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The Yom Kippur War .

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21 minutes ago, cressida said:

Well maybe some didn't want the peace talks to succeed.

That's perfectly correct.  The Israeli's don't want the peace talks to succeed and Netanyahu admits it openly.    HE DOES NOT WANT the 2 state solution  -  He wants the lot.

He only enters into them to keep the rest of the world quiet. 


6 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Well Cressy that is the nail on the head . 

She has too,  in favour of the Palestinians though.

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11 hours ago, altus said:

Looks like you didn't read the whole article:


But leaders failing to meet objectives is not in the same league as promising one thing at election time and doing the exact opposite. Yanukovych's actions were more akin to if Boris Johnson had used his promise of an "oven ready" brexit deal to get his majority and then abandoned brexit whilst dropping the Pound for the Euro and signing the UK up to the Schengen area.

That's my point!


They all do it.🙂

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12 hours ago, cuttsie said:

A.   anti semantic  poster on here has stated that there has only been two genocides in the World,     one being where six  million men women and children were gassed , shot ,starved and clubbed to death in Europe  , the other in Gaza as of  now,   where around 10.000 Have been killed due to the latest war declared by those Palestinians on Israel .


Well I  have news for our local Lord Haw Haw , many genocides have happened in the World inc the one committed by Turkey on Armenia, The one in Rwanda committed by the Hutu militias in 1994, the one in Bosnia by the Serbs where over a  hundred thousand innocents died ( They unlike  the Palestine Hamas  mentioned had not started these wars ).  so the latest so called genocide where the leaders of Palestine murdered .raped , kidnapped Israeli 's from a music festival is not a genocide but a retaliation for the shocking events committed by those brave Palestinians on that festival day /.


The Hamas killers and rapists knew very well what would happen when they crossed that border maybe they just decided they wanted some sex with young Jewish lasses who knows  , 


The whole World knows that if those Countries surrounding Israel attacks then the out come will be no holding back they will go in and fight to the last man and woman as the phrase never again is in every Israelis thinking .

I wish and pray the war ,yes its a war would stop now , But it will not until the Israelis have satisfied themselves that the message has been well and truly delivered , no more Genocide on our people . 

By the way piece talks where under way when those murdering ******** crossed that border , good planning that int it !!!!

Don't forget the millions of Muslims being murdered, raped and beheaded and stoned to death in their own Muslim majority countries around the world, by the 30 or so different sects, who claim to be the only "true" followers of Muhammed.


In the name of the Religion of Peace!


11 hours ago, RJRB said:

Hardly outraged.

Just ridiculed for the outdated effort at a put down

Go back and look!


Quite the tempest in a teapot, it was! Triggered some awful profanity, far worse than "dearie", to the extent the conversation had to be shut down by the moderator!  🙂

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10 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

In gonna try not to rise to it anymore....this forum brings out the worst in me and I usually walk away disappointed that I lowered myself to their pathetic childish level


I should be the bigger man 

Don't let them see you off, Jack, just limit your time and exposure.


I walk away to real life and real people, and the stench of the petty hate gets blown away, and you count your blessings that you live in a beautiful world with some truly decent human beings living happy, productive lives.

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10 hours ago, cressida said:

Well maybe some didn't want the peace talks to succeed.

"Out of the mouths of babes" flows the wisdom, that passeth all understanding!


(do you mind me calling you a "babe"?) 🙂

Edited by trastrick
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12 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Pity The Palestine murderers who decided to invade ,rape and pillage did not just sit down and talk it over.

Then The balloon would not have burst , after all PEACE talks were going on with the Arab neighbours of Israel at the time without rancour .

Israel doesn’t want peace so stop your bull **** right there Cuttsie=








How many times are you going to keep trying to defend the indefensible?
I can understand it’s your fellow Jewish people but reality is that the Zionists have shown the world what they are really about.
Have you not been watching the news? Fake staged surrender videos etc etc the lying scumbags keep getting caught out!!!

I await your post branding me anti semitic etc in order to try and silence the truth.

The Palestinians would rather die then give up their land and the Israelis can’t bear that because they want all the land.

The abused became the Abuser….

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7 hours ago, trastrick said:



Go back and look!

How do I look if the conversation was shut down  ?


Quite the tempest in a teapot, it was! Triggered some awful profanity, far worse than "dearie", to the extent the conversation had to be shut down by the moderator!  🙂

I thought that being a Heeley Lad you appreciated straight Sheffield talk and to refer to someone as an a hole has a much more sincere ring to it than the condescending dearie rubbish.

However I see from your recent offerings that somehow you have acquired a more florid turn of phrase .



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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

I thought that being a Heeley Lad you appreciated straight Sheffield talk and to refer to someone as an a hole has a much more sincere ring to it than the condescending dearie rubbish.

However I see from your recent offerings that somehow you have acquired a more florid turn of phrase .

Oh dear.  Still fuming about women patiently and repeatedly exposing his spluttering rubbish for what it is, is he?  Of course he is.


I'm actually quite fond of the long established 'patronising arsehole' as a suitable and well-earned response to our friend here failing to stop with the 'dearie' nonsense after repeated requests, but if anyone would like to contribute their own favourite examples of suitable 'awful profanity' I'd be more than happy to pop those into rotation too. 

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2 hours ago, Hecate said:

Oh dear.  Still fuming about women patiently and repeatedly exposing his spluttering rubbish for what it is, is he?  Of course he is.


I'm actually quite fond of the long established 'patronising arsehole' as a suitable and well-earned response to our friend here failing to stop with the 'dearie' nonsense after repeated requests, but if anyone would like to contribute their own favourite examples of suitable 'awful profanity' I'd be more than happy to pop those into rotation too. 

The attack of the Thread Killers!  🙂


Not biting, love!


Have at it!

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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The attack of the Thread Killers!  🙂


Stop your passive-aggressive whining then and I'm sure the thread will right itself.


ETA:  Oh look.  He couldn't resist adding the patronising arsehole edit.  Shocker.

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