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The Yom Kippur War .

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7 hours ago, Delbow said:

If they are unable to distinguish between Jewish hostages and Hamas personnel, that strongly suggests they also can't tell the difference between Hamas personnel and Palestinian civilians.



Terrorist cowards hide behind the civilian population, as a military strategy.

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6 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

Not really. I'd wager most countries objections are just lip service. 

You'd be right!


Western Democratic woke politicians, are between a rock and a hard place.


They have nurtured their minorities, and brought in millions more.


Now they have to  protect their voting bases, moderates and leftists, always with an eye to upcoming elections.


Like the majority who post here, they have to pay lip service to both sides in the event the "narrative" and public opinion changes.


And also  like the majority of posters here, they, by necessity, leave some "ambiguity" in case they grossly misread the public mood.


It's called politics!


Little to do with core values.  Politics and core values are strangers, except in a few rare instances, where a few independent folk dare to challenge the received wisdom of the manipulators and their gullible fellow travelers. 😀

Edited by trastrick
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7 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

You are entitled to your opinion 👍

It is NOT my opinion.   It is what is actually happening..

You don't know the difference between reality and make believe  -  except when your phones alerts you maybe.


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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It is NOT my opinion.   It is what is actually happening..

You don't know the difference between reality and make believe  -  except when your phones alerts you maybe.


There's always two sides to a story 


You believe in one side I believe in the other 👍

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57 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

There's always two sides to a story 


You believe in one side I believe in the other 👍

You have already said what is actually happening so you can't say it's not true now.

Wake up lad.

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

There's always two sides to a story 


You believe in one side I believe in the other 👍

One day, folks will again have to make a choice between barbarism, and flawed imperfect Democracy.


Both cannot co-exist with each other.


Who knows what they will choose?

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14 minutes ago, trastrick said:

One day, folks will again have to make a choice between barbarism, and flawed imperfect Democracy.


Both cannot co-exist with each other.


Who knows what they will choose?

The overpopulated violent world is moving towards nationalism 


Every nation for themselves 


The next world war will be over natural resources that will even include water 


A nuclear war might be the only thing to save mankind from itself 

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

The overpopulated violent world is moving towards nationalism 


Every nation for themselves 


The next world war will be over natural resources that will even include water 


A nuclear war might be the only thing to save mankind from itself 

And I think we would all agree,  that only fanatical radical religious extremists would be happy to speed up their journey to the Great Heaven in the sky and their promised just rewards from Allah, their 72  virgins.


The trick is to keep the terrorists from acquiring the means to obtain and deliver a nuclear weapon to complete their stated mission.


At the moment, that seems to be the only point of agreement between the current world powers!


So there's hope!

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1 minute ago, trastrick said:

And I think we would all agree,  that only fanatical radical religious extremists would be happy to speed up their journey to the Great Heaven in the sky and their promised just rewards from Allah, their 72  virgins.


The trick is to keep the terrorists from acquiring the means to obtain and deliver a nuclear weapon to complete their stated mission.


At the moment, that seems to be the only point of agreement between the current world powers!


So there's hope!

That's why the next major war will be in Iran


Those savages with weaponised uranium 


They'll hand it out like sweets to their brothers and sisters all around the world 

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

The overpopulated violent world is moving towards nationalism 


Every nation for themselves 


The next world war will be over natural resources that will even include water 


A nuclear war might be the only thing to save mankind from itself 

I agree with your first 3 lines.   The last line is stupid.         Very few survivors will not save mankind.

What do you think they'll eat and drink through a nuclear winter with most wildlife dead and contaminated.

Another bit of never neverland thinking.

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