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The Yom Kippur War .

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51 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:



That's definitely something @Organgrinderwould say 🤣



That's something I have said already about Netanyahu and his government,  and I make no apology for it.     Many of his own people are sickened.

Not much to choose between them at the moment and the rest of the world,  apart from the USA,  is thinking the same.

It's so violent and abominable that it matches what the terrorists did on Oct 7 and many people won't  even watch the news any more.


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9 hours ago, cressida said:



Then some could say problem solved!


Very astute comment!


There is an element of Darwinism built in to Mother Nature's grand design. She doesn't suffer fools gladly,


When two mad dogs are fighting, best to stand back and watch. Religious wars, Gang wars, neighbors fighting, even a married couple going at each other.


Interfere at your peril! 🙂


Unless you have the overwhelming force to knock their heads together and end it immediately.


Peace can only be won by force,  as history shows. Not by weakness, which is an open invitation to the evil doers.


At this juncture of history we are fortunate that the world's, superior military might rests with the U.S. Democracy, in spite of all their critics and detractors.


After all, the alternatives, NAZIS, Communists, Japanese Imperialists, and radical Islamic fundamentalists would have a completely different way of running things!🙂





Edited by trastrick
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10 hours ago, mafya said:

Maybe the Israelis should stop land grabbing and acting like nazis because right now they are hated the world over.

I’m not sure about Israel being hated the world over, but if you said Muslim-majority countries then I would agree with you.

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11 hours ago, mafya said:

Why don’t we let them come here and turf people like you out of your house and say go live in Israel this is my house now. Would you like it? Like hell you would so don’t suggest something you wouldn’t do yourself. Why should they give up and flee to neighbouring countries? Maybe the Israelis should stop land grabbing and acting like nazis because right now they are hated the world over.


You need to get out more and stop watching your bias news channels.



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45 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

I’m not sure about Israel being hated the world over, but if you said Muslim-majority countries then I would agree with you.

I think that, when every country  except one,  goes to the United Nations and tries to pass a vote to make them stop,  it shows that their support has fallen.   I, for one, was always a supporter of Israel but not any more. 

I have watched over the years as they have stolen land and oppressed the Palestinians but only now have I realised how they have changed from oppressed to oppressor and lost  my support.

As I have said before,  I do welcome the fact that many Jewish People all over the world have protested against the Israeli government and Netanyahu should be charged with war crimes.

As should our own liar Blair.

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56 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

You need to get out more and stop watching your bias news channels.



"You need to get out more"    is not much of an argument and I'm quite sure that Bundy will be hard pressed to find one".

Both the BBC and Sky News were biased  AGAINST  the Palestinians until  a few days ago.

No comment from Bundy about his neighbour taking his house and land from him a and leaving him homeless.   Of course he'll say he would be happy with that because he's already said it.

Can we believe anything we hear from Bundy who has said he it wouldn't bother him if his neighbour took his house and garden.  The mans plainly a liar of the highest order.

Just shows what bent liars we are trying to debate with and they wonder why they get insulted.


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9 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

You need to get out more and stop watching your bias news channels.



Our Countries citizens watch and rely on the BBC to tell it how it is , Why any one should watch a privately funded foreign one , one. that is owned by people who are hiding  and arming those brave Hamas leaders in five star hotels is beyond  belief .

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50 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

"You need to get out more"    is not much of an argument and I'm quite sure that Bundy will be hard pressed to find one".

Both the BBC and Sky News were biased  AGAINST  the Palestinians until  a few days ago.

No comment from Bundy about his neighbour taking his house and land from him a and leaving him homeless.   Of course he'll say he would be happy with that because he's already said it.

Can we believe anything we hear from Bundy who has said he it wouldn't bother him if his neighbour took his house and garden.  The mans plainly a liar of the highest order.

Just shows what bent liars we are trying to debate with and they wonder why they get insulted.


Morning Orgy.


Rough night?



Was just correctly pointing out that the whole world doesn't hate Israel, not that you would know as you never go anywhere.


Prove I am lying?

Edited by Al Bundy
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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

Very astute comment!


There is an element of Darwinism built in to Mother Nature's grand design. She doesn't suffer fools gladly,


When two mad dogs are fighting, best to stand back and watch. Religious wars, Gang wars, neighbors fighting, even a married couple going at each other.


Interfere at your peril! 🙂


Unless you have the overwhelming force to knock their heads together and end it immediately.


Peace can only be won by force,  as history shows. Not by weakness, which is an open invitation to the evil doers.


At this juncture of history we are fortunate that the world's, superior military might rests with the U.S. Democracy, in spite of all their critics and detractors.


After all, the alternatives, NAZIS, Communists, Japanese Imperialists, and radical Islamic fundamentalists would have a completely different way of running things!🙂





Amazed at your analysis you have everything covered.🙂

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15 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Morning Orgy.


Rough night?



Was just correctly pointing out that the whole world doesn't hate Israel, not that you would know as you never go anywhere.


Prove I am lying?

I'm not bothered who hates Israel or not.  I've always said that everyone is entitled to their own views although I might think differently.

You will never convince me that every country except ONE,  voting to stop the war, is anything but an overwhelming vote AGAINST Israel.

Everybody on the forum can see that you're lying when you stupidly pretend that it wouldn't matter if your neighbour stole your house and land.

Or would you prefer to answer that question again ?   but  truthfully ?        

Don't worry,  I never expected anything better from a liar like you.


7 minutes ago, cressida said:

Amazed at your analysis you have everything covered.🙂

He sure does,  with a load of crap.              Quite easy to take every line of that to bits.

Getting a bit grandiose with it too  -  What's Darwin and mother nature got to do with evil corrupt governments taking advantage of the power they wiled.

Sorry love, but you don't take much leading up the garden path.


Law is the answer to sheer power.  When people and countries come together and agree to have a code which we all follow.  That's how our law works.

Also how the UN was meant to work until governments like ours decided to to ignore it.   Churchill was right but modern politicians have failed him and betrayed his concept.


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