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The Yom Kippur War .

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34 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:




If you are going to try and be all melodramatic, at least give us the courtesy of getting the spelling of the word correctly Mr Cranky Pants.

The irony, given your previous whines re: The Grammar police! 🤣


... so, that would be a "No" then... who knew! 🙄

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51 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Probably the same folks who are attacking their fellow Muslims in the other majority Muslim basketcase, stone age tribal lands.


Calling them "countries" is being a tad generous. 🙂


Killing each other off by the millions, they are!


'60 percent of conflicts are in Muslim countries'

Turkey's presidential aide says Muslim countries need political leadership and unity today more than ever




Washington Post


Most recent civil wars have taken place in Muslim countries, and a large majority of the victims are Muslims. This is not a “clash of civilizations.” It is a battle within the Muslim world.


Interstate wars — wars between nations — are now rare, and civil wars are now largely concentrated in an arc from Central Africa to the Caucasus. As you can see in the map below, in most of the countries in this conflict zone, Muslims are in a majority. Smaller armed conflicts occur in 30-odd countries more widely spread over the globe.


War and civil war have decreased — leaving, primarily, fighting in Muslim countries





*Note to the anti-semitists


Not one mention of Netanyahu, your new Great Satan 🙂




They need tyrants


We tried to give them democracy and they didn't want it


Saddam and Gaddafi knew how to run a country in the middle east


With violence because thats the only language they seem to understand 

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39 minutes ago, cressida said:

I've gathered that Netanyahu is not popular in Israel,  why I don't know only that he may not be in power for long,  can anyone tell me when that is likely to be as there may be more chance of a peaceful settlement once he has gone


The other thing which I can't understand is why Muslims don't want to live in a Muslim country,  they seem to prefer the 'decadent' West.

Thats the plan .

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

The irony. 


Careful now, you will have someone telling you off for entering into a discussion that doesn't concern you.


You know what my thoughts are chuckles.

Every discussion concerns everyone,  

Unfortunately, I do have an inkling of your thoughts,  worse luck. 

Just wondered when,  if ever,  you would  finally get it together and address the subject.

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1 hour ago, cressida said:

I've gathered that Netanyahu is not popular in Israel,  why I don't know only that he may not be in power for long,  can anyone tell me when that is likely to be as there may be more chance of a peaceful settlement once he has gone

Nobody can predict the future Cressy, but you might get a clue, what by happened when that other equally unpopular with the Left and their Media, pals, U.S. President Trump, left office.


You got Biden and two new major wars, with a third one likely to break out anytime.


Totalitarians can smell weakness and waffling, like flies can smell garbage.



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38 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

They need tyrants


We tried to give them democracy and they didn't want it


Saddam and Gaddafi knew how to run a country in the middle east


With violence because thats the only language they seem to understand 

That says everything that everyone needs to know about you.

You should have joined the army if you love blood and gore that much.

Probably has to be someone else's blood and gore though,  and not yours.

You don't know anything about violence.

By the way,  it didn't do Saddam and Gaddafi much good did it ?      you have some funny hero's


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5 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Don't let it bother you so much..

I wasn't the one whining about perceived moderation, with a post intended to moderate. 🙄


What is it with righty tighties... always whining about other people doing what they do everyday! 🙄

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