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The Yom Kippur War .

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3 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Another thing no condemnation of the Nazi marchers  in ourCity who did the hate symbols on the under pass .

The same marchers who chanted from the river to the sea , I saw them . i heard them and got threatened when I spoke up .

My bold.  No condemnation from WHO ?

You say you were there and saw them.  I wasn't there so I didn't see them or the    "hate symbols"

I don't agree with hate symbols of any kind and I don't even like to see flags  -  too many nationalists make too big a deal about their flags.

People matter, not flags and not symbols and,  if you join in the hatred,  it gets re-directed back at you.   

War is not to be glorified but to be regretted and ashamed of for not making more effort to avoid it.  The tub thumpers are responsible and not people like me.


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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

That is true, I thanked him .      I am  now talking about a whole lot more on the walls of the underpasses at Moorfoot,  The length of all the walls have now been painted in a Grey covering , If you look really close you can still see symbols sticking through .


 Thanks for jumping on the band waggon again  , I see Padders is jumping in as well .


This hate against Jews by certain sections of our society must not be allowed to spread as it did in Europe in 1936 .

We took in thousands of those oppressed people inc many children and saved them from certain death in the Nazi camps , (Not all German camps either as many in Europe helped them ). 

To see this situation now raising its head in our Country is disturbing to say the least '

History must not be repeated in Europe .

Hang about Mr, Cuttsie.

There's no way I'm getting involved in such a sensitive and controversial subject, I'm certainly not going to get drawn into arguments currently taking place on this thread..

This thread is over 300 pages long, and I doubt that I have made more than a couple of post's.

How come I'm jumping on the Band Wagon?


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9 minutes ago, Padders said:

Hang about Mr, Cuttsie.

There's no way I'm getting involved in such a sensitive and controversial subject, I'm certainly not going to get drawn into arguments currently taking place on this thread..

This thread is over 300 pages long, and I doubt that I have made more than a couple of post's.

How come I'm jumping on the Band Wagon?


Sorry I thought you gave the thumbs up to the Grinder who was having his usual pop . got it wrong , up the Blades .

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25 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

You had to go back nearly 7 years to find something, and as if that's not embarrassing enough we now know you read the socialist worker!!!!



That was deliberate because once again the world did not change on Oct of this year

 We have also had references to Cable Street and of course Germany in the 30s.

Its probablyy available in other publications.

If not,Why not

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8 hours ago, RJRB said:

If you opened your other eye, you could add Communists and Fundamental Religious Islamic Fanatics to your short list!


Who's done most of the world's killing in the last 23 years?


NAZIS are a universally condemned fringe group these days!


Aside from those in Zelenskyy's Elite Group ASOV, they are not the same league as the others.


Edited by trastrick
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On 13/12/2023 at 18:02, Organgrinder said:

Nobody's going to browbeat you cressida,     and of course you are entitled to your opinion.

but I'm interested to know why and how things would be different under a Trump presidency.

The main reason is that this war was started in 1948 well before Trump was born and has carried on in fits and starts for 75 years.


American support and British support for Israel,  when they have been breaking International Law,  is the reason for there being no real overtures for peace.


Netanyahu will not accept a 2 state solution so it leaves a situation where there is no base to build a proper peace deal on.

How munificent of you!  🙂


But you accused her of being led down the garden path.


Any quick comparison between her  rational comments, and your ranta, indicates she has a better grip on really than you can ever hope to achieve., but no matter.


There's a reason why Democracies support each other. Try and figure it out!🙂


A Democracy will never tolerate a neighbor, especially a Terrorist State, who is constantly threatening to wipe you off the face of the earth. And carrying out those threats on a regular basis.


(See JFK, on Cuba)


There are Just Wars, and Unjust Wars. Depending on who''s side your are on, It takes wisdom to know the difference.


As for your confusion about Trump, It should be self evident that Russia invaded Ukraine Crimea under Obama/Biden, the again invaded Ukraine under Biden.


No new Invasions of Ukraine under Trump!


Many agree with Cressida's opinion, as does the Prime Minister of NATO country Hungary!


Also a view shared by some 70 million U.S.voters, who are closer to the situation, than armchair telly warmongers in Sheffield! 🙂



Viktor Orbán tells Tucker Carlson: Trump’s the man to save the West

Hoping Ukraine will beat Russia ‘is not just a misunderstanding. It is a lie. It’s impossible,’ Hungarian leader says in interview.


"Asked what he would do if he were U.S. President Joe Biden, Orbán said: “Call back Trump! Because you know, you can criticize him for many reasons … but … the best foreign policy of the recent several decades belongs to him.


"He did not initiate any new war, he treated nicely the North Koreans, and Russia and even the Chinese … and if he would have been the president at the moment of the Russian invasion [of Ukraine], it would be not possible to do that by the Russians.”


“Trump is the man who can save the Western world” and all of humanity, he said








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16 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I actually don't care what the US does,  one of the most corrupt nations on the planet.

They saved yer sorry ass from the NAZIS, Communists, Imperial Japanese, and the radical Islamic Terrorists.


But then, you are not a fan of the U.K., or Israel either.


You give Democracy a bad name!


14 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It looks very much as if  cressida   is also a supporter of mass killing of women,  children  and  babies

What a nasty, evil little person you are!

Edited by trastrick
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