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The Yom Kippur War .

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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Radical Islamic Terrorists do not recognize any of your fancy Western Democracy laws. The only law they accept is Allah's WILL and how any of the 30 or so different sects currently in power, decide to interpret it.  🙂

Of course they don't.  The opposing country has to show that they are conforming with the law and the  "Radical Islamist terrorists"   have no excuse to attack.

Who would attack Israel for occupying Palestinian land ,  IF THEY WERE NOT OCCUPYING IT ?

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

"WHATABOUTISM"  another new word Trastrick's  picked up from the conspiracy theory internet sites.  I suppose that will accompany "clapping seals" etc in every post now.

I will use the term  "Radical Islamist terrorists"    in my above posts just to show I'm quite happy to use it.  Don't know what his weird obsession is with certain sets of words.

You should have learned as a kid,  that you can rename anything you like but the person / object is still the same as they were.   Invoking Churchill's name will not make your silly statements correct.

To solve any problem,  in case Churchill didn't know,  you look at the thing which is causing it  AND THAT IS NEVER ITS NAME.


It's like pulling teeth, but we are actually getting somewhere.


Now you two have at least recognized that what we have here is a war between Radical Islamic Terrorists and their neighboring Democracy!


A good place to start with solutions!  🙂

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Who would attack Israel for occupying Palestinian land ,  IF THEY WERE NOT OCCUPYING IT ?

Probably the same folks who are attacking their fellow Muslims in the other majority Muslim basketcase, stone age tribal lands.


Calling them "countries" is being a tad generous. 🙂


Killing each other off by the millions, they are!


'60 percent of conflicts are in Muslim countries'

Turkey's presidential aide says Muslim countries need political leadership and unity today more than ever




Washington Post


Most recent civil wars have taken place in Muslim countries, and a large majority of the victims are Muslims. This is not a “clash of civilizations.” It is a battle within the Muslim world.


Interstate wars — wars between nations — are now rare, and civil wars are now largely concentrated in an arc from Central Africa to the Caucasus. As you can see in the map below, in most of the countries in this conflict zone, Muslims are in a majority. Smaller armed conflicts occur in 30-odd countries more widely spread over the globe.


War and civil war have decreased — leaving, primarily, fighting in Muslim countries





*Note to the anti-semitists


Not one mention of Netanyahu, your new Great Satan 🙂




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5 hours ago, Magilla said:

...by you, as usual... got anything to actually address anything in mafya's post, other than the usual desperate evasion?


Given your desperate screetching of "moderation", while completely avoiding the substance of the post... did you?




If you are going to try and be all melodramatic, at least give us the courtesy of getting the spelling of the word correctly Mr Cranky Pants.


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23 minutes ago, trastrick said:

It's like pulling teeth, but we are actually getting somewhere.


Now you two have at least recognized that what we have here is a war between Radical Islamic Terrorists and their neighboring Democracy!


A good place to start with solutions!  🙂

Get started right now then on these solutions.


I didn't realise that the only thing holding everything up was that 2 blokes on SF hadn't used the 3 magical words  "Radical Islamist Terrorists".


You need to realise something now.   That it's not peoples words that are causing all this bloodshed  -  It's peoples actions.

You're nuts  by the way.               Ooh     teacher,     Orgy's insulted me again!

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5 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Do you ever address the subject of the thread besides other posters ?


The irony. 


Careful now, you will have someone telling you off for entering into a discussion that doesn't concern you.


You know what my thoughts are chuckles.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Get started right now then on these solutions.


I didn't realise that the only thing holding everything up was that 2 blokes on SF hadn't used the 3 magical words  "Radical Islamist Terrorists".


You need to realise something now.   That it's not peoples words that are causing all this bloodshed  -  It's peoples actions.

You're nuts  by the way.               Ooh     teacher,     Orgy's insulted me again!

A couple of fellow travelers on SF can not influence the world at large.


Churchill called evil what it was, so did Reagan.


Obama and Biden, are woke wafflers like a couple here, who like to be on both sides of any issue, and don't want to "offend" anyone who might be of use to them politically down the road! There's a huge and growing Muslim population and "influencers" in the U.S., and you can't be too careful!  🙂


The are arming (sending billions) to both sides in this conflict,


And like the West's sending $billions to the Ukraine, while still dependent on Russia's Fossil Fuel products, and Russia is using those $billions for his weapons that are killing Ukrainians.


One day, history will not be kind to these charlatan political opportunists!


And their clapping seals!  🙂

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I've gathered that Netanyahu is not popular in Israel,  why I don't know only that he may not be in power for long,  can anyone tell me when that is likely to be as there may be more chance of a peaceful settlement once he has gone


The other thing which I can't understand is why Muslims don't want to live in a Muslim country,  they seem to prefer the 'decadent' West.

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