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The Yom Kippur War .

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8 minutes ago, mafya said:

Double standards are plentiful on this forum, hatred of Muslims and constant slagging them off is accepted but lo and behold if you refer to Jewish people as Jews you are instantly branded as anti semitic  etc.

You can’t silence the truth by calling someone anti semitic



My bold

Who? Where?



Again,  who? Where.


I've called Jews, Jews on here because guess what, they are Jews.

If what you're saying is true then I'll be branded antisemitic and I will apologize for being wrong.


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50 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I think you need to blame your Muslim brothers and sisters for people being sick and tired of islamic extremism


You think it's just about Israel and the Jews 


Maybe it's things like Charlie Hebdo and Manchester that people are angry at 


The 7th October was just another incident in the many that happen all around the world 

Or maybe it was something,  or even many things,     that happened long before then.    Your sense of history doesn't go back very far does it.

Your Islamophobia,  helped along by your plain ordinary racism,  is what you need to blame because it's people with your mindset who create the divisions between religions and races.

It's a pity you need a war in the middle east to feed your prejudice but fortunately,  ghouls like you are   STLL IN THE MINORITY..


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Or maybe it was something,  or even many things,     that happened long before then.    Your sense of history doesn't go back very far does it.

Your Islamophobia,  helped along by your plain ordinary racism,  is what you need to blame because it's people with your mindset who create the divisions between religions and races.

It's a pity you need a war in the middle east to feed your prejudice but fortunately,  ghouls like you are still in the minority.


You're entitled to your opinion 👍

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1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

You're entitled to your opinion 👍

I was aware of that,   and you are to yours too,   but you belong to a shrinking group.

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5 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Or maybe it was something,  or even many things,     that happened long before then.    Your sense of history doesn't go back very far does it.

Your Islamophobia,  helped along by your plain ordinary racism,  is what you need to blame because it's people with your mindset who create the divisions between religions and races.

It's a pity you need a war in the middle east to feed your prejudice but fortunately,  ghouls like you are   STLL IN THE MINORITY..


Good grief.


Imagine trying to justify the murder of many journalists just because they were part of a publication that made a joke about Muhammed.


How come no one was murdered when they made jokes about other religions?


Je Suis Charlie!!!!



Edited by Al Bundy
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6 hours ago, mafya said:

Double standards are plentiful on this forum, hatred of Muslims and constant slagging them off is accepted but lo and behold if you refer to Jewish people as Jews you are instantly branded as anti semitic  etc.

You can’t silence the truth by calling someone anti semitic

Nope.  Hatred of Muslims and slagging them off is reprehensible and unacceptable, and I've been slapping down people on here for doing just that since long before you signed up to the forum.


Statements like this:

16 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Why are the Jew haters anti-Semitic ? What causes it ?  Why do so many different people dislike them ?  If so many people don't like you,  there must be a reason for it.

are equally reprehensible and unacceptable.  Rephrase it in a way that implies general dislike, guilt and condemnation of Muslims as an undifferentiated group in response to some extremist atrocity, for example, and I'm sure you'd agree.

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44 minutes ago, Hecate said:

Nope.  Hatred of Muslims and slagging them off is reprehensible and unacceptable, and I've been slapping down people on here for doing just that since long before you signed up to the forum.


Statements like this:

are equally reprehensible and unacceptable.  Rephrase it in a way that implies general dislike, guilt and condemnation of Muslims as an undifferentiated group in response to some extremist atrocity, for example, and I'm sure you'd agree.

I’ve seen videos where Israelis are calling for all Palestinians to be exterminated, they know what is being done in Gaza and are happy with it so I think people are hating them not because they are Jewish or their religion but because they are in full knowledge that the Palestinians are under occupation and having their land and homes stolen and are ok with it.

Yes there are Jewish people who are against it but the majority are all for it.

We had the so called Arab spring where the citizens outed their leaders so why have the Israeli citizens not done the same and told their govt they are not accepting this and that a peaceful solution needs to be found?
I don’t think organgrinder meant what he said in any offensive way I think he was explaining that they need to realise why some people are starting to hate them after what has been happening.

The Israeli govt openly stated the Palestinians are human animals and they will get no food, fuel or water so it’s no wonder that people will be turning against them.

What is happening is wrong, it is genocide and ethnic cleansing no ifs or buts about it

The shooting of their own people the hostages who were waving a white flag and shirtless says it all, they are just exterminating people and on a bloodthirsty revenge mission.

They are using AI Genocide programme to obliterate Gaza=

https://www.wrmea.org/israel-palestine/how-israel-uses-an-ai-genocide-program-to-obliterate-gaza.html#:~:text=Two years ago%2C during an,the killings to a machine.
Stripping captives naked and videoing them is a violation of international law so how come they are allowed to do it?

Many educated academics and professors of law and human rights are also saying the same so yes israel and unfortunately Jewish people are being demonised due to the actions of their Govt and I think this is what organgrinder was trying to point out.

It also seems that speaking out about the situation gets you labelled a Jew hater or anti semitic as a way of silencing people but sorry it’s getting to a point where crying anti semitism constantly will not stop people speaking out.


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26 minutes ago, mafya said:

I’ve seen videos where Israelis are calling for all Palestinians to be exterminated, they know what is being done in Gaza and are happy with it so I think people are hating them not because they are Jewish or their religion but because they are in full knowledge that the Palestinians are under occupation and having their land and homes stolen and are ok with it.

Yes there are Jewish people who are against it but the majority are all for it.

We had the so called Arab spring where the citizens outed their leaders so why have the Israeli citizens not done the same and told their govt they are not accepting this and that a peaceful solution needs to be found?
I don’t think organgrinder meant what he said in any offensive way I think he was explaining that they need to realise why some people are starting to hate them after what has been happening.

The Israeli govt openly stated the Palestinians are human animals and they will get no food, fuel or water so it’s no wonder that people will be turning against them.

What is happening is wrong, it is genocide and ethnic cleansing no ifs or buts about it

The shooting of their own people the hostages who were waving a white flag and shirtless says it all, they are just exterminating people and on a bloodthirsty revenge mission.

They are using AI Genocide programme to obliterate Gaza=

https://www.wrmea.org/israel-palestine/how-israel-uses-an-ai-genocide-program-to-obliterate-gaza.html#:~:text=Two years ago%2C during an,the killings to a machine.
Stripping captives naked and videoing them is a violation of international law so how come they are allowed to do it?

Many educated academics and professors of law and human rights are also saying the same so yes israel and unfortunately Jewish people are being demonised due to the actions of their Govt and I think this is what organgrinder was trying to point out.

It also seems that speaking out about the situation gets you labelled a Jew hater or anti semitic as a way of silencing people but sorry it’s getting to a point where crying anti semitism constantly will not stop people speaking out.


And yet you don't seem to accept that others have ill feelings towards Muslims because it's Muslims who are blowing up innocent folk at concerts and murdering journalists for making jokes.


If Israel wanted to obliterate Gaza, they would have done it before now.


Israel has not shown anywhere near the same levels of barbarity. It had opened its borders to Palestinian workers and opened trade up to improve people’s lives. That is a tangible, human and open gesture and it was exploited by one of the most evil regimes on the planet.


Hamas deliberately targeted those Israeli citizens who were interacting and working together with their Palestinian neighbours in return.


They have shown the world that they have no other interest than killing as many Jews as they can get their hands on, in the most abhorrent ways imaginable. Fortunately, “only” 1500 deaths on October 7th was all they are capable of. They would have wished for many, many more.


If you think the world is turning against Israel, then think again.



Edited by Al Bundy
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