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The Yom Kippur War .

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Guest ThaBoom
8 hours ago, harvey19 said:

Political, armed ?



You don't think a country has a right to defend itself after decades of occupation?


Interesting details emerging (not surprised) that Israeli government lying about Hamas beheading. 


Probably same about the 'rapes'.



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6 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Your allowed to say "I stand with Hamas." On Facebook. I reported someone on Sunday morning for doing just that and I've just had a message back from FB telling me they've looked at it and decided that it doesn't go against their community standards.


Are you speaking to someone in particular because I haven't heard anyone on here saying that they stand with Hamas yet.

Some of us sympathise with the Palestinian people for the oppression they have suffered for many years from Israel.

Facebook are not exactly the United Nations either.


Edited by Organgrinder
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4 hours ago, cuttsie said:

You three cannot leave it alone can you , just start another thread and lash King and Country out on there , I will no doubt join you 

We once had the   French ,  Roman and Viking troubles ,so we have been invaded despite people saying we haven’t, 

But it’s left us with a good blood line so far and good roads .

I have no interest in starting a thread on the subject but will answer comments on it. I've already suggested to the other two that they should start a thread.


Invasions centuries ago which have either withdrawn of their own accord  ( The Romans ) or partially remained  and integrated with the general population ( The Vikings )   or remained, ran the country and passed down that advantage to their descendants  

( The French ) are hardly comparable with actions which are still having a negative effect to this day, are they? 

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14 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Your allowed to say "I stand with Hamas." On Facebook. I reported someone on Sunday morning for doing just that and I've just had a message back from FB telling me they've looked at it and decided that it doesn't go against their community standards.

Say they support Trump and they'll be banned within the hour 

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1 hour ago, mafya said:

Do you think no babies are being killed in Gaza right now?

I don’t support Hamas but I do support the right of Palestinians to be free of occupation.

Innocent people are being killed on both sides so rather then pointing the finger of blame those in charge should force a peace solution to sort out this decades long conflict once and for all instead of supplying one side with advanced weapons…

Unfortunately yes, they are at war.


But the big picture is that there are two primary occupants of the territory formerly known as Palestine, the Israelis and Palestinians.


One side, has accepted that reality, and the other side hasn't. Who has the right to be there, is clouded in wars and political machinations by the West, but historically it has been the home of both Jews and Arabs.


So the "Palestine Question" is the same as it has been for 50 years or so,  with a  internationally (U.N.) sanctioned partition, but with a complicated and gerrymandering border, almost impossible to enforce.


And with one side (and its supporters like Iran) refusing Israel's right to exist, and the other side, Israel, struggling bravely to exist the flash points and strife will continue, until the West (who, as usual is financing both sides :)) bring the matter once again, to the United Nations to be settled, once and for all, with U.N. Peacekeepers there to enforce the boundaries, for as long as it takes. At least a generation until the old wounds heal.


So with a renewed U.N. Focus on matters such as this, rather than trying to fine tune the weather to a couple of degrees by the year 2,000, some progress can be made.


The first step would be for the West to defund the currently dysfunctional and ineffective U.N. and reorganize it along the lines it was first conceived, namely to prevent wars.


The common thread in these crises as always, is MONEY! Which flows like manna to the U.N. Palestine and Israel.


So no answer soon, until some great leader and statesman shows up for work.


And, as usual, I have one to nominate.


One who's not in it for the money, because that, he has! :)



Edited by trastrick
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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold 

If this clip is to be believed it could well be .....



I don't know where the clip is, who's made it and for what reasons.

I only know that,  to me personally,  it isn't where the guns came from that matters but what they were used for.

When you get down to the nitty gritty of arms dealing,  then the less said the better as far as UK and USA are concerned.

We simply need to prevent wars from happening but not by surrendering to the big boys.

Unlike many others, I am happy to see a great public response to this Middle Eastern problem so that governments know they are being watched  and,

if the response is free of violence then no harm done in my view.   Whatever our governments do,  they do it in our name  so I like it to be squeaky clean.


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