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The Yom Kippur War .

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56 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

People who live on Park Hill are rich , they are buying our social housing ,  Not many white van men on there ,

Those flats have been stolen from us proper socialists who still live in a  council house .

Some snobs on here int there.

Well I gather that you know all the residents of Park Hill personally with full details of all their financial situations too plus full details of what vehicles they drive.

You're obviously a far more knowledgeable man than I thought.  Either that or you don't know what you're talking about and just like to generalise.

I'm not even sure you know what a snob is either but I'm sure there must be a point to what you say.

The snobs are those who say,  "I go to Florida / Trinidad etc for my holidays or I travel around the world".     Snobs don't say  "I stay at home and have never been on a plane".


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25 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Monkeyman outs himself, every time he posts! 🙂


He's Organgrinder' s pet, who does the dancing for him.


Leave him be! 

Good God   is that pathetic offering supposed to rile me,  insult me or whatever ?

Grow up man and talk your age  -  you sound like a 5 year old.

It's not worth my rage and it's not even worth a laugh you dope.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

You keep referring to this phrase,  which you claim comes from me.  We had better look at it and decide what it means if you don't have the intelligence.

"Care about people" is the real phrase I think,   When I refer to the Palestinians then Yes,  I care that they are being bombed and starved.

                                                                                                        When I referred to Ukrainians then Yes, I also cared about the suffering similar fates.

I have also spoken up on another thread about the homeless living on the streets because I cared that their lives were so hard.

I care about the poor people in Africa who are suffering famines and water shortage  so they can't grow crops and their animals die.

I care very much for the wildlife on this planet who are being decimated by mankind's uncaring greed.


I have never said that I love or care deeply for everyone on the planet  -  simply because there are quite a lot of people on this planet who I dislike and also some who I actively hate.

I have never pretended to be Jesus Christ and would never have had either the patience or forgiveness for that job.

I'm an ordinary bloke with a strong sense of right and wrong and I very much look down on those who are greedy, selfish, violent and criminal in a national or International sense. 

You and Grey come under that umbrella and I find you offensive and so being a straightforward bloke,  I tell you so.

 I don't claim to be virtuous at all and if I hurt your feelings,  I don't really give a sh*t.

The sooner you accept that I am NOT a saint and NT pretending to be one,  the easier you will cope with what I write.   You spend far too much time discussing me and not the topic.


Blah, blah, blah.


"I have said", "i have never said"............ (lurid color, and shouted caps convince no one!)🙂


Your problem is that you can be on both sides of any issue, so  you need to be always explaining to yourself what you have said, or not said.


When this latest Israeli/Palestinian mess, and the disgusting fiasco in the Ukraine is cleaned up, either before, or after the next U.S. election, you'll be telling yourself you were right, all along,


(Just like on the COVID thread, you were a Mandate supporter, absd a strong insulter of the antis, then when the truth came out you were a freedom of choice , let everybody decide for themselves, time to move on!  )


Even if it means another Resolution to Outlaw Terrorism, by the main players.


And even if it means Russia holding on to it's Russian Speaking  Territory in the Ukraine.


Remember! The present Ukraine corrupt lot came to power illegally, by a Western inspired coup, called the Maidan Revolution which tossed out the duly elected pro Russian Government of the Ukraine.


So much for you and your "Law and Order" in sovereign countries!🙂

Edited by trastrick
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Just now, trastrick said:

Blah, blah, blah.


Anyone who starts an adult post like this doesn't deserve to be read and so you haven't.

Responding to the actual topic would be a pleasant change too but I don't think you can run to that either.


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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Anyone who starts an adult post like this doesn't deserve to be read and so you haven't.

Responding to the actual topic would be a pleasant change too but I don't think you can run to that either.


No more time for your silly nonsense today, so I'll give you the distinct pleasure of chasing me off the forum!


Cue the clapping seals!


Or, I could be late for the lowly job you claim I have, sweeping out beach shacks!


I know how much these delusions mean to you!  🙂

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5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Remember! The present Ukraine corrupt lot came to power illegally, by a Western inspired coup, called the Maidan Revolution which tossed out the duly elected pro Russian Government of the Ukraine.

That pro-Russian government wasn't pro-Russian during the election - they stood on a platform of closer links to the EU. Once in power they completely ignored what they'd promised and signed up to closer ties with Russia.



There's no need for overthrowing such a government to be western inspired - going directly against the wishes of the people expressed at the election (i.e. closer ties with the EU) is enough to upset people.


Populations allowing politicians to promise things as their main platform during elections and then do the exact opposite once elected isn't good for democracy.

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25 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Well I gather that you know all the residents of Park Hill personally with full details of all their financial situations too plus full details of what vehicles they drive.

You're obviously a far more knowledgeable man than I thought.  Either that or you don't know what you're talking about and just like to generalise.

I'm not even sure you know what a snob is either but I'm sure there must be a point to what you say.

The snobs are those who say,  "I go to Florida / Trinidad etc for my holidays or I travel around the world".     Snobs don't say  "I stay at home and have never been on a plane".


Stop it, my ribs can't take any more!!!


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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

People who live on Park Hill are rich , they are buying our social housing ,  Not many white van men on there ,

Those flats have been stolen from us proper socialists who still live in a  council house .

Some snobs on here int there.

All types live at Park Hill


Social housing, retired, families, student and young professionals


There isn't as much social housing as what was promised and half of it is for students which I'm pretty sure wasn't mentioned in the original plans


The people of Sheffield was sold a lie but it's taken over 20 years to complete just 75% of the project


Maybe that was done on purpose so that people would forget the original promise of social housing 


I own a 3 bed apartment there and I can tell you it wasn't cheap. 


But it's worth double what I paid for it nearly 6 years ago

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