happening throughout human history and look well set to carry on into the future and leave everyone wringing their hands like this again.

I can't hear any widespread calls for action to put an end to this situation and,  if 75 years is not enough to make people realise that it can't carry on,  then carry on it will.

It would seem that the western powers who could stop it,  are prepared to let it carry on being a news item until short term memories fade, with the sure knowledge that it will be re-enacted at a later date..

The UN and the west set up all the pieces for this macabre game to be played out AND STILL,  will not take on the responsibility to end it once and for all.


We promised the land to the Arabs in return for their help and then we broke our promise and promised it to the Jews.

It should have been sorted properly at the time but we did nothing and allowed Israel to strong arm it way to helping itself to more land.

We need the terrorists completely out of the picture so that a peaceful solution can be found.  That's hard but it's got to be done and Israel can't do that on it's own, despite what they think.

Creating more new terrorists every day is not helping and just making the task more impossible.     No good crying over spilt milk  -  It's time to mop it up.


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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Some change by the latest atrocity news report, Forget why this all started ,selective memory comes to mind .

If you forget why it started,  you'll never find an end. 

When you are lost,  you need to find the place you set off from,  so that you can go back to it and take a different direction.   

Otherwise,  there will be MORE terrorists,  MORE bloodshed  and MORE rapes.   

Get ready to cry again  -  Does nobody ever learn ?


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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Meaningless platitudes!


How do YOU see HAMAS?


Do YOU condemn them, without the rationalization and excuses put forward in their defense?


Do you believe there's "moral equivalency" between terrorist killers and rapists,  and a Democracy under threat of extinction?

It’s all meaningless platitudes in the sense there’s nothing that you,me,Cuttsie OG  or anybody else will achieve by being horrified at the atrocities .

As for the rest

Do you consider that criticism of some actions taken by this and past Israeli regimes automatically translates to anti semitism(or anti semantic as one might say)

My answer would be that makes as much sense as accusing somebody of hating their children if they did something wrong.

Its time one or two took a broader view.

3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Some change by the latest atrocity news report, Forget why this all started ,selective memory comes to mind .

You are the authority on selective memory and a very limited one at that.

Have you yet bothered to reconsider the reasons why Jewish settlers live in Israel rather than surrounding Arab countries?

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9 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Some change by the latest atrocity news report, Forget why this all started ,selective memory comes to mind .

It all started when Israel occupied Palestinian territory and subjugated the Palestinian people for the last 75 years, stop going off like everything was all hunky dory before October 7th.

There has been a huge loss of life but one positive is the world has seen Israel for what it is, Israel is an abuse victim (holocaust) that has now become the abuser.

Your double standards are astounding Cuttsie with your selective outrage and you have the nerve to accuse others of selective memory?

Did you not watch the programme where Palestinian men are sexually abused with objects by the idf and Israeli settlers and videos are made?

What about the Palestinian prisoners also sexually abused in prison or is it only the victims of the Oct 7th attacks that get you all upset? =


Your the biggest hypocrite on here Cuttsie so I suggest you stop posting the evidence of your hypocrisy on here.


The sickos even do it to child prisoners =



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51 minutes ago, mafya said:

It all started when Israel occupied Palestinian territory and subjugated the Palestinian people for the last 75 years, stop going off like everything was all hunky dory before October 7th.

There has been a huge loss of life but one positive is the world has seen Israel for what it is, Israel is an abuse victim (holocaust) that has now become the abuser.

Your double standards are astounding Cuttsie with your selective outrage and you have the nerve to accuse others of selective memory?

Did you not watch the programme where Palestinian men are sexually abused with objects by the idf and Israeli settlers and videos are made?

What about the Palestinian prisoners also sexually abused in prison or is it only the victims of the Oct 7th attacks that get you all upset? =


Your the biggest hypocrite on here Cuttsie so I suggest you stop posting the evidence of your hypocrisy on here.


The sickos even do it to child prisoners =



HAMAS started the war when they attacked innocent civilians on the 7th October 23


Blame HAMAS for the blight of their people 

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