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The Yom Kippur War .

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5 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

This is what happens when you bring politics into sports.....i said them that if they knell for BLM then they will be expected to get involved in everything else....it's ruining sport 🤬


I'm sure Gareth Southgate, Gary Lineker and Marcus Rashford will have plenty to say about it 

The Premier League are under pressure from clubs to issue a formal response to the outbreak of war in Israel, after remaining silent following last week's terrorist attack by Hamas




The whole terrible situation needs diffusing not expanding,  please desist.

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17 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Small children and baby,s have been found shot dead in the Kibbutz near the Gaza border , a woman   And baby was be headed , And there are still people on here blaming Israel for retaliating.  Perhaps those posters can tell what they would do if it was their kids who have been kidnapped or shot or be headed  .Hamas are not soldiers they are evil bastuurds

What is really outrageous, is that you have to point it out to them.


No historical lecture, can ever justify such acts.


But, it's obvious why terrorism and  crime is tolerated, justified, excused and even financed in a democracy!

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52 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I watched the BBC news last night, paying particular attention to the section on the war between Israel and Gaza. I only wish I could get a transcript of what was said. It was badly done and totally confusing to the point of misleading. This from the BBC? - Supposedly one of the best sources of information and best reporters in the World?


Bad editing or Deliberate obfuscation? I know which I think, but if people are using this as their only source of information, I'm not surprised at the confusion and level of some of the comments on here. Just an example - Same footage of multiple warheads flying overhead to their target said to be, a) from Israel sent into Gaza, then repeated later in same broadcast and said to be, b) from Gaza sent into Israel! Much emphasis on Israeli victims, children etc, much less on victims of mass Gaza bombing casualties etc, which must have had just as many if not more innocent victims. 


I know Britain is supposed to be heavily on the side of Israel, but we need to know clearly what's going on and why. Do we want biased media reporting, or simply the truth, so we can make our own minds up? 




Depends where their political bias is.


Unfortunately I only get CNN and their reporting is mainly on the victims in Gaza.

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16 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

 that you don't get terrorists wanting to kill you for no reason so attending to those reasons would pay dividends.


Unfortunately babies are not capable of reading history books, matey!

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17 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

This is what happens when you bring politics into sports.....i said them that if they knell for BLM then they will be expected to get involved in everything else....it's ruining sport 🤬


I'm sure Gareth Southgate, Gary Lineker and Marcus Rashford will have plenty to say about it 

The Premier League are under pressure from clubs to issue a formal response to the outbreak of war in Israel, after remaining silent following last week's terrorist attack by Hamas




Ah, more self gratification.  


Imagine the insecurity that they need to show others how much they apparently care.

19 minutes ago, janie48 said:

Irrelevant, most Muslims don't support Hamas or any other terrorist group.



On the outside maybe, but deep down most will, imo.

5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Unfortunately babies are not capable of reading history books, matey!


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Give it a few days and there will be increasing pressure on Israel to relent on some of the actions currently being taken.

The merry go round continues with no permanent solution in sight,

It’s a tragic and horrific situation all round for both Palestinians and Israeli citizens.

All wars include incidents of unbelievable cruelty well outside any conventions because all populations contain fanatics who get the opportunity to run riot.

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16 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

n this conversation,  just remember who created ISIS too.  They didn't just spring up for no reason.  The countries of the west created them.

Am I the only one who remembers sitting at school in the 1940's and learning about The Crusades   -   we were even at it back then until,  surprise, surprise,  someone really hates us.

Nobody is learning anything through all this bloodshed and misery so it just carries on and on.

And the blame game continues........


The West, and the Crusades. A thousand years ago.


What does that have to do with killing babies in 2023?


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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

I will say Au Renoir.

Don't let the armchair war mongering rabble run you off, Harvey!


I enjoy your posts.

3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Thank you.  Feel free to carry on trolling.  I do NOT agree with terrorism but I DO SEE WHY it happens.


Which is why, of course it is tolerated and excused!  :)


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