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The Yom Kippur War .

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2 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Would the years ago be The Cable Street riots when our trade unionists and East end of London people stuck up for their Jewish fellow workers against the marching Fascists , History always repeats its self,    let us hope that the piece loving folk on these pages will be at the head of the line if we have to protect our fellow Englanders once again .

Sorry Cuttsie   but The Cable Street Riots seem to be the only bit of history you know.


Explain if you like, their relevance to the world today.  Every problem in the world DOES NOT centre around the Jews or Cable St.

The problems in the middle east which do concern them,  are only going to be made worse by their present tactics but they don't listen to anybody else so what can anyone do ?


4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Was just that, Guff.

And another failure to address the subject of the thread.  Why don't you get a job and do something useful for a change ?  


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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Sorry Cuttsie   but The Cable Street Riots seem to be the only bit of history you know.


Explain if you like, their relevance to the world today.  Every problem in the world DOES NOT centre around the Jews or Cable St.

The problems in the middle east which do concern them,  are only going to be made worse by their present tactics but they don't listen to anybody else so what can anyone do ?


And another failure to address the subject of the thread.  Why don't you get a job and do something useful for a change ?  


From his references I don’t think he knows that .

His inference is that the righteous East Enders rose up in support of Jewish immigrants.

In fact it was a coalition of those opposed to the threat of Mosely and his Fascists to Trades Unions,Communists and minorities including the Jewish population.

To apply it to the current situation in the U.K. then the fight would be against far right thugs recruited by the leaders on the football terraces etc who are anti Jews,Muslims,Blacks in general,Gays etc.etc.etc.

So the fine Englanders can still do their bit by standing against the latest breed of Fascists.

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20 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Would the years ago be The Cable Street riots when our trade unionists and East end of London people stuck up for their Jewish fellow workers against the marching Fascists , History always repeats its self,    let us hope that the piece loving folk on these pages will be at the head of the line if we have to protect our fellow Englanders once again .

You can count out our Orgy, George.


He's now a self identified Pacifist.

Edited by trastrick
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Those Leftist hotbeds of Anti-Semitism, Penn State, MIT, and Harvard are finally being called to account.


The Hill

Calls grow for ouster of Penn, Harvard, MIT Presidents, after antisemitism House hearing


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31 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Is Pacifist a derogatory term?

It is to all the right wingers who are waiting for something to crow about and blame the decadence of modern times onto others.

The more bloodthirsty it is,  the louder they can shout and so,  they couldn't ask for more than mass rapes and beheading babies as well as genocide.

People such as us,  who are calling for peace are regarded as spoilsports who may manage to get it stopped before a whole nation is massacred.

Strangely enough,  it's the lovers of all things USA,  who are the worst so it's telling that the USA is the only nation that is supporting Genocide and using a veto at the UN so that it can carry on.

Who would have thought that Biden would emulate Putin so closely after all these years thumbing their noses at each other ?


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3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It is to all the right wingers who are waiting for something to crow about and blame the decadence of modern times onto others.

The more bloodthirsty it is,  the louder they can shout and so,  they couldn't ask for more than mass rapes and beheading babies as well as genocide.

People such as us,  who are calling for peace are regarded as spoilsports who may manage to get it stopped before a whole nation is massacred.

Strangely enough,  it's the lovers of all things USA,  who are the worst so it's telling that the USA is the only nation that is supporting Genocide and using a veto at the UN so that it can carry on.

Who would have thought that Biden would emulate Putin so closely after all these years thumbing their noses at each other ?


But Biden is a lefty you silly sausage.

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3 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

But Biden is a lefty you silly sausage.

No he's not ....not really 


He's been part of the US political establishment for over 40 years 


They're all the same


Trump was the exception


So weird how the lefties wanted Hilary Clinton just because she says she's a democrat


The lefties are the establishment 

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17 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

But Biden is a lefty you silly sausage.

You'll have to look long and hard to find a lefty in their corridors of power.

Harder still to find a honest one.

American citizens are snookered before they even go out to vote.


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