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The Yom Kippur War .

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5 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

HAMAS started the war when they attacked innocent civilians on the 7th October 23


Blame HAMAS for the blight of their people 



Blame them for starting it, for sure. But that isn’t the whole story.


The Israeli reaction is way over the top. That’s now being recognised by many sensible governments.


Netanyahu is a war criminal in waiting. Just wait and see.

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33 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

HAMAS started the war when they attacked innocent civilians on the 7th October 23


Blame HAMAS for the blight of their people 


The War has been going on for 75 years since 1948.       Hamas was not formed until 1987    which was 39 years later.   



Poor old Grey  =  he's always wrong.


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28 minutes ago, Prettytom said:



Blame them for starting it, for sure. But that isn’t the whole story.


The Israeli reaction is way over the top. That’s now being recognised by many sensible governments.


Netanyahu is a war criminal in waiting. Just wait and see.

War is war 


Israel don't care about weak liberal governments


They will wipe the floor with HAMAS and the world will be a better place because of it 

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17 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

War is war 


Israel don't care about weak liberal governments


They will wipe the floor with HAMAS and the world will be a better place because of it 

War crimes are war crimes.

They will still be breaking International Law and have committed war crimes so  Netanyahu will probably be charged with those war crimes.

Israel could also lose the land which it has stolen over the last 75 years. 

There are less than 10 million Jewish people in the middle east,  surrounded by 475 million Arabs.

I don't think it will end as happily as you think it will for Israel.


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This is why  I’m waiting to see what evidence comes out after the dust has settled, too many lies being put out by Israel via the media plus it is well documented that Israeli soldiers use sexual violence as a weapon =






Don’t want to sound harsh and any Israeli woman who was sexually assaulted or raped on October 7th has my full sympathy and their attackers deserve casteration imo but why is it that over the years there hasn’t been much of an outcry when the IDF routinely uses sexual violence against prisoners?

This situation has bought to the worlds attention what is happening in the country and I think Israel has lost the moral war and shown the world what it really is.

The sad thing is that innocent people on both sides are suffering, Jewish people are suffering hate and will continue to do so for a long time  due to the actions of its right wing terrorist govt.

Look how he Netanyahu govt is treating the families of the hostages?

Hamas can not be defended for what it did on October 7th and neither can Israel for what it is doing now.

Anyone saying israel is responding to the Hamas attack well ok then what if it’s said that Hamass October attack was in  response to the decades of Israeli occupation? Would you agree?




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15 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

 Has no one realised that,  despite the horror,  this is one act of a bloody 75 year old struggle ?

I wish I had said that!


Oh. wait, I did! 🙂


When somebody was blaming Netanyahu for the current mess.


15 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

We need the terrorists completely out of the picture so that a peaceful solution can be found.  That's hard but it's got to be done and Israel can't do that on it's own, despite what they think.

No *****, Einstein.


15 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

The UN and the west set up all the pieces for this macabre game to be played out AND STILL,  will not take on the responsibility to end it once and for all.

There's the slight problem that barbaric terrorists can't be reasoned with, only civilized Democracies can be shamed, and coerced by their voters and their allies to change their errant ways.


Only a couple of years ago. the world, Israel and the slightly more enlightened Arab countries were coming together to condemn and fight terrorists,. Even before this latest flare up there were productive talks in progress with the Arabs.


Guess who fouled up those efforts?  Hint, it wasn't Israel.🙂


As even as a  strong critic of Israel acknowledges;


"(At a time when) The Arab world is coming to terms with Israel. Saudi Arabia is talking about normalizing relations with Israel. As part of that potential deal, the United States is pressing Israel to make concessions to the Palestinian Authority—Hamas’s enemy. So this was an opportunity for Hamas and its Iranian backers to disrupt the whole process, which I think in retrospect was deeply threatening to both of them. I don’t think that Hamas follows dictation from Iran, but I do think they act in coordination, and they had a common interest in disrupting the progress that was underway and that was gaining a lot of support among Arab populations. The idea was to embarrass those Arab leaders who have made peace with Israel, or who might do so, and to prove that Hamas and Iran are the ones who are able to inflict military defeat on Israel.

There are talks going on regarding a peace deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and conversations about U.S. security guarantees for Saudi Arabia. In all likelihood, a primary motivation for Hamas and Iran was a desire to disrupt that deal, because it threatened to isolate them. And this was a very good way to destroy its prospects, at least in the near term. Once the Palestinian issue returns to front and center, and Arabs around the Middle East are watching American weapons in Israeli hands killing large numbers of Palestinians, that will ignite a very strong reaction. And leaders such as [Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince] Mohammed bin Salman will be very reluctant to stand up to that kind of opposition". 


15 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Creating more new terrorists every day is not helping and just making the task more impossible.     No good crying over spilt milk  -  It's time to mop it up.

Time to eliminate barbaric stone age terrorists, and work on saving the last semblage of democracy in the Middle East!


You can't kill 'em all, but like serial killers, you can control them by force.


And pay absolutely no heed to those quisling fence sitters, who see a moral equivalency between democracy and terrorism!



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8 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

HAMAS started the war when they attacked innocent civilians on the 7th October 23


Blame HAMAS for the blight of their people 

And the 1.8 billion Muslims who can't/won't clean up their own civil wars between their couple of dozen radical fundamental sects which is polluting enlightened civilization, and killing millions of their own around the world, even as we speak!

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7 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

War is war 


Israel don't care about weak liberal governments


They will wipe the floor with HAMAS and the world will be a better place because of it 

Prison is prison too.


You aren’t witnessing a war, you are witnessing a crime.

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I think that when people like Pramila Jayapal, US  Representative and member of the ultra progressive Democrat 'Squad', finally stop squirming and unequivocally acknowledge and condemn Hamas' use of rape and sexual violence against women, you have to ask yourself why some are still iffing and yes-butting the issue:



Let me be completely clear again that I unequivocally condemn Hamas’ use of rape and sexual violence as an act of war,” Jayapal said in her latest statement. “This is horrific and across the world, we must stand with our sisters, families, and survivors of rape and sexual assault everywhere to condemn this violence and hold perpetrators accountable.”

This was in addition to stating, in response to questioning in a CNN interview, that while rape was horrific, it "happens in war situations. Terrorist organizations like Hamas obviously are using these as tools. However, I think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians".


Believe all women.  But not those women.

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