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The Yom Kippur War .

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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

No you don’t.

You are happy to converse with anybody and everybody and like most, tend to give your approval to those with some common ground.

If you choose to believe that Jack Grey and Al Bundy are real identities fair enough,but I don’t think you are so naive.

As I have pointed out to you previously hardly anyone uses an identifiable name for perfectly good reason.

If my first venture onto the forum was as an ex pat looking up old mates then I would have made myself identifiable as well,but to now wear it as some badge of pride always amuses me.

Still it serves as a good cop out to avoid some issues.

I'm talking about how I see using fake I.D. to hurl personal insults. It's just not my cup of tea.


Everybody is free to do what they want here.


I don't want to curtail anybody's free speech!


Bring it on I say! Makes for a lively debate, and dare I say a little fun, if you don't take it too seriously.🙂


Neither I nor you are going to change hearts and minds here on a Sheffield Forum, We just get a chance to put our opinions up for debate and challenge is all!



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Makes me wonder why the silly little coconut man on his desert island is so insistent that we are bound by either, democrat & republican yanks in everything we do

and that some website definition from him must rule our entire lives.  Probably thinks that trump the lump,  is our next king in waiting too.

The Israeli's are committing genocide whatever his views and the world watches, records and takes note, as it happens.

Was there a holocaust ?      No,   there were 2  -  and the victim of the first was the instigator of the second.

At least it's nice to know that anonymous trolls will be ignored in future,  and that we will be saved from oceans of clapping seals and similar garbage for all time henceforth..

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9 hours ago, trastrick said:

No ****,  Sherlock!🙂


Washington Post

Biden Ran On Ending Forever Wars.



Looks like you didn't read the whole article:


Obama and Trump both campaigned on the promise that they would end the wars in the Middle East. Both failed. Now the question is whether will Biden fail as well.


But leaders failing to meet objectives is not in the same league as promising one thing at election time and doing the exact opposite. Yanukovych's actions were more akin to if Boris Johnson had used his promise of an "oven ready" brexit deal to get his majority and then abandoned brexit whilst dropping the Pound for the Euro and signing the UK up to the Schengen area.

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A.   anti semantic  poster on here has stated that there has only been two genocides in the World,     one being where six  million men women and children were gassed , shot ,starved and clubbed to death in Europe  , the other in Gaza as of  now,   where around 10.000 Have been killed due to the latest war declared by those Palestinians on Israel .


Well I  have news for our local Lord Haw Haw , many genocides have happened in the World inc the one committed by Turkey on Armenia, The one in Rwanda committed by the Hutu militias in 1994, the one in Bosnia by the Serbs where over a  hundred thousand innocents died ( They unlike  the Palestine Hamas  mentioned had not started these wars ).  so the latest so called genocide where the leaders of Palestine murdered .raped , kidnapped Israeli 's from a music festival is not a genocide but a retaliation for the shocking events committed by those brave Palestinians on that festival day /.


The Hamas killers and rapists knew very well what would happen when they crossed that border maybe they just decided they wanted some sex with young Jewish lasses who knows  , 


The whole World knows that if those Countries surrounding Israel attacks then the out come will be no holding back they will go in and fight to the last man and woman as the phrase never again is in every Israelis thinking .

I wish and pray the war ,yes its a war would stop now , But it will not until the Israelis have satisfied themselves that the message has been well and truly delivered , no more Genocide on our people . 

By the way piece talks where under way when those murdering ******** crossed that border , good planning that int it !!!!

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36 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

A.   anti semantic  poster on here has stated that there has only been two genocides in the World,     one being where six  million men women and children were gassed , shot ,starved and clubbed to death in Europe  , the other in Gaza as of  now,   where around 10.000 Have been killed due to the latest war declared by those Palestinians on Israel .


Well I  have news for our local Lord Haw Haw , many genocides have happened in the World inc the one committed by Turkey on Armenia, The one in Rwanda committed by the Hutu militias in 1994, the one in Bosnia by the Serbs where over a  hundred thousand innocents died ( They unlike  the Palestine Hamas  mentioned had not started these wars ).  so the latest so called genocide where the leaders of Palestine murdered .raped , kidnapped Israeli 's from a music festival is not a genocide but a retaliation for the shocking events committed by those brave Palestinians on that festival day /.


The Hamas killers and rapists knew very well what would happen when they crossed that border maybe they just decided they wanted some sex with young Jewish lasses who knows  , 


The whole World knows that if those Countries surrounding Israel attacks then the out come will be no holding back they will go in and fight to the last man and woman as the phrase never again is in every Israelis thinking .

I wish and pray the war ,yes its a war would stop now , But it will not until the Israelis have satisfied themselves that the message has been well and truly delivered , no more Genocide on our people . 

By the way piece talks where under way when those murdering ******** crossed that border , good planning that int it !!!!

Maybe cuttsie could identify the anti-Semitic  poster on here who has stated that there has only been 2 genocides.      Together with proof that the poster is anti-Semitic.

I referred to the word holocaust which is always accepted as being about the wholesale slaughter of the Jews in WW2.

Now the Jews are involved in a second holocaust only this time it is them doing the killing of innocent civilians,  mostly women and children.  

Despite the heinous actions of the Hamas terrorists on Oct 7,  don't come playing the innocent card on behalf of a nation who has oppressed it's neighbour.

occupied it's neighbour's land and broken International Law for the biggest part of 75 years.

When you want to refer to another poster,  especially when making allegations,  why don't you be a man and name him instead of making sly pointers.

There is absolutely nothing anti-Semitic in speaking the truth about any person or any nation  -  the Israeli's do not get a free ticket to do as they please and break laws simply because they are Jewish.

Any retaliations, as you call it,  should be on the ones who committed the atrocity and NOT on the innocent. purposely starving and killing children is not a "retaliation" IT IS A WAR CRIME.


Edited by Organgrinder
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

That question should be properly directed to the ultra sensitive Left, who were  outraged at my use of the word, "dearie", and the clapping seals that joined them.🙂



Hardly outraged.

Just ridiculed for the outdated effort at a put down

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

That question should be properly directed to the ultra sensitive Left, who were  outraged at my use of the word, "dearie", and the clapping seals that joined them.🙂



Hardly outraged.

Edited by RJRB
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47 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

A.   anti semantic  poster on here has stated that there has only been two genocides in the World,     one being where six  million men women and children

By the way piece talks where under way when those murdering ******** crossed that border , good planning that int it !!!!

1) Is anti “Semantic” some in joke that I don’t understand

2) Who is the local Lord HawHaw

3) I am not sure that any Palestinians were included in any recent PEACE talks.

They certainly were at the time of the Oslo Peace accords but the right wing factions of Israel which included Netanyahu would never accept a 2 state solution and instead intensified their aim of invading Palestinian territory.

None of which will be acknowledged by you as it all happened long before October 2023.

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6 minutes ago, RJRB said:

1) Is anti “Semantic” some in joke that I don’t understand

2) Who is the local Lord HawHaw

3) I am not sure that any Palestinians were included in any recent PEACE talks.

They certainly were at the time of the Oslo Peace accords but the right wing factions of Israel which included Netanyahu would never accept a 2 state solution and instead intensified their aim of invading Palestinian territory.

None of which will be acknowledged by you as it all happened long before October 2023.

You wate for a buss ,thene too com along .

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8 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

You wate for a buss ,thene too com along .

I begin to worry about you .Nine words and 5 of them wrong.

Never mind I understand your continuing inability to respond and justify some of your past statements .

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